His Sick Game

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Karen's POV:

Shawn and I wait for the doctor to release him. He's fine. Though, he wasn't happy about it being in the same arm. Some one is after Shawn, I think that's becoming painfully obvious. Shawn's eyes scan the room once more. I don't know what he's looking for. I feel sorry for the boy. I just can't believe that I didn't know about Jake.

Shawn is always wearing a smile and full of energy. You would never guess that something horrific had happened to him. I had never heard or seen Jake before, probably because they tried to keep it behind them. I can't imagine what Shawn is going through, working this case. He's forced to remember the terrible event. The possibility that it could be the same guy doesn't help matters much either. 

I heard Shawn talking to Derek this morning when he was having his melt down. Shawn having a fear of knives? Never would have guessed it. He's so unbothered at crime scenes, but Kyle's was different. I could sense that something was wrong with Shawn right off the bat, as soon as he saw Kyle's body. Ever since he took the case, he hasn't been the same. He's been serious and not even slightly hyper. He is actually tired, which is also new. But I know why, he doesn't want to screw this up for his brother. Juliet gave me a picture of Shawn and Jake. They looked almost identical. It was Thanksgiving. Shawn and Jake wore matching clothing. They wore red dress shirts, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. They both had their hair slicked back. They had the same goofy grin and  the same bright and twinkling green eyes. Their brown hair was also the same. The only difference was that Shawn was shorter. Thay must have been close.

I can't even begin to imagine what it was like for Shawn to lose his brother at age five. Had to be dramatic and horrible. Juliet showed me a picture Shawn's mom took not long after the event. Shawn was home, no Jake. There was no twinkle in his eye, there wasn't the familiar grin on his face. He was just a pale five year old boy that showed absolutely no emotion. He must have gone numb. I feel sorry for Henry and Maddie as well. I am broken from my thoughts when the doctor comes in to release us. We then go to see Claire and Derek.

Shawn's POV:

When we get to the floor, we see my dad, Gus, Jules, and Lassie there already. Jules tells me that Claire called her since we didn't show up. She asked me what was wrong with my arm, I told her I'd explain later.

"What's going on here?" asks the chief at the nurses station, where the commotion and we are at.

"They want to take Derek to a psych ward!" exclaims Claire. Everyone is quiet.

"After yesterday, we reccomend that he goes there, just for a little while-"

"Why?" I interrupt.

"He freaked out when he saw a knife!" she yells in my face. All of my features harden.

"Well Duh!" I exclaim. "If you were a six year old boy that was stabbed, wouldn't you be afraid of knives?" I ask her.

"He escaped his room!" she argues.

"The man that may have killed his brother was in there!" I say even louder.

"Don't give him excuses," she says quieter now.

"I know what he's going through," I say at the same volume she did.

"Now do you?" she asks doubtingly.

"Yes, I do. I was five and my brother was seven. I was afraid of knives for a long time. I had nightmares about the events. You're not just magically okay after being stabbed and finding out your brother is dead!" I exclaim.

"You're lying!" shouts the woman. Out of no where, the doctor is suddenly standing beside me. I look up at him. He's frowning at me.

"No he's not. I was his doctor almost over twenty years ago when he was stabbed. I remember him well. And he's right, the kid is going to have time to heal."

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