Killer's Past

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Juliet's POV:

I slide down the bedroom wall. I failed him. I let him get caught by a psychopathic killer, I let him die. I begin to cry. I quickly calm down. If I can find him, I might be able to save him, maybe. I calm down enough to call the chief.

"Shawn is gone," I say.

"Everyone is on the case. Any evidence or a sign of anything?" the chief asks.

"There's a pool of blood by the front door, probably Shawn’s, that's all."

"Alright come back to the department," the chief instructs before she hangs up. I take a deep breath. I have to find Shawn. When I get to the SBPD, Carlton is waiting outside for me.

"You going to be okay?" he asks me. I nod. He then leads me inside to the chief's office. Claire is already there, her face is covered in tear streaks.

"We have nothing!" Carlton exclaims, making Claire jump. I agree, we have nothing. "There's no evidence, no clues, no leads, nothing!" Carlton exclaims, frustrated. “Do you know anything?” he asks me, I shake my head in response. I wish I did though. I wish Shawn wasn’t at the hands of a killer, but he is, and I know nothing. There is a chance that the man doesn’t have him, but the chance is so small that no one is considering it. Lassiter, the chief, and I walk into the mess of the department. Police officers hurry and bustle all over the police station. They all have tired faces. If it wasn’t the beloved Shawn the psychic in danger, no one would be trying this hard, that’s the sad truth.  They look for anything on Joseph York, but they don’t find much. They know that after barely graduating high school, he practically disappeared. He has no credit card information or facebook or anything. He’s practically a dead man, but we all know he isn’t. Because if he was, we wouldn’t be here in this situation. They try to dig up medical records, but find nothing after the car accident. The only interesting thing we find in it is that he was left with a permanent scar above his right eye. The report also showed evidence of smoking. It’s definitely him, but that doesn’t give us anything. As a kid he stayed in his room all the time, leaving us with no place he could have Shawn and Derek. His parents still live in his old house, Carlton and I decide to pay them a visit.

We walk up to the small baby blue house. We are greeted by a thin old woman, she is covered in bruises and scars. She starts to fall over, but I quickly catch her. We hear glass break in the back of the house and a man shout in anger. Carlton hurries inside. I sit the woman on the couch and hurry to the kitchen, where the commotion is.

“Escape while you can!” shouts the woman. We hurry in the kitchen anyways. An elderly man has broken beer bottles all around him, he smells strongly of alcohol. He throws another bottle, it flies right at my head, I quickly duck. Carlton quickly handcuffs him. We bring them to the station. We take the woman into a meeting room.

“We have some questions about your son Joseph,” starts Carlton.

“That boy was always messed up. I tried to get him to do sports, anything! But he prefered comics and video games. That would have been okay if his father would have accepted it, but the stubborn bastard didn’t. The man made his life hell, especially after our other son died,” the woman tells us.

“Is your husband the one that beat you?” Carlton asks.

“Yes, for over thirty years,” she answers.

“Why didn’t you report it or try to run away?” I ask her.

“I did, but he caught me every time. And besides, I didn’t have enough money to support me and the kids.” I nod understandingly.

“What did you mean by messed up?” Carlton questions.

“He was obsessed with violence and death. I can’t tell you how many times he threatened his brother or chased him with scissors.”

“Have you spoken with him recently?” I ask.

“I’ve tried, but since he left the day after graduation, I haven’t spoken to him or seen him.”

“We are asking you these questions because all our clues to murders point to your son-”

“Who did he kill?” she interrupts Carlton. Tears stream down her face.

“He killed several children. And he then killed the ones that lived a couple of years ago in a murder spree. And right now he has two hostages, one is a six year-old boy that he just attacked not long ago. The other one is his first survivor, his brother was the first boy he killed. We want to save them before he kills them,” I tell her.

“How- how did he kill them?” she stammers. I frown at her pain.

“Stab to the abdomen. But we saved two boys that he hanged with rope,” I answer.

“I should have known,” she whispers.

“What do you mean mam?” I ask.

“I had a little girl after I had the two boys, her name was Faith. George my husband, killed her. He- he stabbed her in the stomach and threw her in the trash!” she exclaims in a sob. “Joseph tried to save her, he loved her. I can’t believe this!” she starts to sob. I feel sorry for her. She quickly calms down, she’s probably learned to.

“Do you know where he could be with the two hostages?” I ask her. She shakes her head. Carlton sighs and exits, to tell the chief what we learned.

“Can you tell me about the two hostages?” she asks me. I sit next to her.

“The young boy’s name is Derek. He and his brother, Kyle, were attacked about a week ago. His brother was nine, he didn’t make it. Derek was having mental and emotional problems, but none too serious. The other hostage is Shawn Spencer, he often works with the SBPD. He has solved many cases that we could not. He was attacked when he was five, his brother, Jake, was seven. His brother died. He was emotionally and mentally destroyed, but you could never tell now. I never knew about the incident until we got Derek’s case. But they both have been through a lot,” I finish.

“Joseph  was seven when his sister died, she was two,” she tells me. The door suddenly opens and Carlton motions me over. Buzz walks in to take my place.

        The woman speaks up,”If you find him, bring him to me so I can kick his ass for hurting those kids and turning into his father,” she says coldly I smile and happily agree.

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