He Was Here

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Shawn's POV:

  I rub the sleep from my eyes. I look at Jules who has wide eyes.

"What? Who was it?" I ask, yawning.

"It was Karen. She needs us at the hospital, there's a situation with Derek."

"What? What happened?" I ask.

"I don't know, she didn't tell me," answers Jules. We get in the car and rush to the hospital. I am already worried. Why would the chief need me. When we get to Derek's floor, there's a whole bunch of cops. Vick motions us over.

"The boy got out of his room while his aunt was asleep. He claims to have seen his attacker in his room. He wants you Shawn," sighs Karen, her expression tired. I nod and make my way to the closet where Derek is. I knock.

"Stay out!" I hear Derek exclaim.

"Derek, it's Shawn. May I come in?" I ask him, almost pleading. The door opens slightly, I feel a small hand grab my own. It pulls me in to the completely dark closet. The door closes behind me. I put my hand on the wall searching for a switch, I finally find one. It slowly flickers on, it's light dull. Derek stands beside me, still holding my hand.

"Derek, what are you doing in here?" I ask him, as quietly as I can manage.

"The man was in my room," he whispers.

"Are you sure?" I question him, not believing him.

"Yes, he left a note for you. I put it under my pillow. He also had me watch a DVD. It was of you, falling through the steps at my house," he says, letting go of my hand. He begins to pace in the large closet. I stand there, bewildered. 

"Did he hurt you?" I manage to ask.

"No, but he said-" he stops abruptly. His already pale face begins to pale even more.

"What? What did he tell you?" I ask him. I put my hands on his shoulders and stand on my knees, preventing hom from pacing.

"He- he said that h-he was g-going to-" he stops and looks at me with wild eyes.

"It's okay Derek, you can tell me later," I stop him, he sighs in relief.

"Can I take you back to your room now?" I ask him.

"Will you carry me?" he pleads with a puppy face. I sigh then nod, he smiles. I stand up then pick him up. He wraps his arms around my neck and wraps his legs around my waist. I open the door. I feel Derek tighten his grip.

"We're good," I announce walking out. Derek buries his face in my shoulder when he sees all the cops. When I enter his room I set him on his bed. He hands me a piece of paper from under his pillow. I then take out the DVD in the DVD player. On the disc it reads 'For Shawn. From- You Know Who'. Jules, the chief, and Lassie come walking in. I see Claire in the doorway. I hear a screech from behind me. Derek is screaming and pointing at something in my direction. Claire comes running in, trying to calm him down. But he just ignores her and keeps pointing and screaming. I then see the problem. There is a knife on the counter. The chief sees it too. I quickly grab it and walk out of the room, the chief right behind. In the hallway, I walk to the nurses' station.

"I have a question," I announce with a fake smile. She comes up to me.

"What could that be sir?" My smile then evaporates. She lifts an eyebrow. I lay the knife on the counter. Her mouth drops and she looks up at me.

"That knife was in Derek's room. Derek, you know, the six year old boy that was stabbed," I say as calmly as I can manage. She doesn't say a single word.

"Another question. How did you morons let a stranger in his room?"

"We never did that!" defends the woman.

"I disagree," I argue and take out the note. "The man who attacked Derek has been leaving these notes, and guess what. This was under Derek's pillow and there was a DVD that wasn't his in the player."

"How do you know?" questions the woman.

"The video is of me when I get injured yesterday. And it was adressed 'For Shawn. From- You Know Who'," I answer, my voice showing my anger. The nurse and the chief look at me, with wide eyes. What is up with people not believing me lately? 

"You need to get better security," I tell the nurse harshly. I give the evidence to Karen. I then head back to Derek's room. Jules looks at me, frowning.  Derek is on his bed, rocking back-and-forth. I sigh. Claire sits in a chair next to him, she gave up on him. I sit on the bed. He raises his head and looks at me. His face full of fear. I bring him closer to me. He then gets on my lap. He loses it. He cries hysterically. He cries into my chest. I wrap my arms around him, keeping him close to me. Karen walks in the room, she frowns when she sees me. I just frown in return. She then motions Lassie and Claire out. They walk out, leaving just me, Derek, and Jules. I rub my hand up and down on his back.

"Shh, Derek. It's okay, the knife is gone, no one is going to hurt you," I soothe. He only calms a little. Jules sits next to me. She puts a hand on his upper-back. She leans back to face him, he turns his head away. I sit him up on my lap. He looks at me. His blue eyes wide and red.

"You have every right to be afraid," I whisper. He looks at me. "I was terrified of knives for a long time after he hurt me," I tell him. The memories flashing in my mind.

"Really?" Derek and Jules look at me, waiting for more.

"Yeah, I also hated being alone. I was never the same," I say, my voice trailing off.

"Does it get better?" asks Derek.

"Eventually, but it takes time," I answer. He just nods and rests his head on my shoulder. I bow my head, exhausted. I look up to see the chief, Lassie, and Claire looking at me, their eyes wide. Jules's eyes follow.

"Hey buddy, we have to go. I'll be back. I promise." I stand up and set him on the bed. Jules stands up as well. We leave the stupid hospital. When we get in the car, we just sit there, lost in thought. I see Jules wipe away a few tears.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask her. She sighs.

"I feel sorry for the boy. How long were you afraid of knives?" asks Jules.

"I don't know, maybe three or four months," I answer. She just nods and starts the car. The ride home is exruciatingly quiet.

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