Surprise Visitor

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Juliet's POV:

During the ride home, Shawn is quiet, I can't stand it.

"You got anything on the case?" I question. He shows no reaction. Nothing. "Shawn-"

"Yes!" he exclaims, cutting me off. I remain silent, waiting for the rest. He sighs and rubs his eyes. He's exhausted, I can't blame him.

"Every note has the same ending, 'Say goodybye Shawn'. I have concluded, along with the chief that-" he stops and looks over at me, frowning,"We originally thought that he meant say goodbye to him, right? Well, now we think he means that he wants me to say goodbye, to-to everybody," he finishes. 

"Why do you think that?" I manage.

"He told me I'd be scared and he then told me to stop breathing. Jules, we already know that this man is after me. I just-" his voice trails off. How could I have missed it!

"I also think," starts Shawn, grabbing me attention,"I think he doesn't want us to find him. That he is just making us squirm, torturing us. He'll keep doing until he gets to his grand finale, whatever the hell that is."

"You have any ideas what it could be?" I wonder aloud.

"At this point it looks like murder. He might kill another kid just to rub it in our faces that we failed," his voice trails off again,"What do you think it is?" he asks me. I don't want to tell him.

"Let's just say that it goes along with your note idea," I reply.

"You think he's going to try to kill me?" he asks, his voice cracking. I nod.

"At least I wasn't the only one that thought that-"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"He's done nothing but torture me and everyone else I care about. Jules this guy's game will soon end. He won't be the same sunny guy that he is now. He will be set out to kill, he'll do whatever it takes. He will get tired of seeing us squirm, it won't be fun to him anymore. That's  what 

he's doing at the moment. He won't seriously hurt anyone until it is time for his grand fianle," Shawn concludes. I sit there like an idiot with my mouth hanging open. It makes perfect sense.

"It sounds right, but how in the world did you come up with that?"

"We've worked with serial killers before, and my dad has told me all about them. Most are motivated by anger, loss, sadness, jealousy, or something else. But then there are the ones that do it for fun. They show no feeling at all, they can move their facial features any way they want to, but their eyes, they stay empty. Take Yin for instance, he had the folksy smile, but his eyes were cold and empty. Though we can't see this guy, his voice and attitude are the same. They do it for fun. But like Yin, their grand finale has reason, and they get sinister, cruel, mean, and violent. They simply don't care because it's their last crime," he tells me.

I pull into the drive way and look at him. He looks at me and I see how much he is truelly falling apart. He has dark bags under his eyes and his hair is messier than usual. His has barely eaten and slept since we took the case. His eyes no longer shine with a beautiful happiness. Now they are dark and sad. I want to take all the pain away, but I can't. I finally go inside, Shawn behind me. When we get inside, Shawn collapses on the couch. He lays on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He looks shattered and confused. I sit next to him on the floor. He turns his head and looks at me. 

"What am I doing wrong? When we think we have something, we don't. I just can't believe that this guy is so-so clean! No evidence or anything! How has the dumbass done this for so long, not once messing up?" he asks.  I shake my head.

"Shawn you can't catch all of them," I tell him. He puts his hands on his face and shakes his head side to side.

"No! No, not this one!" he exclaims, I suddenly see what was wrong with what I said. Of all them, this one can't get away. If we don't find this man, Shawn will be in pieces. I remain quiet unsure of what to say. Shawn doesn't move either. I sigh and pry his hands from his face, but he looks away from me. I rest my head on his chest, unsure of what to do. I look up to see that Shawn has eyes closed. But I know from experience, he will wake up from a nightmare. I would have never guessed that Shawn would fall apart like this, but he has. I sigh and stand up. He's asleep. I then grab the shoe box that Henry gave me. It is full of photos of Shawn and Jake. I sit at the dining table and look through the box.

The oldest picture of Shawn and Jake is when Shawn was born. Maddie was holding Shawn, Henry and Jake were next to her. Jake wasn't looking at the camera though, he was looking at Shawn. He was smiling. Shawn was passed out. I smile at the photo. I look at the last one of them, one where they were both alive. Shawn and Jake were outside. Jake was giving Shawn a piggy back ride. They both had on goofy smiles. I smile wider, but then it disappears. The photo is dated in the bottom right corner. It was taken the day before they were attacked. I feel tears threatning to spill so I look for different photos. I stop when I see a Christmas photo. Shawn is holding a transformer toy while Jake is holding a toy airplane. They both had on red plaid pajamas. I then see a piece of paper at the bottom and pull it out. It was written by Shawn. He was in pre-school. His hand writing was bad, but it's legible. It reads:

I have a brother named Jake. He is tall and funny. He is nice to me and gets me ice cream! He is the best brother ever! He is smarter than me, but that is okay. One day I will be just as smart as him. We fight over toys and movies. He always wins, he is bigger than me. When we are old, we are going to be detectives, just like our daddy. I love my brother. ~Shawn Spencer.

I finally give in and cry. I hear movement on the couch, but ignore it. Shawn loved his brother so much. They both seemed so happy in the photos. They could have been the greatest detectives in Santa Barbara if they were so much alike. The thought of three Spencers is scary. I continue to cry when I realize that the chance was unfairly ripped away from them. Jake lost his life, but if you ask me, Shawn got the worst of it. He got his happiness and faith taken from him. He was afraid of everything. He no longer felt safe. From what I have heard, it took a while to get him back to normal. And when he did come back, he was never the same. I feel Shawn on my back, but I don't respond. Shawn wraps an arm around me. He uses his other hand to grab the piece of paper. I shift so I can see his reaction.  At first he has a straight face, that eventually turns into a smile. But the smile disappears, he places the paper back in the box, on the very bottom. I stand up and wrap my arms around his neck. He looks away from me. I grab his chin with one hand and turn his face back towards me. He finally gives in. When I finally get to see his face, I see that his eyes are red. I watch as a single tear falls down his face. I wipe the tear away. He looks down at me. I have nothing to say, so I bury my face in his chest. He kisses the top of my head then rests the side of his head on mine.

"We'll catch him Shawn," I whisper. But I don't even believe myself. He kisses my forehead then drops his arms. I do the same and look up at him. He has saddness in his eyes, I want to get rid of it. His phone starts to ring. He sighs then answers it.

"Hey dad what-" is he interrupted by Henry.

"What?" Shawn exclaims, anger suddenly showing on his face. He puts a hand on his face.

"Yeah, okay sure," he then hangs up.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"My mom is in town," he answers.

"So?" I wonder, confused why he would be angry, he loves his mom.

"The case! I don't want her to be involved. The last time she was here when I was chasing a serial killer, she nearly died! I will not let that happen again," he snaps angrily. I don't care though. He has a point, but so do I.

"Shawn, we might need her. It's her choice, not yours," I reply. He looks at me angrily.

"Oh, I'm sorry for worrying about my mom's life!" he raises his voice. I sigh, defeated. He quickly wraps me in his arms. It's a silent apology. He then heads towards the door. I follow him.

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