Now What

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Juliet's POV:

Shawn didn't have to get stitches if he didn't want to, and of course he didn't. He also had to get bandages on the lower half of his right calf, where the boards got him when he fell through. We sit in a room, waiting for Shawn to be released. Shawn's phone suddenly goes off. I get his phone out of my purse where I put it, I pull it out and hand it to Shawn. Shawn takes his phone and answers it.

"Hey dad," I sit next to Shawn so I can hear the conversation.

"Are you busy?"

"Yeah, I'm in the hopsital," Shawn replies.

"Talking to Derek again?" asks Henry. It's not a bad guess really.

"Uh, no. We were in Derek's house, which is run down. And I might have fallen through a step, and I might have a huge deep cut in my arm," answers Shawn, smiling.

"What?" shouts Henry. I take the phone from Shawn, who is still smiling.

"Mr. Spencer?"

"Jules? Oh, good. He's kidding, right?"

"I'm afraid not. We're waiting to be released," I inform him. Shawn's smile disappears. He rests his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes. I rest a hand on the side of his head.

"Is Shawn alright?" Henry asks,with worry in his voice.

"Yeah, he's fine now. He has a couple of bruises from falling through the wood. He lost a good amount of blood from his arm, but he'll be fine," I assure him.

"How bad was the cut?" asks Henry.

"It was large and deep. But like I said, he'll be fine," I reassure Henry. Henry thanks me then hangs up. I put the phone back in my purse. I look down at Shawn, he's relaxed and calm, I won't bother him. His eyes scan the room for a hundredth time, looking for something to do. On the way over, he began to look pale, from the blood loss, but they gave him a little blood, he'll be alright. I notice that Shawn his his bandaged arm in close to him. The door opens and Shawn sits up. The doctor finally releases us. We ride over to the police department. When we arrive, we enter Vick's office. She looks up from her work and smiles at us. I remain standing while Shawn takes a seat. He looks tired.

"I have the house condemned," announces Karen with a smile.

"How did Derek and Kyle live in there?" I wonder out loud. Karen shrugs.

"Are you alright Shawn?" she asks. Shawn nods. He leans and forwards and winces.

"I'm not convinced," she says, with a worried face.

"I'm fine, just some bruised ribs," he replies. The cheif looks down at his arm.

"And you're arm?"

"It's all bandaged up. I'm fine cheif, really," says Shawn. Karen sighs.

"Fine. So, now to the notes." The notes! I almost forgot about those.

"The notes tell us nothing," says Shawn.

"We checked for finger prints and got nothing," sighs the cheif.

"So we have nothing?" asks Shawn. Karen shakes her head. Shawn sighs and leans back in his chair, he winces as he moves in his chair. He keeps his arm close to him.

"You can go Mr. Spencer, but I want to talk to you Juliet." Shawn winces as he stands up. He then walks out, leaving me alone with the cheif.

"I want you to keep an eye on Shawn. Keep him mentally sane and stable, and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. Also, help him out. He's obviously in pain. I don't want him getting any more injuries. I want him on this case." I nod and she lets me go. Shawn is leaning against the wall by the entrance to the department. We leave, going home, because it's past nine o,clock.

When we get home, Shawn heats up his sandwhich while I fix my own. We sit in the living room. We're silent, lost in thought. Shawn throughs away his wrapper and I finish my sandwhich. Shawn returns to his seat next to me. I rest my head on his chest, he then rests his own head on mine. I swing my legs up and set them on his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist as I wrap my own around his neck. And we fall asleep that way, tangled in the other. We wake up to the sound of my ringtone. I look at the time, it's one thrity in the morning!


"O'Hara. We need you and Shawn over at the hospital, there's a situation with the boy."

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