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Juliet's POV:

I wake up to Shawn talking in his sleep. I open my eyes to see the wall, I must have moved in my sleep. I roll over to see Shawn. He's curled up in a ball. He's saying Jake again. He suddenly stops. I sigh. But not long after, Shawn begins talking again. He balls his hands into fists and brings them close to him. I put a hand on his shoulder. He jerks in response. He then shakes his head. The entire time he talks. He suddenly says 'help'. I stop, caught off gurad. That's a new one, I've never heard him say that in his sleep before. He trembles in his sleep. He shakes his head side to side. I grab his wrists. He grunts. I say his name repedeatly. I shake him. I just want him to wake up.

"Shawn!" I say slightly louder. His eyes snap open and he shoots straight up. I let go of his wrists. He leans forward and brings his knees up. He rests his head against his legs. I watch as he trembles. He breathes heavily. I sit all the way up. I turn around so that I face him. He keeps his head still but he moves his eyes to look at me. His eyes are still full of fear, a fear I have never seen before. He has his hands on his knees. I put my hand on one of his. He quickly takes it in his. He closes his eyes and shakes his head, trying to get the nightmare out of his head.

"You alright Shawn?" I ask. I put a hand on his back. He flinches, but quickly relaxes.

"No," he breathes heavily. I frown and run my hand on his back up to the back of his head. I play with strands of hair. Shawn still hasn't calmed down any.

"Shawn," I say, he lifts his head and looks at me. I slowly put his legs down. I then sit in his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. He then wraps his arms around me. He then buries his face in the crook of my neck. His breathing is still quick.

"Shhh..." I whisper. His breathing slows a little and then becomes staggered. I feel his heartbeat hammer against my chest, it is also going way too fast. I kiss his temple and then rest my head on his. I then ask,"Shawn you want to tell me about your nightmare?" Usually its the other way around. He's usually comforting me. "Later," he replies. I don't argue. An intense hatered then grows inside me. I hate the man who did this to him. I hate that man. I hate him! He's a monster.

I bury my face in Shawn's hair to escape my thoughts. I feel something warm run down my shoulder. I then realize what it is. A tear. I put my head next to Shawn's. And for the first time, I see Shawn cry. He falls apart. I can't blame him. If I were him, I would too, especially working this case. I rub his back as he cries tears that he's been holding in for too long. His body shakes as he cries. I bring him in closer. I feel his tears slide from the crook of my neck. I run a hand through his hair, keeping myself from sinking into thought. I feel less tears, but I still hold on to him. The entire time he falls apart I hold him in my arms, trying my best to keep him in one piece. He cries from the nightmare, the memories, and the loss of his brother. He tries to lean away from me, but I hold him close to me. I no longer feel any tears, but his breathing is still heavy. I look at Shawn, he wipes away the remaining tears, his eyes red. He has tear stains on his cheeks.

"Go ahead, laugh," he says. His voice is coarse. I just sigh and kiss him on the cheek, catching a tear. I then rest my head on his shoulder and reply,"I have no reason to laugh." He returns his head to the crook of my neck. I feel him kiss me, he then rests his head there. I would have never have thought that I would see Shawn like this. His dad taught him to hide his emotions, he must have taught him well. But, you can't keep everything bottled up forever, it's eventually going to explode, like just now. I can't imagine holding it all in all these years, but he did. To everyone else, he's just a goofy psychic. He always meant something to me. I know things other's don't. But now, as he reveals another chapter of his story to me, I feel even closer. Not sure how, but I do. I raise my head and kiss him on the temple again. I then return to my original spot to fall back asleep. Shawn does the same, but he keeps his eyes open.

"Shawn, you need to sleep," I say sluggishly, almost asleep.

"I'd rather not return to hell," he replies coldly. I then snuggle into him, to give him something to hold on to, and he does. He wraps me in his arms and rests his head on mine. I rest my head against his chest. His heart has slowed down enough to make me happy. I smile and scoot closer. He kisses the top of my head and says,"Thank you," right before I fall asleep.

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