Sick too?

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Juliet's POV:

Shawn was just released, They had to remove the bullet. It wasn't severe. The gun and bullet weren't made for killing, but for causing pain. Shawn is not happy. Shawn and I go to the police department, while Henry and Maddie go back to Henry's house. Shawn has to wear a sling, he's not happy about that either. We walk into the chief's office. She looks at Shawn, suprised.

"What happened to you. You look horrible," the Chief says.

"Thanks. I was shot in the back of my shoulder," he answers. The chief's mouth falls open.

"What? When? Who?" exclaims the chief.

"The gun was pointed at my mom, I jumped in front of her. It was probably the same guy. He knew I could see him, so he pointed it at her, knowing I'd jump in front of her. It happened a couple of hours ago," Shawn reports to the chief. She sighs.

"Shawn you-"

"I'm staying on the case!" he breaks in. She frowns but nods. She dismisses us.

When we get home, Shawn tears off his sling. I sigh, there is no use in arguing. He sits on the couch. I sit next to him. I rest my head on his shoulder, his good one of course. 

"What's wrong Shawn?" I ask, sensing that there is something wrong.

"I just- I just wonder if I should give up. You know? Everything I'm doing isn't working. They guy aimed at my mom. I-I can't lose her. I don't want to lose anybody," his voice trails off.

"You feel guilty?" I guess. He only nods. I kiss him on the temple and go to bed, not wanting a response. I am too tired, and I know he his too. I feel him sink into the bed next to me. I rest my head on his chest and he puts a hand on my back. I fall asleep, listening to the rythm of his heart beat.

I wake up to Shawn getting out of bed next to me. I hear him enter the bathroom. I then hear him throw up. I sigh and sit up. I look at the clock on the bed stand. It is four in the morning. Shawn comes out and sits on the end of the bed with his face in his hands

"You alright?" I ask. He jumps at my voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry I woke you up," he apologizes, not answering my question. He gets up and walks into the living room. I sigh. I get up and walk into the living room as well. Shawn is sitting on the couch. I sit next to him.

"Jules go back to bed, I'm fine," he whispers.

"I am not convinced," I reply quietly. Shawn stands up and goes to the sink, where he throws up again. I stand next to him and rub his back. When he's done, he remains over the sink.

"You feeling alright?" I ask putting a hand on his forehead. He is warm. He turns his head away from me, remaining quiet. He walks back to the couch. I clean out the sink then sit next to Shawn. He is pale and shaking with sweat on his brow. I wrap my arms around him.

"Shawn, what's wrong?" I ask. He only shakes his head. I sit up and face him. I then force him back to bed. He quickly falls asleep. I put my head back on his chest. He is shivering. I scoot even closer to him.

When I wake up, Shawn is still asleep. He looks a little better. I don't know if he was sick or upset. But I'm worried either way. I then get ready for work. When I return to the bedroom Shawn is sitting up in bed. He looks up at me and smiles. My heart cracks. I sit on his side of the bed. He closes his eyes and leans against me. I smile.

"You alright?" I ask. I feel him nod against my shoulder. I sit him up. He opens his eyes. He then gets up and gets dressed. I wait in the living room. He finally comes out, he looks better than he did last night.

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