Sleep Talking

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Juliet's POV:

Gus runs out the door. I know how he feels. Today has been too much, seeing those boys like that nearly killed me. What happened to them wasn't right.

Shawn shutters on the couch, I kneel next to him to get a look at him. He is asleep, but must be having a nightmare. I can see his eyes moving underneath his eyelids. He is clammy and has a hand gripping the couch for dear life. I push a strand of lose hair out of his face, I rest my hand on the side of his face. Shawn murmurs words, some I can't understand. But the one he says the most is Jake. Who is Jake?

Shawn's eyes snap open and he shoots straight up. I lay him back down and rest my head on his chest. I can hear his heart race rapidly.

"Shawn, are you alright, and be honest," I demand, only because I care.

"Honestly, no. But I'll be fine, evntually," his voice trails off.

I look up at him and say,"You were sleep talking."

"I was?" he is still somewhat out of it.

"You kept saying Jake. Who is he?" hoping he would answer my question.

Shawn looks at me, his eyes wide. "I did?"

"Yes. Who is he?" I repeat.

"Can I please answer later?" his eyes plead me as well as his voice.

"Shawn, even Gus doesn't know. You never even said anything about a Jake before, not even in your sleep! Who is he?"

"You mean who was he. I'll tell you later," he looks away from me. Was? I suddenly feel bad for bringing it up. Shawn strokes my hair without uttering a single word, odd. I look up at him once more. Our eyes meet. For the first time that I can recall, he has a deep frown on his face. I close my eyes and try to escape from this too real moment. Shawn's hand continues to stroke my hair, and I realize my hand is still resting on his face. I don't move it though, simply because I don't want to. Also because Shawn isn't well... Shawn. 

"Did I say anything else?" his voice is distant.

"Yeah.  I couldn't understand all of it, but some of it I could. You were telling Jake not to open a door. Later I heard you say why and fault," I study his face to see his reaction. He closes his eyes and turns his head.

"What's wrong? Honestly, Shawn," I just want answers from him.

"I'll tell you later. I promise," his words are soft and quiet, two things they usually are not. He opens his eyes and looks at me, not even with the smallest grin on his face.

I don't ask any more questions, simply because I'm not getting any answers. My phone rings and I take it out.

"Derek is awake, you need to come ask him some questions," The cheif's voice instructs me,"You can bring Mr. Spencer and Mr. Guster, if they want to come of course. After please come to my office."

"Alright, I'm on my way," I finish before I end the call. Shawn obviously heard the conversation. He sits up and looks at me, waiting for me to get up. I stand up and he does the same.

"You don't have to come. You can stay here and sleep."

"I can't sleep anyways. So I might as well make myself useful. Wait, Where's Gus?"

"The ice cream man," is all I have to say. Gus walks in, with an almost completely eaten chocolate ice cream cone.

"The younger brother is awake. You coming?" Shawn did hear the conversation.

"No, I'll catch up on my routes. But, call me if you need anything," he walks over to his desk and pulls out his large case. Shawn finally smiles at the sight of it. We walk out the door, not wanting to go to the hospital to see the boy. It was hard enough to see the dead brother. This will only be worse.

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