Dangling Knives

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Shawn's POV:

When we get home I collapse on the couch. Jules sits next to me. She runs a hand through my hair. I close my eyes exhausted. She kisses my temple then rests against me. I put an arm around her. She presses up against me even more. I begin to drift off to sleep.

My eyes snap open. I'm in a dark room. I hear laughter all around me, it bounces off the walls. It's like the laugh of a villan on a cartoon show, but more realistic. It sounds more like a mad man as it continues to echo through the room. I glide my hand along the wall, looking for a light switch, instead I feel something slice my finger. I take it back from the wall and suck on my finger. I continue searching for a light switch with my other hand. Something gets my entire palm this time. I cry out. I feel blood pouring from my hand. As I continue searching with the hand I started with, I feel something sharp get the side of my right calf. I feel more sharp things cut me all over as I continue my search. I feel something stab my right side, I cry out in pain. I finally feel a switch. I turn on the light. Finally, the light flickers and dimmly lights the room. I now know what kept cutting me, knives. They're everywhere. There are some on the walls and some pointing straight up on the floor. There are knives hanging from the cieling! A knife sways right in front of my face. I look at my reflection. I have cuts on my face from the knives. My eyes are unusually dark. I notice that I am extremely pale.  I haven't been this pale since... I look down at my stomach. I have a stab wound, and not a little one. This is a dream. I pinch myself, to no avail. I scream for help, nothing. I have to escape. I look along the walls to find a bare spot. I put my hand on it, nothing. What is happening? I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. The hand then spins me around. It's a man dressed completely in black. He then stabs me where I was already stabbed.

My eyes snap open. I breathe heavily from the nightmare. Jules is still asleep next to me, her head on my shoulder. I gently get up, resting her head on the back of the couch. I make coffee and grab a piece of paper and a pen. I sit at the dining table with my coffee, paper, and pen. I start 

out the same way I did on the board at the Psych office. Then I turn the paper over and copy all of the notes down, leaving room from more. I hear Jules shift on the couch but I ignore her. I keep my attention on the paper. Every note ends with 'Say Goodbye Shawn'. What does that mean? The thought pops into my head that I still need to look at the new note and the video, could be something on it. Suddenly, I feel hands on my shoulders. I jump. I hear Jules luagh behind me, I only smile. She wraps her arms around my chest and rests her head on my shoulder.

"What you up to?" she asks.

"Trying to figure out what the notes mean," I inform her. She sighs and sits in the chair next to me. She looks over what I wrote.

"They all end with 'Say Goodbye Shawn'," I repeat, this time out loud.

"Alright so, it's probably the same guy that attacked you and Jake," she wonders aloud. I frown at the thought that comes to my mind. He doesn't mean say goodbye to him. He's telling me to say goodbye to everyone else. I keep the thought to myself, just in case I'm wrong. Jules gets up and comes back with a cup of coffee. I stare at the words, but find nothing. I groan in frustration. I throw my pen down and wobble over to the couch. I lay on my back, looking up at the cieling. Jules sits on the floor next to me.

"Did you have another nightmare?" she asks me, starting a conversation.

"Yeah, I was in a room full of nothing but knives. There were knives on the floor, walls, and ceiling. They kept cutting me as I searched for a light. When I turned on the light-" I stop abruptly, deciding not to tell the rest. She stands up and kisses me. She then gets ready for work. I get dresssed and wait for Jules. She drops me off at Psych. When I walk in Gus is already there, studying the board. He turns around when I shut the door.

"You look tired Shawn," he tells me, turning his attention back to the board.

"Derek escaped from his room at one in the morning and I couldn't get back to sleep, but when I did I just had another nightmare," I say in return.

"Why did he leave his room?"

"The man was in his room, he left a note. He also left a DVD of me when I went through the stairs at Derek's house. He went into a closet. I eventually got him to come out, I had to carry him out though. And when we got back, there was a knife on the counter. He had a complete melt down," I tell Gus the story. He looks at me shocked.

"Well that was eventful," he replies. I just nod. I then stand next to him, my ankle hurts, but I ignore it. 

"We have nothing, nothing!" I exclaim, causing Gus to jump. I walk back to my desk. My ankle suddenly gives out and I fall to my knees. I hear Gus next to me, but I block him out. I put a hand on my desk and push myself up. Gus helps me up as well. I then collapse into my chair. Gus sighs and sits on my desk. Usually, I'd tell him to get off because I don't want his butt germs all over my desk. But at the moment I don't care. Gus frowns down at me.

"What's bothering you Shawn?" he asks me, concern in his voice.

"Everything," I answer. Gus sighs, frustrated. "Gus, I'm confused. We have nothing on this guy. A kid is depending on me and I'm his mental stability. Memories of when Jake and I were attacked keep haunting me and I can't sleep without having a nightmare!" I exclaim, frustrated as well. He nods. My desk phone rings.

"Psych," I answer. "Of course chief," I answer before hanging up.

"What does she want?" asks Gus.

"She wants us down there to work on the case," I answer. He nods.

"I promised my mom I'd go to town with her today. But I promise, when I'm done, I will help the rest of the case," claims Gus. I nod and tell him to go. I take a taxi to the police station. I walk into the meeting room. There, Lassie, Jules, Vick, McNab, and other officers are talking busily. I sit between Jules and the chief. There are discussing the notes. My earlier thought comes back. The chief's phone rings. She answers and talks quietly. She sighs then hangs up.

"Who was it?" I ask her. She looks at me wearliy.

"Claire, she told me that there was a situation with Derek being released," she sighs. I look at her, confused. What could possibly be wrong?

"Do you want to come with me?" she asks. I nod and we leave the chatter of the room. When we get outside at first it's quiet, then someone starts screaming. We look for what they are screaming at. A small knife barely misses a lady running by. Vick pulls out her gun while I try to locate the person responsible. But before I can get a good look around, a knife comes hurling right at the chief's head.

"Chief!" I exclaim. She looks at me confused. I put my arm in front her to protect her. The knife lands on the inside of my arm, which I had facing that direction. It sticks in and I hold in a scream but can't hold back a groan. Karen puts a hand on my shoulder and looks wildly for the man, but finds nothing. She puts a hand on my back and the other on my chest. She sits me on a bench in front of the department. A note is attatched to the blade of the knife. Karen looks at me, eyes wide. I sigh, knowing what I have to do. I pull out the knife, screaming with my jaw clenched shut. Of course, it had to be my injured arm. I take the note off and read it.

"Shawn, you should be more careful. I'm getting tired of waiting. Say goodbye Shawn." I read aloud. 

"Waiting for what?" asks the chief, reading my mind. I shrug.

"Okay, I'm going to take you to the hospital. Come on," she instructs. I stand up and follow the chief to her car. I wrap my sleeve tightly around my arm.

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