Apology and Screams

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Shawn’s POV:

The door opens and Jules and my parents come in. I turn off the t.v., I’ve seen  the episode multiple times anyways.

“Hey Goose!” my mom says while giving me a hug. Gus stands up and gives her his seat. Jules and Gus leave me and my parents in the room. The three of us sit there, not sure what to say.

“You have your arm tucked in, what’s wrong?” my dad asks.

“Jules didn’t tell you?” I ask, surprised.

“Tell us what?” my mom asks.

“One of my ribs was healing wrong, so they had to re-break it earlier. And my gun shot wound is still infected, I’m going into surgery tomorrow morning at eight-thirty, to have the infected tissue removed,” I inform them. they frown.

“They had to re-break your rib?” my asks, in disbelief.

“Yeah, it was healing wrong,” I reply.

“Does it still hurt?” my dad asks.

“Yeah, but it’s going to,” I reply, he nods.

“I’m glad you’re alive,” my mom says, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“I’m fine mom,” I reply. She sits on my bed and wraps me in her arms. It hurts, but I won’t tell her that. I look over at my dad, he only nods. She let’s me go, but stays on the bed. My dad sighs, to get my attention.

“Shawn, there’s something I have to get off my chest-”

“Chest hair?” I interrupt, making my mom smile.

“No. What I said a couple of days ago, I didn’t mean it. I don’t even know why I said it. Point is Shawn, I’m sorry,” my dad apologizes.

“Well, you had the guts to say them,” I reply.

“I know, I was wrong. You are my son, and I don’t want you dead,” he says back. I don’t respond, I have nothing to say. My mom wraps me in her arms again, this time for my sake. I hug her back, my dad puts a hand on my back. He sits on the bed. I bury my face into my mom’s shoulder, suddenly I realize why I’m acting this way. All I wanted was closure, and I finally got it. Also because I’m alive, and here with my parents.

“It’s finally over,” I say. My mom nods, and I feel her tears land on me. “Jake’s killer was finally caught, the son of a bitch got what he deserved.”

“I think he deserved a slower and more painful death,” my dad argues, I nod. My mom sits me up, I grab my side, the pain returning. My mom frowns.

“You okay?” she asks me. I nod.

“I am not convinced,” she replies.

“So?” I reply. My mom only smiles. Jules and Gus walk back into the room. My mom gets off the bed, accidentally hitting my side with her elbow. I hold in a yelp, but the pain most show on my face, because my mom quickly apologizes and asks if I’m alright.

“Shawn?” it’s Jules this time. I nod. The pain finally subsides and I open my eyes to see that everyone has a worried face.

“I’m fine,” I try to reassure them, but my voice is tight. Jules frowns at me, not believing me. That’s fine though, I don’t believe me either.

“Doesn’t seem like it,” she argues.

“Fine, I will be,” I reply. I suddenly feel tired, I yawn, recieving a chuckle from my mom. I lean back on the bed and close my eyes, not concerned about my guests. I hear footsteps leading out of my room, three pairs, somebody stayed. I open my eyes to see Jules sitting in the chair next to me.

“Go home.” She frowns at my request.

“No way,” she argues.

“Why? You deserve to go home, get a break from me.” She looks at me with a look of pure shock.

“A break from you?” she asks, shocked.

“Yes, you have to be getting tired of me and this dumb hospital,” I answer.

“Shawn, if I was tired of you, I wouldn’t be here,” Jules retorts. “I care about you and I’m not leaving until I’m sure you’re okay.” I groan, she rolls her eyes.

“Jules I’m fine-”

“No, you’re not. You’re still in pain and you have surgery tomorrow, I’m not going anywhere.” I sigh in defeat. Jules smiles in triumph. I yawn again. “Get some sleep,” requests Jules. I obey. I close my eyes and relax, happy to fall asleep. I wake-up to a young boy screaming. I open my eyes and start to sit up, confused.

“It’s okay Shawn,” Jules stops me with her hands on my shoulders. “They’re trying to give him an i.v. I relax back into the bed, no longer worried about the screams.Then a question pops into my mind.

“Him?” my throat is dry and scratchy.

“I’m sorry, I meant some kid,” she answers. She gives me the cup of water, I drink it until she takes it away from me.

“What time is it?” I ask, looking around.

“It’s eight-thirty at night,” she informs me.

“Everyone went home?” I ask.

“Not until six, you slept for a while. Your mom was upset because she hurt you.” I groan. I didn’t mean for her to feel guilty. The screaming of the young kid doesn’t subside, it reminds me of Derek’s cries when we were being held hostage. Jules sits on my bed, careful not to hit my side.

“What’s wrong?” she asks me.

“Nothing,” I reply.

“You had a weird look on your face,” she replies.

“I was just thinking-”

“About what?” she asks.

“The kid that’s screaming, it reminded me of Derek, when we were being held hostage.” Jules frowns at my answer. Derek’s screams suddenly echo in my ears, and the only words running through my brain are ‘it’s my fault’. I close my eyes to try to escape the madness, doesn’t help. Now all I see is York. I’m having a mental break down. I look past York to see darkness, I drown out Derek’s screams, and I try to get the words out of my mind. Jules wipes a loose strand of hair out of my face, I open my eyes.

“You okay?” she asks.

“No.” She wraps me in her arms, bringing me closer to her. I hold in my screams of pain. I bury my face in her hair, trying to escape the torture inside of my head. Inside of that torture starts a headache, a bad one. I groan at the growing pain in my head.

“What’s wrong?” Jules asks, worried.

“Headache, memories,” I reply, resting my head on her shoulder.

“Memories of what?”

“Factory, Derek, Jake,” my voice breaks on my brother’s name. Jules kisses me above my temple, being careful not to hit the bruise.

“It’s over,” she whispers. I realize she’s right, it’s now officially in the past. There’s no more wondering, no more worrying, it’s over. Jules lays me back down on the bed, I close my eyes. She puts a hand on the side of my face, I bury my face in her hand, trying to escape the pain. I fall asleep that way, Jules still next to me.

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