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Shawn's POV:

I just walk along the boardwalk. It's windy. All I want is to be alone, which just a couple of days ago, was my worst fear. The truth is, everywhere I go, he is watching me. He might have hired someone, but there's constant eyes on me. I kind of hope so, and that I'm not just losing my mind. And if I tell anyone the developments I have made on this case, the person I told won't be okay in the end. Where did this come from? I got a text from a blocked number telling me all of this.I want things to go back to normal. I want no one to feel sorry for me or care about how I feel. I like it that way. Mainly because I'm not sure how I feel or who I am at the moment. I'll get back to you once I do. I just want no one to care, they will be safer if they don't.

I am now alone on the sidewalk, oh well. No one in sight. Kind of odd for the town to be this empty. I see a figure in the corner of my eye. There is something wrong with me, because I'm not afraid. I continue to walk. As I pass an alley, I get pulled in. I fight against the man. I feel a knife under my chin, I stop. There is a strong scent of smoke.

"Remember what this is like?" says the man in a harsh whisper. As he speaks, the strong scent of smoke gets even stronger.

"What do you want from me?" I ask. He laughs.

"Shawn, don't you get it? I want you to suffer. I hope you enjoy your last few days, because you are running out of time."

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean, you just don't want to accept it. Your running out of time to live, and that's all I will tell you for now. Tell anyone about this or anything I said, they will die. You know that I will kill, don't try me. Got it?" he asks. I nod.

"Good. By the way,  you are right about everything you said about me and the case. It's just a shame you couldn't catch me. Tell the people who care about you that you love them, because your running out of time," he warns me.

"Why don't you just kill me now then? You have the knife and everything. Just do it now if you're going to do it," I say. He laughs.

"Now Shawn, that wouldn't be fun!" he laughs. He then brings the knife across my cheek, he cuts deep. He puts a hand over my mouth to keep me from making any noise. He then places the knife over my stomach.

"I would kill you know, to make you happy, but I won't. I hate to see others happy. So, I'll be patient and wait," he says, I think to me, but it's kind of hard to tell. He then grabs my hair. He slams the side of my head into the brick wall. Everything goes black.

I wake up to my phone ringing. There's a horrible pounding in my head. My face hurts where he cut me. My ribs also hurt, he must have kicked me when I was out. How did I get myself in this mess, how did it get this bad? My phone stops ringing, good. It was making my head ache worse. My phone goes off again. I groan. I get to my knees and crawl to my phone.

"Shawn! Are you alright?" Jules shouts on the other end of the phone. 

"Yeah," I say, but my voice squeaks.

"Where are you? Why didn't you answer?" she demands angrily.

"I'm between the smoothie shop and a barber shop. And I wish I could tell you why." "What? Whatever, your mom is at our house, she wants to talk to you," Juliet tells me. "Alright, I'll have Gus drive me over," I reply. She then hangs up, probably angry. I sit against the wall. I look up to see dried blood, probably mine. I put a hand to the side of my forehead, my right side. I wince when I touch the injured area. When I bring my hand down, I see that there is blood on it. I want to give up, to stop fighting. This is his game, we'll never win. I'll die and everyone will move on quickly or not care at all. But for some reason, I find myslef trying and fighting constantly. I want to stop, but I can't, I've tried. I don't care how much time I have left, numbers are numbers. I suddenly remember that I have to go home, as much as I don't want to. I call Gus.

"Shawn?" I am relieved to hear his voice.

"Hey buddy, can you come pick me up?" I ask.

"Sure, where you at?" I tell him where I am, and I wait. Gus finally pulls up and I quickly get in the car. He looks at me wide-eyed.

"What the hell happened to you?" Gus asks. I look at him, showing him the rest.

"My gosh Shawn!" he gasps. "Well?" I frown.

"I can't tell you buddy, I wish I could, but I can't," I reply, looking away from him.

"Shawn, he is escalating-"

"It's not my life that's in danger!" I exclaim. He's silent, getting my situation. I exhale shakily. I wish people would just listen to me. Gus pulls up to my house. I get out and he drives off, I watch him go, not wanting to face Juliet or my mom.

"Goose!" I take a deep breath and turn around and face them. They both gasp.

"Shawn what happened?" asks Jules taking steps towards me.

"I can't say," I reply. She stops in front of me.

"You look horrible Goose," sighs my mom. "Come on, let's clean you up." I follow them inside. In the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror. My hair is a mess, I have dark bags under my eyes, and I am slightly paler. I have a busted lip. My cut looks disgusting. It has dried blood near the edges and is deep. The right side of my forehead also had dried blood surroundig a wound. Underneath the mess is a nasty bruise, I could have a concussion, but I don't care. I sit on the side of the bath tub while Jules and my mom clean me up. I lean my head against the wall and fall asleep.

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