Surprises and Reveals

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Juliet’s POV:

I wake up to Shawn sleep talking again. I roll over to face him.

“No, don’t-” he continues to mumble. I put a hand on his chest, my hand rising with his breaths, I can feel his heartbeat. His heartbeats and breaths quicken. He continues to talk, he shakes his head side to side. He then stops moving, his words come to a halt. My hand no longer rises and I can’t feel his heartbeat anymore.

“Shawn?” but it’s pointless. I quickly sit up. I put my head on his chest. He’s not breathing, there is no heartbeat. Tears escape my eyes. I then do CPR.

“Shawn, please come back to me!” I beg. “Shawn!” he starts to breath again. He then shoots up. He pulls his knees into his chest, and buries his face in his legs. I rest a hand on his back.

“It’s okay Shawn,” I tell him. He looks over at me. I remove my hand.

“What’s wrong,” he asks me.

“I’ll tell you later. You alright?” I ask him. He nods but looks away from me. He buries his face again. I return my hand to his back, but this time, he shrugs it off. “What’s wrong Shawn?” I ask him. I turn around so that I can face him. “Shawn?” He looks up at me with red eyes. I lower his legs and wrap my arms around him. He rests his head on my shoulder. He starts to cry. My heart breaks in response. I let tears fall from my eyes, I almost lost him for good. 

“It’s okay Shawn,” I try. The tears slow and his breaths are more even. “It’s okay,” I say again. He sits up and looks at me with red eyes and tear-stained cheeks.

“What’s wrong?” he asks me again.

“I will answer if, you tell me what your dream was about. Deal?”

“Deal,” he agrees.

“You stopped breathing,” I say. He looks down, I frown.

“I’m sorry,” he says softly. I wrap him in my arms.

“It’s not your fault Shawn,” I reply softly. He wraps his arms around me. I could have lost him, again. I let him go and he falls back onto his back and groans. I lie back next to him. He closes his eyes. I pull the cover up over us.

“Your nightmare?” I ask. He looks over at me with a frown.

“York, wasn’t dead. He came back and got us, all of us. He killed everyone, you, Gus, my mom and dad, the twins, and Derek. And it was all my fault,” he tells me. He looks at me, his eyes have a dark glow to them.

“It was just a dream,” I remind him. He only nods.

“Do you want me to stay tomorrow?” I ask him.

“No,” he replies. “You need to get out of the house and a break from me.”

“You stopped breathing-”

“I’ll be fine,” he argues. I sigh giving in.


Shawn’s POV:

When I wake up I am alone in bed. Good. I look over at the clock, it’s ten-thirty. I have an hour to get to my destination. I sit up and groan at the pain, but I will suck it up. I have been a wuss lately. I am going to suck up my pain and keep my emotions to myself. I get up and get dressed. I put on my best pair of jeans and a nice button-up shirt. I make my hair look decent enough. I pay a taxi to take me to my destination. I get there right when planned. It’s York’s funeral. Mary stands by as her son is lowered into the ground. When the ceremony is done she walks towards her car and spots me.

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