Nightmare, Pain, and Gone

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Shawn's POV:

I open my eyes to see Jake. I'm in my dad's house. Jake has a stab wound in his stomach. I look down, so do I. I quickly realize that I'm five.

"Why did you let me die Shawn? Why did you let me open the door? It's all your fault!" Jake hisses at me.

"I'm sorry-"

"Yeah, well sorry isn't good enough. Saying sorry won't bring me back to life," he spats. A tear runs down my cheek. "You're nothing but a cry baby, that hasn't changed. You can't take the blame for my death, can you? Well guess what, it's all your fault!" He reaches underneath the cushion and pulls out a knife. My dad suddenly comes into the living room as well; he's much younger. He also has a knife in his hand. My mom walks in behind him, knife in hand. The chief and Lassie walk in through the front door, each with a knife. Jules walks in behind them, she also has a knife. Gus suddenly enters the room from the kitchen, he has the biggest knife of all, Juliet's not far behind. I'm suddenly my adult self. Everyone comes closer.

"It's your turn to die Shawn!" exclaims Lassie.

"You don't deserve me as a friend!" Gus shouts. But he's right, I don't.

"You're not good enough for me!" Jules spats at me. She is also right.

"You're nothing but a disappointment," my mom hisses.

"It should have been you! You're no son of mine!" my dad yells.

"You ready Shawn?" the chief asks. Everyone suddenly comes charging at me. I slip past my mom, dad, and Gus. I run outside, where it's storming. The sky is black and the wind is howling in my ears. The cold rain strikes hard against my skin. Lightning suddenly lights up the sky, followed by booming thunder. I run away from the house, trying to escape. I suddenly hit something hard and fall on my ass. I look up, there's nothing. I try again. Once again, I hit something hard, but there's nothing there. I slam my fists where the invisible wall is. I pound as hard as I can, with no success. I feel a slice in my back. I turn around, it's Lassie.

"I've always wanted to do that," he sighs with an evil grin. I run, only to hit another invisible wall. I growl in frustration. There's no escape. I feel a slice on the back of my leg, then on my neck. It's the chief and my mom. They only laugh at my pain. I run towards the house. A board suddenly hits me in my mid-section. I fall to the ground, losing my breath. My dad smiles over me. Jules, Gus, and Jake are there as well. I try to get up, but my dad slams his foot onto my chest, knocking me down and causing me to lose my breath again. He laughs.

"There's no escaping, time to die!" my dad shouts. Jake brings the knife across my right cheek. Jules stabs me in the chest, right where my heart is. But I don't die. The pain only intensifies. My dad stabs me in the side, then Gus stabs me in the stomach, right where I was already stabbed. I howl in pain, but no one comes to my rescue. All of them are suddenly smiling and laughing over me. A dark figure is suddenly behind Jake, Jake steps aside, letting the figure get closer to me. I can't move at all. He has a large knife. They all begin to chant.

"Shawn. Shawn. Shawn. Shawn. Shawn!" The man brings the knife down into my chest.

My eyes snap open and I shoot straight up. I quickly regret it. My side explodes in pain. I cry out and grab my side. I almost fall off the front of the couch, but a set of hands catch me, Jules. I breath heavily from the nightmare and the pain. Jules tries to sit me up, but I resist, I remain hunched over in pain.

"Shawn, are you okay?" she asks me.

"No," is all I manage. My chest is tight from the pain. The pain in my side doesn't go away, not even a little. I feel Jules get off the couch, she's suddenly in front of me.

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