Slams on the Breaks

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Juliet's POV:

My alarm goes off. I quickly strecth my arm out to turn it off. I finally find the button and silence follows. I sag back into Shawn's arms. I look up at him. He looks calm, no evidence of last night's events. I then free myself from his arms. I then get in the shower. As I shower, my thoughts drift to Shawn.  Ever since we took the case, he's been having nightmares, probably about his brother. But last night's nightmare must have been different. He was more terrified, and it was harder to wake him up. What could his nightmare have been about? I then get out of the shower and quickly get dressed. As I walk back into the bedroom, I turn my attention to Shawn. He's curled up in a ball, the covers up to his elbow. I take the covers and raise them up to his chin. He moves slightly. I kiss him on the temple and then make my way into the kitchen. Henry is up watching the news. I make a bowl of cereal, then I go and sit beside him.

"You sleep any?" asks Henry as he turns his attention to me.

I frown and reply,"No. Shawn didn't either."

"Let me guess, nightmare?" he says, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, a bad one too. I barely got him awake," I reply.

"Huh, sounds like the nightmares he had not long after the event happened."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Shawn was in the hospital for a week. He spent three of the days unconcious. I thought I was going to lose another son. But, he finally woke up the forth day. He demanded to go see his brother. I was the one to break the news to him, and when I did, he fell apart. When we brought him home, nothing was the same for a while. Every time we walked through the front door, Shawn would run into the house, trying not to step where Jake was." Henry stops and takes a deep breath. He then continues,"Whenever the poor boy saw a knife, he would have a panic attack. I eventually hid the knives in a cabinet. He often woke up screaming. But one night, I got up to check on him. He was tossing and turning. I grabbed his shoulder, he grunted and kept fighting. The entire time he talked in his sleep. I finally got him awake. But when I did, he fell apart. He ended up in the bed with me and Maddie. It took some time for everything to return to normal. The thing was though, the house felt so empty without Jake. If Shawn wasn't the one falling apart. Maddie and I would have been the ones falling apart..." his voice trails off.

"Did Shawn ever tell you about his nightmares?" I wonder.

"Yeah, must of them were of the event. When I asked him about the horrible nightmare all he said was that it was different."

"I was wondering, because he had a nightmare last night. One of the horrible nightmares. I barely got him awake. But when I finally did, he just fell apart. And like you said, the entire time he talked in his sleep. When I was trying to wake him up, he said 'help'."

"Just like he did that night he had that nightmare when he was a kid. Must be the same nightmare," Henry concludes. I nod in agreement. It has to be the same one! I quickly finish my cereal and get ready to leave.

"Tell Shawn I'll call him when I go to see the bule mini-van," I say as I go through the door, not waiting for a response.

Shawn's POV:

I wake up to an empty bed. I look at the clock, it's seven thirty. She's already at work. I sit up. I hear the t.v. in the living room. It's the news. I get up andd walk into the living room. I sit next to my dad on the couch. I put my elbows on my legs and rest my head in my hands. My dad puts his arm around me and asks,"Did you get any sleep?"

"Very little after my nightmare," I reply. I keep my head in my hands.

"Yeah, Juliet told me. What was it about?"

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