t h i r t y f o u r

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"thank you,"jisung says, wrapping his hands around the cup of water mark just gave to him. mark nods his head and sits across from the boy. jisung lets out a sigh and mark takes his hands, tracing over the bruises that were hid from sleeves.

"who did this to you?"mark asks, trying his best to comfort the boy without making him upset. jisung sighs and asks if they could go in the living room. mark leads the boy onto the couch and jisung starts off his story.

"my dad died. my mom went a bit insane and ever since, she's been hitting me. i, i just don't want to be there anymore mark. she's going to hurt me even more,"jisung starts tearing up at the realization. he hadn't come home which would make his mom even more angry than before. mark rushes over and shushes the boy, feeling sympathy as if he were his brother.

"you can stay with me for as long as you need. i'll go get your backpack and everything you need,"mark says. jisung looks up and tackles the older in a hug, muttering a thank you into his chest.

"of course. but first, youngjae needs some help."


"i'm jaebum! stop it!"youngjae yells at the older, jaebum lets out a laugh. he proceeds to chase youngjae around the room, tripping him softly and catching him, making sure the baby didn't get hurt.

"jaebum i swear to god if you- jaebum!!!"youngjae squeals when he feels paint on his cheek. mark opens the door and laughs at the two boys who were painting the baby's room. the boys had finally decided that they were going to move into jaebum's house.

"you two are so cute,"mark says, pulling on one of the aprons. jisung bows his head and walks over to mark. ever since the last incident with his mom, he's been a little messed up and attached to mark.

"hey is everything okay jisung?"jaebum asks, letting go of youngjae but making sure he did not fall. jisung nods his head, cuddling into mark's side. he did not really understand why he was being so clingy. he just felt safe, which is something he has not felt in a long time.

a bang on the door interrupts the curious boys as a certain black headed boy walked in. jisung lets out a smile and rushes over to the more familiar boy. chani falls into the hug with a grin and mark smiles, knowing he has a friend to go to if mark had work.

"chani! you came,"youngjae says with a smirk. chani looks over with a smile, but raises an eyebrow at the smirk. just then a certain tall figure walks out of the bathroom, interrupting the confusion.

"a-actually my mom called, i-ive gotta go-"

"come on chani, i don't bite,"rowoon says, winking at the younger. jisung looks up at rowoon and his jaw drops. he punches chani's shoulder and walks over to the elder.

"hello. i am jisung, you are rowoon i am guessing?"

"yes i am, you've heard of me?"rowoon asks, tilting his head and making chani rush over to mark and hide his face. mark laughs at the younger, remembering when he was like that with jackson. his face drops at the thought of jackson, but he tries to shake it off and leave it for later on.

"of course i have! i am chani's best friend, you're all he talks about."

"but hurt him and i will hurt you,"jisung says, pointing a finger at the older male. the fact that chani's crush showed up made him forget all about his mother and being shy. he just made sure his best friend was going to be okay.

"i-i don't know-"

"chani~ it'll be fun!"rowoon says, going over and hugging the younger from behind. chani's face turning a deep crimson as he squeals. rowoon lets out a toothy grin before ruffling chani's hair.

"so. where do we start?"rowoon exclaims, clapping his hands together and placing an arm around the blushing boy. chani looks up at rowoon who looks back. youngjae lets out a small giggle, time for the fun part.


wow hi! sorry for taking forever to update,, i've just had a shit ton of writers block. also! there will be a part two to this chapter up soon. i've been hella stressed too because i'm buying got7 tickets on saturday,, wish me luck... ANYWAYS~

question : favorite k-drama ?

answer : hello my twenties// age of youth.

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