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Shawn’s POV:

The man walks up to me, now calm.

“Anymore questions?” he asks me.

“Yes, is there another reason you kill? If so, what?” I ask, looking at the floor.

“Yes, my alcoholic and abusive father killed my two year-old sister. You don’t know what it’s like to be abused multiple times,” his voice trails off. I look away.

“Do you?” he asks. I close my eyes.

“No,” I reply. I open my eyes to see him hovering right over me.

“How about you Derek?” he asks, still hovering over me.

“Once,” he squeaks. My heart breaks.

“Your dad?” I ask this time. He nods and begins to cry. The man stands up, he looks confused. I feel confused. Why did he tell me about his past? Why me? He is suddenly in front of me, with a bat. He quickly smashes me in the chest, he then hits me in my right side. A scream with my jaw clenched. He laughs a maniac laugh, he has truly lost his mind. Great, I’m here with a mad man. He breaks me from my thoughts by bringing the bat across my head. My vision is clouded by pain, and my skull screams in pain. I groan at the horrible pain, he laughs again. He brings the handle into my temple. Everything goes white for a few seconds, then it’s just clouded, my head ache gets even worse. Derek screams in terror next to me. The man then hits me in the chest a couple more times with the bat, breaking, at the least, one rib. He then drives the end of the bat into my right side, I scream in pain, he once again laughs like a maniac. I look outside, it’s getting bright outside. He stops laughing and looks to, he groans and frowns.

“I have to go, I’ll be right back, so don’t try anything stupid,” he spits at me. He then brings the bat over my head, pain once again exploding in my skull. He then hits my side again, before exiting through a metal door, locking it from the outside. I groan at the pain in my chest, ribs, side, and head. Why can’t this man just kill me already? I look around, I notice a hole in the wall. I’m too big to fit through, but Derek isn’t. I purposely fall back in the chair, glass shredding my skin. I grab a piece and cut the rope that binds my wrists. I then do the same to the ropes around my ankles and mid-section. I turn my head to look out the window. The man drives straight by in an old red Ford pick-up truck. I then start to get up, pain shooting through me, but I fight, I have to. I finally get to my feet and cut Derek’s ropes. He hugs me tightly when I free him, I hold in my scream of pain.

“Okay Derek , you have to listen to me. See that hole in the wall over there?” I ask pointing. He nods. “You will climb through there, then you’ll be in the lobby area. The door should be unlocked-”

“What about you?” he asks, tears streaming down his face.

“I can’t fit,” I reply, a single tear falling from my eye.

“You have to live, you deserve a chance. I’ve already had mine, now it’s your turn,” I say, my voice cracking. We then walk to the wall.

“If it’s not unlocked, yell at me. If it’s not locked, run. You have to run,” I instruct. I find an old piece of paper and an old broken pencil, it is a factory after all. I then right down Juliet’s number. “Call this number when you get out.” I then get my phone off a table, the  man must have taken it when I was out. “Call right when you get out, and describe where we are. Tell her what shops there are and the street names. Okay?” He nods. I hug him tightly, ignoring the pain.

“I love you Shawn,” he says, shattering my heart.

        “I love you too buddy,” I reply. I then help him through the hole. I hear him jiggle the door knob. Oh no. Is it locked? I then hear the door creak open. Relief floods me. I fall to the ground in pain and exhausted. I did it. I saved him.

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