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Shawn's POV:

I sit home alone. I look at the clock, it's eight. I groan out of boredom. I hear a knock on the door and get up to answer it. Maybe Jules forgot her keys. I open the door to see a man dressed fully in black. My heart starts to race, this is it, he's going to kill me. He brings a rock up and slams it into my skull. Everything goes black.

I open my eyes to see a cement wall. I'm tied to a chair with rope. I hear whimpering next to me, I turn my head. My heart sinks, it's Derek. He looks up at me with fear-filled eyes.

"Shawn! What is happening?" he asks me. I frown.

"I wish I knew," I answer. Tears slide down his cheeks. I look around, cement walls and floors. So I might be at a warehouse. I hear footsteps and look in that direction. It's him. He still has his black hoddie and sweat pants. He turns around. I take in his facial features. He is about six feet tall and average built. He has dark brown messy hair. His eyes are a dark blue. He has a large nose, and a scar above his right eye.

"Hello gentlemen, glad to see you could join me," he says smoothley. He reminds me so much of Yin. He takes a step towards Derek. Derek shrinks away from him.

"Oh, no reason to be scared-"

"Just shut up!" I snap. He raises an eyebrow and walks over to me. He stands over me.

"Repeat that if you dare," he growls.

"Shut up," I say again. He brings his fist across my face. He then knees me in my right side. I gasp at the pain. Derek cries next to me. The man then walks over in front of Derek.

"Repeat it," he growls again. I just shake my head. He walks away from him, and back to me. He pulls a knife out of his pocket, Derek starts screaming at the sight of it. The man walks towards me, I close my eyes and wait. He knees me in the gut and elbows me in the temple. He then brings the knife across my chest. It's not deep, but it hurts. I hold in my pain. He then drops the knife at my feet and walks away. I breathe deeply.

"Shawn? Are you alive?" Derek asks quietly. My heart breaks.

"Yes," I reply. I scoot my chair closer to his. The man is suddenly back.

"You two are lucky enough to be in my grand finale! Now, don't try to escape. That means you Shawn. Now Shawn, stand up," he says. I raise a questioning eyebrow. He unties me, I fight. I bring my fist across his face and knee him in the stomach. I try to punch him again, but he blocks me. I look to my right, a glass door leading to another room, perfect. I direct the fight to the door, but he reads my mind. He quickly knees me in the gut and pushes me through the glass door. I loose my breath when I contact the door. I land on the floor, hard. I feel the glass cut me all over. He disappears, but returns dragging Derek by his chair. He sets him next to me. He then returns me to my chair, retying me. I hang my head down in defeat.

"You learn your lesson?" the man asks me. I nod.

"Now, I  bet you have a lot of questions for me Shawn. Ask them," he says.

"What's your name," I start casual.

"Guess," he responds.

"Joseph York," I say quickly. He nods with a smile.

"Why kids? Why did you choose who you did?"

"To answer your first question Shawn, I hate kids. I enjoy death though, so I combined the two. I chose randomly, I chose you first because of your mom. After that I kept it two years or twins. I liked the variety, it was like a game," he answers.

"In my mom's report you said you were glad your brother was dead. Why?" I ask.

"I hated him. My parents loved him more. His name was Alex. He was my parent's dream kid, he was athletic, artistic, and smart. He was popular and all the girls liked him. There was the amazing Alex, then there was the Joseph. I preferred comics over sports, I liked being alone, all to my parent's disappointment-"

"So? My brother was my dad's first choice and my mom took him instead of me! You killed because you weren't the favorite? Because you didn't mean as much as him,  you murdered innocent children. You monster," I spit out at him.

"Shut up!" he screams at me. He brings his hand across my head again, then hits me multiple times in the mid-section. I sit there, breathless and in pain. "No more questions!" he yells. He then leaves. I watch as blood drips off my chin, coming from my head.

"You okay?" Derek asks me.

"Yes," I reply. I look over at him, he is completely petrified. The man comes back with a bat. Derek shoots back in his chair, but I don't budge. He stands directly above me. He smiles. He slams the bat into my chest, hard. I lose my breath, Derek cries next to me. He brings the bat around again, this time, I feel and hear a rib crack, at least one. I scream at the pain. He brings it around once more, another rib cracks, I hold in my scream this time. He brings it around one last time, I'm pretty sure he cracked another one. He then leaves the room. Derek scoots his chair closer to me. I open my eyes to look over at him, he's petrified.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of here," I say in a painful breath.

"What about you?" he asks.

        "If I can," I reply. I stop talking and save my breath.  The man returns.

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