The Photos

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Gus's POV:

When we arrive at Psych, Shawn sits in his chair and scoots it in front of the board. I do the same with mine. None if it adds up. When I look over at Shawn, he has his eyes closed, odd. But he's been this way since we took the case. And he told me all about his chaotic night.

"Hey Shawn, what was your nightmare about?" I ask him as casual as possible.

"Do you really want to know? I tell him yes. He opens his eyes.

"I was in a room full of knives. They were on the walls, floor, and they were even hanging from the ceiling! I was looking for a light. I kept cutting myself, but at the time I didn't know what yet. When I found the light, I was facing a knife. I had been cut all over. I looked down and realized that I had been stabbed in the stomach. I kept trying to wake up. I-I pinched myself and screamed, hoping I was sleep talkng loud enought wake Jules, but it didn't work. I felt a hand on my shoulder, it spun me around. It was a man in black, he then stabbed me and I woke up," he finishes his story. His fear of knives from when he was a kid, it's caught up to him. He looks over at me. He looks exhausted. He has bags under has eyes, and his hair is messier than usual.

"Have you slept at all?" I ask, concerned. He nods.

"But only when I'm having a nightmare," he says quietly.

"Get some sleep," I instruct.

"I can't, not now. There is too much to be done. I have to catch this guy-"

"What if he catches you first Shawn? What are you going to do then?" I exclaim.

"Fight," is all he says. I sigh. He rubs his eyes with a single hand.

"You got anything for the case?" I ask. He only shakes his head. He rests back in his chair. My stomach growls.

"You want something to eat?" I ask him. He nods. I ended up going to McDonalds, by myself. But I didn't mind, he probably needs some time to himself. When I arrive back at Psych, Shawn is writing on the back of the board. I put the food down and go and look at what he is doing. He is writing every single note.

"Hey Gus?"

"Yeah Shawn," I answer.

"Do you think it's possible that he is just messing with us, that he actually doesn't want us to find him. That this is just a sick and twisted part of his game?" asks Shawn. I'm blown away by his conclusion, but yet, it makes perfect since.

"Could be, but then why is he wasting effort on what he is doing right now?"

"The only effort he is actually doing is watching us and leaving notes. He just wants to see us squirm," Shawn concludes. I give him his sandwhich. He sits in his chair and looks the board over, barely eating his sandwhich.

"Shawn, forget the case and eat," I demand. He just takes a bite from his sandwhich. He then spins his chair around and looks at me. He takes another bite. He then sighs and rubs his eyes with his arm and yawns. He eats most of his sandwhich before returning it to its box. 

I'm worried about him. Ever since we took this case, he's barely eaten and gotten almost no sleep. This case is draining everybody, especially Shawn. He survived the man once, but if the man attacks him again, he might not be so lucky. Last time he spared him on purpose, but now I can just tell that he wants to kill him. I suddenly realize what the man is doing. He's draining Shawn, making him easier to defeat. I look over at my best friend, he is awake, but barely. He looks at the board, then his eyes close. At least he's getting sleep. I decide to look into Shawn's case. Before meeting at the hospital, I got the file from Henry.

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