A Hero In Denial

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Juliet's POV:

Shawn bows his head. I nod. The chief tells us to meet her there then leaves. Shawn stands up and walks quickly. When we get in the car he is completely silent. Before we leave he looks at me. His usually bright green eyes are clouded. I then step on the gas and hurry to the crime scene.

"Shawn, you look angry what's wrong?"

"We fell for it," he says quietly.

"Fell for what Shawn?" I ask.

"His game!" he exclaims. "He knew that we would go and look for his identity, and he used the time to kill more kids," he spits out angrily. I'm silent, because I know that he is right. We fell for it, he knew that we would. We let them kids die, I suddenly feel guilty. I can only imagine how Shawn feels. He felt guilty already. I realize I have never seen him this angry before.

"I didn't even know that you could be angry," I say.

"I hide it well, huh?" he asks. I just nod. We arrive at the scene.

Shawn's POV:

We arrive when everyone else does. A cop breaks the front door down and we rush in. I have to wear a dumb bullet proof vest. As everyone rushes through the house I stop at the first door in the hallway. The chief said that there are two young boys that live here. I get close to the wall. I hear a thump on the wall then something fall. I open the door.

"Spencer!" I hear Lassie growl. Oh well, he can yell at me later. A young boy is hanging off the wall. A rope is duck taped to the wall, the rope goes across the boy's throat. His hands and feet are duck taped as well. I put an arm around his body and raise him up slightly, so that the rope is no longer choking him. I put my head near his chest, I feel his chest rise. I use my other hand and rip the duct tape off the rope, causing it to fall. The boy lands on top of me, but I catch him. I carry him into the living room where everyone else is.

"He's alive! Have you found the other brother?" I ask quickly. Everyone stares at me suprised. A medic takes the boy from me.

"Where was he?" asks the chief.

"In his room," I reply. We all split up and search every room. Jules and I head upstairs. A room is locked. There is no one around to knock it down. I unlock it with Jules's bobby pin. When I open the door, I see the boy is in the same situation that his brother was. Jules holds the boy as I rip the duct tape of the rope. But he wraped the rope around his neck. I quickly unwrap the rope. The boy's breaths pick up. He is alive. I take the boy from Jules.

"We found him! He's alive!" We hurry down the stairs. I hand the boy to a medic. That was intense. People come to process the crime scene. I sit on the bottom step. The chief sits next to me.

"Shawn, go home. You have done plenty today," she tells me.

"We let this happen. We went looking for his identity, nearly killing those two boys."

"I know. But we got here just in time-"

"No, we got here at the last minute," I interject. She sighs, knowing I'm right. "Is Derek okay?" I ask her, changing the subject.

"Yeah, he is home. The rock grazed him. You need to go home and get some rest, you were just released from the hospital today!" she instructs.

"Before I go, can you tell me about the boys? Who are they?" I ask.

"The older boy is Jason, he's the last one you saved. The younger brother is Samuel. They are twins, sepperated by three minutes. They are seven," she tells me. I nod. "Shawn, you were their hero. If you didn't disobey orders, they could have died!"

"Yeah well, Jake didn't have a hero," I reply. "Kyle and Derek didn't have a hero. All of those kids that died, they didn't have a hero. And the ones that lived, that died later on, they didn't have a hero." She frowns.

"No, they didn't. But these boys did, you changed that cycle," she tries to comfort me.

"Since I didn't die when he attacked me and Jake, he let some kids live, only to kill them later. I started that cycle," I argue.

"You had a choice in this. You saved their lives. And you can catch the guy that did this. It might not bring Jake and the other kids back, but it'll bring comfort to their families, and to you," she says softly. She's right. I nod. I watch as more people enter the house.

"The parents?" I ask.

"We got a hold of them, they are meeting them at the hospital," she informs me. I nod. Has to be better that coming home to find that your oldest son is dead in the entry way, which is what happened to my mom.

"Go home, I already released Juliet, she is waiting on you."

"Alright," I say and get up. And I leave the crime scene. Just as the chief said, Jules is waiting in the car. I sit in my seat. She drives home, silence all the way there. When I get inside I head into the shower. I wash it all away, that man touched those ropes. When I get out, I change into pajamas and walk into the bedroom. Jules is already under the covers. She looks up when I sit on the side of the bed. I then get under the covers as well and face her.

"You okay?" she asks, putting a hand on the side of my face.

"No," I reply.

"You saved their lives. If everyone followed protocall, those boys would be dead."

"The chief said I was their hero-"

"You were," Jules interrupts. I close my eyes. She rubs her thumb across my  cheek.

"I don't feel like one though. I feel like I let them down," I reply.

"I know, I remember what you said earlier. But you saved them," she argues.

"It's my fa-" she stops me by putting a hand over my mouth.

"No it's not," she whispers.  She lowers her hand. I open my mouth to object, but she stops me with a kiss. I can't help but kiss back. She eventually breaks away from the kiss and rests her head against me. I am laying on my right side. The pain finally becomes too much and I lay on my back. Jules snuggles against me and rests her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her. I really don't want that man to kill me, I want to be here. I don't want to leave Gus, Jules, the chief, my mom, even my dad and Lassie. I don't want them taken away from me too.

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