Unnecessary Apology

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Shawn’s POV:

I sit there, now alone. A dream that I was dead? I wasn’t expecting that. I thought that somebody got hurt or died.There is a knock at the door then it opens. It Jules.

“Somebody wants to see you,” she says. I raise an eyebrow. An elderly frail woman enters my room then sits in a chair next to my bed. Jules shuts the door, leaving just me and the elderly lady.

“Hello Mr. Spencer. I’m Mary York. My son is Joseph York,” she introduces herself. I nod.

“Call me Shawn,” I tell her.

“Only if you call me Mary,” she responds.

“Alright,” I reply.

“I’m so sorry for what my son did to you,” she apologizes.

“It wasn’t your fault,” I tell her.

“I’m sorry he killed your brother and all of them innocent children.”

“Mam, you aren’t responsible for your son’s actions.”

“I’m his mother,” she replies.

“Mam, you can’t control what he does once he leaves,” I respond.

“Just let me say my apology,” she demands. I nod. “I’m sorry for what my son did. I’m sorry he killed your brother. I’m sorry he stabbed you twice. I’m sorry he killed all of them innocent children. I’m sorry he killed the ones who survived the first time. I am sorry if he haunted you all of these. I’m sorry for all of the physical and emotional pain he has caused you,” She finishes.

“It’s not your fault.”

“Do you forgive me?” she asks me.

“Sure,” I reply, confused.

“What about my son?” she asks me. I frown.

“No. I’m sorry. I know I should but-”

“No young man, it’s fine,” she stops me. “Detective O’Hara told me that you and your brother were my son’s first victims.” I nod. “If you don’t mind tell me what happened.”

“My brother and I were watching t.v. when we heard a knock at the door. My brother went and opened the door, thinking that it was someone looking for our dad, but it wasn’t. It was your son. He stabbed my brother. He then chased me into the kitchen, he sliced my back. I ran back into the living room where he stabbed me in the abdomen. He then left,” I tell her.

“Your brother died? How old were you?” she asks me.

“Yeah. He was seven and I was five. It was exactly a week before my birthday,” I say. She frowns. The birthday part was random, but the detail just popped into my head.

“Once again, I am so sorry,” the woman apologizes again.

“I’m sorry for the loss of all three of your children,” I tell her. She smiles.

“You know what? You’re the first person to say that for any of my children,” she informs me. I smile, she smiles in return. Poor woman. She says goodbye then leaves. The chief then walks in. I raise an eyebrow.

“Hi Mr. Spencer. How you feeling?” she asks me, sitting in a chair next to my bed.

“Fine,” I answer. She smiles, I smile in return. My smile disappears.

“What is it Shawn?” she asks me.


“Don’t lie,” she says. I sigh.

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