The News

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Gus’s POV:

I sit there next to Henry, waiting to hear about Shawn. Will he make it? He has to, this isn’t happening, it can’t! But it is, I can’t believe it is. I can’t believe things changed so quickly. That one phone call to come crime scene, started a downward spiral towards hell. And now my best friend could die. If the man that did this to him wasn’t already dead, I’d kill him myself. I would have never imagined myself in this situation. If you said that one of us would be in the hospital, I would have thought that it would be me, never once Shawn.

He can’t die. He’s my best friend. He made my life what it is, he is the one that puts the fun in my life. If it wasn’t for him, my life would be painfully bland. He has saved my life many times, and he would do anything for me, and I would do the same. Every time I’ve been in trouble, I knew he would rescue me. But this time, he was the one that needed rescuing, and I wasn’t there. I let him down. My heart is suddenly heavy with guilt. If I was in trouble, he would use his special skills to find me. He would find me even if no one else could. But this time, it took a six year-old to find him, and Derek was following Shawn’s instructions. Shawn has saved many lives and brought justice to the ones that have died. We saved him once, when he was shot in the shoulder, but this time it was much more severe. This time there was no case, evidence, or Shawn’s previous work to help us. He did all of the work and he was the one being held hostage. I feel like a horrible friend. I wish I would I have known sooner. But what would I have done?

A random thought suddenly hits me. Why is Henry here? He disowned Shawn and told him that he wished he was dead. If he hates him enough to just say those words, why is here?

Henry POV:

I sit there, worried about my son’s life. It’s not supposed to be like this. He should be at my funeral, not the other way around, I hope things don’t happen that way. He doesn’t know it, but he is my pride and joy. I’m proud of him, sure I would prefer that he had become a detective, but at least he gets the job done. He followed my foot prints, for the most part. He has saved many lives and solved many cases. He just recently saved two boys’ lives. I’m damn proud.

I am aware what I said earlier when he was at my house doesn’t match what I just said. It’s not just his possible death making me realize the truth. I really hope he doesn’t die, so I can tell him what he really means to me. He was meant to live, that’s why he did. I hope he was meant to live this to. Jake was never my only son, he was my oldest, but not my only one. And I’m glad Shawn didn’t answer the door, he could have died. I could have lost both of my boys. Shawn lived, and in return, many lives were saved. He has also changed many lives, including mine. He became a better man than me, and I’m proud.

Maddie’s POV:

I look up at the clock, it’s been four hours, without a single update. I never thought I’d be in this situation, again. Once was enough, but I never thought there’d be a second. If there was going to a second one, I thought that it would be because of a car wreck, but it’s not. The same man that hurt him the first time came back to finish his work. I can’t help but feel guilty. That man was in my office, talking to me. He threatened me, but many others did as well. I can’t believe I didn’t make the connection earlier, I always thought that the attack was random.

As I sit there, I think about his case. Gus told me that Shawn saved two boys. I’m so proud of him. Jules told me about what he did in the factory. He helped Derek escape from the madman. He knew the man would beat him, but didn’t care. Perhaps he thought that he was going to die either way, I hope he was wrong. I wish that hole would have been big enough for him to escape through. Might not have made it far, but he could have made it some where close. But things didn’t turn out that way, he didn’t escape. Nope, instead, he’s in surgery, possibly dying. The only son I have left, could die. I’ve already lost one son, I don’t want to lose another. It killed me losing Jake, work was my escape, but that didn’t help Shawn any. I wish I could have been there for him more often, but I wasn’t, and I can’t change that.

It’s hard for me to wrap my head around the possibility of Shawn dying. But then again, it’s not supposed to be easy. I love him more than he will ever know. I wish I would have told him how much he truly means to me. I hope Henry would do the same. I know that he didn’t mean what he said, but Shawn might not ever know that. I’m ripped from my thoughts by a horrible scream, followed by a sob. I look in the direction the commotion is coming from. A woman cries at the lost of a loved one. I hope I don’t hear the same news. It hurts enough just knowing that there is that possibility. A nurse comes walking in our direction.

“Shawn Spencer’s family?” she asks. We all nod. “He made it through surgery, he’ll be fine, but it will take time.”

“What all was wrong with him?” Henry asks. The nurse motions us towards a hallway, so that no one else will hear.

“He lost a lot of blood, over two pints. He was stabbed in the stomach, he also had a deep cut going all the wall across his chest, but it was older. He has a severe concussion and seven broken ribs, four on his right side and three on left. He had an infection in his bullet on his right side, we took care of it. His right leg is broken, but he will only need a boot cast. He had a lot of small cuts all over his body, but none of them were too deep and took out all of the glass. Like I said, he’ll be fine. But it will take time,” she finally finishes. We all sigh in relief. He’ll be okay. He’s alive.

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