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Shawn’s POV:

The nurses come in and mess with all the wires and everything so that I can get up and walk. I am not looking forward to this. They let me sit up on my own, and that was painful enough. One of the nurses offers me her hand, but I just shake my head and just use my IV pole. The pole is like a cane. I finally take my first step, losing my balance. The nurses hurry over to me but I quickly catch myself. I wobble with my boot. They lead me out into the hallway. Walking finally becomes easier, it hurts, but I don’t mind. I walk back to my room and they mess with all of the wires again. The doctor then walks in.

“You did an excellent job Mr. Spencer-”

“When do I get to leave?” I interrupt. The nurses chuckle. He only smiles.

“Tomorrow,” he answers. I smile widely. Good, I am getting tired of this hospital. Jules and the Doctor do all of the paperwork and everything. I channel surf and land on South Park, it’s the episode where Ike is haunted by celebrity ghosts. I don’t laugh, not because it’s not funny, but because it hurts. Jules walks back in and frowns at my choice of entertainment.

“You like this stuff?” she asks me. I nod with a smile. “You’re just excited to leave,” she accuses.

“Well yeah. You say it like it’s a bad thing,” I reply.

“Sorry, I am just tired,” Jules replies. I raise an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation. “Paper work and I had to do all of the things for York’s death. There aren’t going to be any guests, except Mary. But I don’t understand why she still loves him.”

“He’s her son. She probably feels the need to pay her respects. She also feels like all of the deaths her son committed are her fault. But they’re not her fault-”

“Exactly,” Jules interrupts.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s the exact same way with you,” replies Jules. I frown. “It’s true.” But it’s not. The woman is innocent and I am guilty. She sighs and sits on the bed. “Don’t give me that face.”

“What face?” I ask.

“Your guilty puppy dog face,” she replies. I just straighten up my features. She sighs and frowns at me.

“It’s not your fault Shawn. Okay? There was nothing you could have done-”

“You weren’t there,” I interrupt Jules. “You didn’t hear him pleading for his life, or him asking me to help him.” Her frown deepens. “Don’t you get it?” I ask her, slightly raising my voice. She raises an eyebrow in confusion. “I let him down,” I answer myself. She frowns again. “My name was his last word,” my voice trails off. She wraps her arms around me, keeping me in one piece. She finally lets go of me.

“Shawn, do you think this is what Jake would want? Do you think he would want you to blame yourself and beat yourself up?” Jules asks me. I let her question sink in.

“Honestly?” She raises an eyebrow. “He probably hates me. I could have went got help if I ran faster. I-” Jules puts a hand over my mouth.

“Stop,” is all she says. I obey her command and shut my mouth.

“He wouldn’t want you to be like this. Believe me, I know.” I just breathe through my nose. She removes her hand but I keep my mouth shut, knowing that there is no point in arguing. I look away from  her and close my eyes.

Juliet’s POV:

“Shawn,” I stop, unsure of what to say. He remains motionless. I put a hand on his shoulder, he flinches but then quickly relaxes.

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