Secrets Revealed

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Shawn's POV:

Go home? Get some sleep? I will just pretend sleeping is possible at the moment. I get in the car with Jules once more and head home. When we get home I collapse on the couch, exhausted. I close my eyes, thinking about Derek. He's all alone. All he has know is his aunt. No brother, mom, or dad. I shake my head at the thought. I feel Jules sit next to me and lean against me. I put my arm around her and bring her closer. She rests her head on my chest, and I rest the side of my head on top of hers.

"Let me guess, you're thinking about the case," she says into my chest.

"No, not the case. Derek..." my voice trails off. I hold her close, hoping her presence will stop the memories from racing into my mind. Why him? Why a young boy? Couldn't a full grown man pick on someone his own size? Guess not, wimp. That man is not a man, if you ask me. A headache suddenly takes over my mind, at least it's better than the memories. In less than fifteen minutes, my headache gets worse, way worse. I squeeze my eyes tight. I bury my face in Juliet's hair. I feel her move her head away and I lift my own. She then straightens up beside me.

"You alright?" she asks. I shake my head and lean forward, resting my head in my hands. She leans on my back and guesses,"Headache?" I nod and she gets up. I sit up at the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. I hear a knock on the door, I can tell who it is just by the knock.

"Gus? What do you need buddy?" He walks straight in and sits down in a chair.

"I'll be right back," I walk into the kitchen where Jules is. She hands me a Tylenol. I take it and head back to the living room.

"Oh, hey Jules. Anything on the case? Did you find the parents?"

"We found them alright," I reply,"On the news. They died in their car. They say it was suicide."

"But you have your doubts," Gus reads my mind. I give him a thumbs up and sit on the couch next to Jules.

"Why?" she asks.

"First of all, Derek said his parents left, and he gave us a description of a man!"

"He's a kid Shawn. He could have made it up," Jules retorts.

"Possibly. But I don't buy it," I reply.

"Hey SHawn," Gus breaks in,"You said you were going to tell us who Jake is?"

"Do you really want to know?" I ask, not wanting to waste time on myself. The both nod like children. I sigh, All the evil memories flashing in my mind. The memories involve Jake.

"Gus how many siblings did I have?"

"None," he answers, confused.

"Wrong! You don't remember?"

"Remeber who Shawn?"

"Guys, Jake was my brother!" I exclaim standing up.

"You never had a brother Shawn," argues Gus.

"You played with him Gus. He was two years older than us. We looked like twins!"

"He was your brother? I thought he was your cousin, because he ws never at your house," recalls Gus.

"He traveled with my mom, she home schooled him," I retort.

"I wondered why you two looked so much alike," his voice trails off in confusion.

"Any way, do you want me to tell the rest of the story?" I ask, willing to tell more.

"There's more?" asks Gus.

"Well duh. I'm not upset that I had a brother. Keyword: had!" I exclaim. Gus is queit now.

"Had? What happened?" Jules grabs my arm to make me sit down again. I remain standing. She frowns, but lets go. I sigh and plop next to her. She leans into me and rests her head on my shoulder. I gave in, because I hate the feeling of being alone.

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