A Bullet

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Shawn's POV:

We finally get to my dad's house.

"Goose!" I hear my mom exclaim when I walk through the door. I smile and hug her.

"Well, hello Juliet," welcomes my mom. 

"Your dad told me that you didn't want me here," she announces. She then smiles.

"Yeah it's just the case I'm working on," I reply.

"What is it?" she asks innocently. I look up at my dad who only nods. I sit on the couch and she sits on one side while Jules sits on the other.

"Two young boys were stabbed. Derek survived, he is six. His brother, Kyle, was eight. Kyle wasn't so lucky," I tell her. Her smile disappears. Jules gets up and stands by my dad.

"It reminded me of when I was five-" I stop, not having to say anymore. My mom nods, her eyes red. "Go on," she instructs.

"I didn't want you here because the guy that attacked Derek and Kyle, we are pretty sure that it is the same man who attacked Jake and me. He has left notes, the all end 'Say goodbye Shawn'. I just don't want this to be the same as when Yang-"

"It won't be Goose. And what about the notes? There is something about them, isn't there?" she concludes. I nod.

"Yep. The chief and I concluded that the man is telling me to say goodbye to-to everybody," I finally admit it. My mom looks worried beside me.

"Is he after you?" My mom asks, concern in her voice.

"Yeah. He has been watching the department. He got me in the arm with a knife. He threw it from a distance. That or used a sling shot. Either way it got me and there was a note attached."

"How bad is it?" my mother questions, looking at my bandaged arm.

"Well it was wrapped already from when I fell through the stairs at Derek's house. The place is now condemned. That place was completely falling apart-"

"Let me see your arm," my mom instructs. I sigh and begin to unwrap my arm. At one point, my arm must have started bleeding again, because when I unwrap my arm, the bandages have a good amount of blood on them, from both wounds. She looks my arm over, first where the knife got me. She makes a face when she lookes at my other injury. It is red and has dried blood on it. She sighs at the sight. She gently puts a hand close to the injury. I jerk my arm at the pain. She then gets up and walks into the kitchen.

"Mom, I'm fine, I can clean it up later," I groan annoyingly. She walks back in with a rag and cleans up my wound. She then rewraps it with clean bandages. I then take my arm back, hoping to avoid more.

"Anything else about the case?" she asks getting back on topic.

"Yeah. The boy that lived, Derek, he really likes me-"

Jules chimes in,"He does. The boy also lost both of his parents. The only person he has left is his aunt, who is having a tough time keeping herself together, let alone Derek. He trusts Shawn more than anyone." My mom looks at me with a smile.

"The thing is, I don't want him to trust me-"

"Why not?" my mom questions, suprised.

"Because, I am a horrible person to trust. What if we don't find the man? What if he attacks more kids? What if he hurts Derek again?" my voice trails off.

"And you're not worried about yourself?" my mom asks.

"No. Why would I be?"

"You ask that like it's a hard question," sighs my mom. "Shawn, the man is after you. You're not worried about him hurting you again?" she questions. I wince at her words. Again. When I look up I see a, barrel of a gun? Yep, it sure is. I can barely see it, it's in the top of a small tree. My mom follows my gaze. I realize where the gun is pointed, at my mom's head. I gasp and cover her with my body. Not long after, I hear the window shatter. I then feel a horrible pain in my shoulder, I cry out at the pain. I keep my other hand on the couch to keep myself from landing on my mom. I then relax back onto the couch. My mom grabs my head and rests it on her shoulder. I then lift my head and turn around, causing more pain. I grunt at the pain in my shoulder. Jules and my dad are at the window. They then come towards me.

"You alright Shawn?" asks Jules.

"As good as you can be with a bullet in the back of your shoulder," I reply. She frowns at my response. I just smile. My dad sits behind me and looks at the wound. He puts a hand by my left shoulder, where the bullet is. I cry out in pain. My mom has a worried look on her face, Jules does too. I let my head fall forward. Today is not my day, at all. 

"Okay, let's go to the hospital," Jules breaks the silence.

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