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Gus's POV:

I drive to the Psych office, without stopping at Red Panda. Shawn just sits quietly in his seat, staring out the window.

"You alright?" I ask, to break the unusaul silence.

He sighs the answers,"Not even sort of buddy."

"Is something wrong, besides the obvious? Because you are being quiet."

"I'll tell you later," he looks over at me, his eyes seem to have a dark glow to them. He then turns his head and continues looking out the window.

When we arrive at Psych, we both look and feel like zombies-dead. Shawn sits in his office chair and puts his head in his hands. I know how he feels. I had to run out that house before I threw up all over the place. I sit in my chair and look over at Shawn again. He remains in the same position, his head in his hands. He suddenly shakes his head and puts his hands down. To my suprise, his eyes are red at the edges. Shawn gets up and lies on the couch and closes his eyes, probably to try to escape his memories of the earlier events.

What could have Shawn so shaken? There must be something else. What has he not told me that he has to tell me later? Why didn't he tell me? He had to have some reason not to tell me. He tells me everything, even when he doesn't want to. We don't keep secrets. It's a promise we made in the third grade. Shawn wouldn't break a promise. He would tell me, unless whatever has him shaken, occured before the third grade.

The door opens, awaking me from my thoughts.

"Hey Gus. Where's Shawn?" Jules asks as she closes the door. I point to the couch.

"Is he alright?" she raises an eyebrow. I just shrug. Shawn is talking in his sleep. Which is nothing new, I learned to block it out as a kid. But something he says makes me and Juliet look at him.

"Jake, don't answer the door. Jake don't. Jake..." Shawn turns his head, to where it faces the couch.

"Gus, do you know who Jake is?" Juliet looks just as confused as I feel.

"No, do you?" she only shakes her head in return. I hear a chime outside. The ice cream man!

"I don't want anything," says Juliet, reading my mind. I smile and nod. Relieved at the chance to be alone, for even a short period of time.

"I'm going on a walk," I just need to time to think. She nods understandingly, then I bolt out the door.

sorry for the short chapter but its important! please vote and or comment, its highly appreciated!! Thanx ~courtsnikle

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