No Survivors Allowed

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Juliet's POV: 

Shawn has fallen asleep. How? Oh well, doesn't matter.

"Juliet, catch the bastard, for me, please," begs Maddie. "I can't stand seeing Shawn this way. He reminds me of his father coming home with cuts and bruises all the time."

"I want to catch him as much as everyone, else, including Shawn," I reply.

"But you don't think you can, do you?" she reads me easily. No wonder Shawn is so good.

"We have nothing. Believe me, I want to put the bitch in prison, but we can't find him. Shawn thinks this just a game, that the man just want us to squirm. But he'll eventually get tired of watching us fail, and he'll go to his grand finale for entertainment. And by this," I point to Shawn," I think he's running out of patience." I wipe away the blood on his forehead. Maddie wipes away the blood on his cheek, the cut is deep. He has a tiny cut under his chin, but it's nothing serious. Shawn slowly opens his eyes. He yawns and stretches. Maddie watches him with saddness in her eyes. "You might want to change your shirt," I offer.

"Why?" he looks down. There is blood on his shirt. He sighs and gets up. He peels off his shirt. I gasp when I see what lies underneath. Shawn has huge dark bruises all over his midsection. Maddie looks close to tears. Shawn nods.

"Yeah, I ran into something," he lies.

"And your head and face?"

"I wasn't paying attention and ran into a brick wall," he offers. But we all three know he's lying. He quickly puts another shirt on.

"Goose, what's going on?" asks Maddie. Tears escape her eyes. Shawn goes over to her and wraps her in his arms.

"Mom, I wish I completely knew," he whispers.

"But you know a little," concludes Maddie. Shawn nods.

"If I say anything, I'm not endangering my life, but someone else's," he answers. Now I understand why he won't say anything. This man has threatened to kill someone, and Shawn knows that this man has killed before, so he won't say a word. 

"Whose life?" I ask. Shawn remains quiet. Maddie straightens up and Shawn does as well.

"I will go and get the mail," he says, without waiting for a response. I follow him outside. About half way, Shawn's phone rings. He answers it.

"Hello?" he suddenly falls quiet. He looks up at me, worry and saddness in his eyes.

"Ah!" Shawn cries out. Maddie and I jump. Shawn drops his phone into the grass and puts a hand over his ear. He picks up his phone. The guy must have hung up because Shawn doesn't return the phone to his ear.

"What was that?" asks Maddie.

"I don't-"

"Don't you dare lie," I warn him.

"He played a scream at a high decimal," he answers.

"Whose scream?" I ask.

"Mine, when I was a kid," he replies quietly. I walk up to him.

"I don't care if you don't believe me," he says. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean against him. I rest my head on his chest, his heart is hammering quickly.

"Shawn, I believe you," I whisper back. He wraps his arms around me.

"Who called you?" asks Maddie.

"It was a blocked number," he answers. Shawn lets me go. He heads inside, so much for the mail. He sits on the couch and Maddie sits next to him. I sit on his other side.

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