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Shawn's POV:

The t.v. buzzes in the background as I begin to doze off in my chair. I hear the door open and close, but I pay no attention to it, probably Gus. I feel a finger poke me in my shoulder, I just shrug it off.

"Shawn!" Gus exclaims as he pushes me out of my chair. I fall to the ground. I groan as I sit up. "Dude I was almost asleep."

"Which is why I woke you up," Gus replies. "We have a new case from the cheif, but she didn't tell me what the case was," his voice trails off.

"Maybe this time it is an ice cream theif!" I exclaim the idea making us both smile. I then get up and walk out the Psych office.

Gus drives the blueberry to the address Vick gave us. My phone suddenly buzzes in my pocket. I take it out to see that my dad is calling me. I press ignore and return my phone to my pocket.

"Who was it?" Gus asks to start a conversation.

"My dad," I stare out the window, bored with the current conversation.

"Why didn't you answer?"

"Becuase I'm tired. Which wouldn't have been a problem if you would have just let me take a nap!" I snap baack at him.

"After this, we have to go eat at Red Panda," Gus looks at me waiting for my approval.

"You know that's right!" and we fist bump, making it official.

We finally drive up on the crime scene. I notice right away that some people are red eyed or pale. As I walk up to the crime scene I raise a questiong eyebrow at Juliet, silently asking her what is going on. She shakes her head and walks up to me.

"It's not pretty," she warns.

"What's up with all the red eyes?" as I ask this I notic that Jules's eyes are red at the corners.

"You will have to see for your self, and please be respuctful," I just nod in return. She leads me to the door, where I enter first.

The first thing I see is a puddle of blood, and it looks like something, or someone, had been in it. I continue farther into the house. I see blood splatters on the walls. I hear Gus gag behind me. I hear the others in the living room. I make my way in and quickly regret it. A young boy lies in a pool of blood. I feel Jules lean slightly on me. It is just too surreal.

"Alright, let's just finish this up as quick as poosible and find who did this. O'Hara, when the brother wakes up ask him what he saw," Lassiter commands, as usual. But this time, he is less harsh and loud. Jules nods and looks up at me, to see my reaction. Memories fly in my mind, things Gus doesn't even know.

"There was another?" I ask, trying to keep my voice study.

"Yes. This is Kyle, eight years old. The other one is Derek. They were both stabbed in the abdomen. Derek may or may not make it, they're not sure," Lassie's voice trails off.

I take a deep breath and look around the house, trying to piece together what the hell happened. The front door shows evidence of being kicked in. The front door takes you into the kitchen, were Derek was stabbed. I then go under the archway to the living room, where Kyle is. My throat tightens at the sight of him, so I go into the dining room. There are blood splatters on a wall and on a single chair.

"Got anything?" Juliet's voice causes me to jump. "Sorry."

"It's alright, I didn't know you were behind me, and no. Wait, was he attacked in here?" I ask pointing to the wall and chair.

"Yeah, why?"

"How badly, 'cause there's a lot of blood on that wall and chair," I answer.

"He had blunt force trauma. Do you think it was from the chair?" as she asks this I notice a guitar. I shake my head, answering her question about the weapon. As I near the guitar, I can clearly see that the body of it is covered in blood. Even a non-fake psychic could see that. I point to it, and she instructs people to test it for finger prints.

I eventually walk outside to find Gus sitting in the blueberry. I never noticed him leaving. While walking to the blueberry, a hand grabs my arm. I stop and look behind me, it's Jules.

"You alright?" her voice breaks at the end of her question.

"I was going to ask you the same thing," I reply.

"Who could do such a thing, to two helpless boys?" her voice breaks again.

"A monster," my voice breaks this time, and I look into the distance. The hellish memories returning. She pats my shoulder then makes her way over to Lassie.

I get in the blueberry and remain unusually quiet.

"You good?" Gus's voice is rough and his eyes are red. I just turn my head and look out the window. Gus just starts the car and heads to the Psych office.

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