What Henry Saw

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Juliet's POV:

Gus and I look through the pictures while Shawn is in the kitchen. Suddenly I hear Shawn rush to the bathroom and throw up. Henry walks into the living room, frowning.

"What happened?" while I ask, Henry gives me another stack of pictures. I walk into the kitchen to look at them, I am tired of sitting. The picture on top, the one that must have made Shawn throw up, will forever haunt me. Shawn had his head on Jake's dead body. The picture made me gag.

"That's how we found them. I just got out from under cover work. When I heard that there was an emergency at my house I had to be there. I got there the same time everyone else did. The first thing I saw was Shawn with his head on Jake. At first I thought Shawn was dead and that Jake was alive, becuase Shawn's eyes were closed and Jake's eyes were open. When I got closer, I realized that Shawn was breathing, and that Jake wasn't . At that point I could tell that there was nothing I could do for Jake. So, I had to save Shawn. I wasn't going to lose both of my sons. Shawn will never know how much he really means to me," Henry looks away from me, he eyes slightly red.

"Shawn had his head on Jake's chest. Shawn heard and felt his brother take his last breath and his very last heart beat. Can you imagine what that's like for a five year old boy?" Henry asks. I then wonder what it would be like. I decide that it would be absolutely terrifying.

Gus walks in and announces,"I'm going home, I've had enough for one day." He then gets in the blueberry and drives home. I walk into the living room to find Shawn asleep on the couch. I grab a pillow next to his feet and sit on it on the floor. I sit with my head next to Shawn's. I can feel his breath on my ear and on the side of my face. I rest my head next to his chest. He has a hand over the edge of the couch. I take his hand with both of my own and bring my head closer to his chest. I close my eyes and listen to his breaths. His breathing is staggered and quick, he msut be having another nightmare. I can also hear his heart race. I feel sorry for him, no wonder this case bothers him so much, becuase he's lived it.

"Shawn alright?" asks Henry as he plops into his recliner.

"Yeah, though I'm pretty sure he's having another nightmare. Earlier, not long after we saw the crime scene, he fell asleep. He kept saying Jake over and over," My voice trails off, there isn't much left to say.

"You hungry? We can stop to get something to eat. I'll take you guys home since Gus left without you," offers Henry.

"Sure the only thing we've had today is breakfest," I reply.

"Alright get Shawn's ass in the truck in five minutes," he grumbles as he goes outside.

I look over at Shawn, he seems more relaxed. His heart rate and breathing have slowed. I don't want to wake him now, but I have to.

I shake him by his arm,"Shawn. Shawn, wake up," I whisper. His eyes open slightly.

"Come on, let's go home," I say. Shawn sits up slowly. He shakes his head, trying to get rid of his sleepiness. When we get in the truck, Shawn is forced to take middle.

"You want anything to eat Shawn?" Henry asks his son. But Shawn shakes his head. We go through a drive-through. Henry buys something for each of us, including Shawn. Henry takes the long country way to our house. Next to me, Shawn has fallen asleep. His head is completely back and bobs with every little bump. I take his head and put it on my shoulder, the other way looked too uncomfortable. Shawn is calm in his sleep, suprisingly. I close my eyes and rest my head on Shawn's. I'm too tired to care what Henry thinks.

I think about everything Shawn went through. He witnessed his brother's stabbing, then got stabbed himself. He then crawled over to his brother and laid his hed on his brother's chest. Then, he felt and heard his brother's last breath and heart beat. I bury my face in Shawn's hair. I can't imagine what that was like. He was only five! I can't even imagine what it was like afterwards, to hear that his brother is dead. Derek had to hear the same thing, but I'm glad Shawn did it. He knows what it's like to be in Derek's position. But Derek will have to hear about his parents too. I frown at the task. I feel Henry park and I sit up. Shawn remains asleep, his head on my shoulder. I give Henry my keys so that he can get in. I look down at Shawn, I am once again forced to wake him up when he's not having a nightmare. I move my shoulder up and down gently, shaking him.

"Shawn, wake up. We're home," I whisper. Shawn groans and opens his eyes. He looks up at me then sits up. We hop out of the truck and make our way to the door. Inside, Henry sets the food on the dining table. I walk over to help him while Shawn collapses on the couch. I grab my hamburger and drink and sit next to Shawn on the couch. His eyes are closing as he looks at the wall, lost in thought.

"Shawn! Come get your hamburger!" Henry shouts from the kitchen. Shawn opens his eyes, then gets up and makes his way into the kitchen. He returns to his seat next to me with a hamburger in hand. Henry sits in front of us with his hamburger. I devour mine, because I haven't had anything since early this morning. Henry also tears into his hamburger. Shawn does not. He takes a few bites then sets it down. He's never done that before. He puts his hamburger in the fridge then walks into the bedroom. I finish my hamburger and throw the rapper away. I get henry a pillow and blanket, then I also go into the bedroom. When I get in the bedroom, the room is completely dark, I turn on a lamp. Shawn is under the covers, his eyes half open. I change into pajamas then climb into bed next to him. He wraps me in his arms. He kisses me on the forehead then rests his head on top of mine. It's not long before I hear him snoring, I smile. I then fall asleep myself.

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