Another Bullet and a Suspect

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Shawn's POV:

I wake up to Jules's phone ringing. She answers and listens to the other end. I don't even try to listen, I am too tired and have a head ache.

"We'll be right there," says Juliet before putting her phone down.

"Where are we going?" I ask yawning.

"Derek's house, someone threw a large rock into his bedroom window. Now Derek refuses to leave his room, and no one knows if he is hurt or not. I have to be there and they want you there to help with Derek," Jules informs me. When we arrive, there are cop cars outside of the house, poor kid must be scared to death. The chief motions us over as she walks into the house. The chief, Jules, Lassie, and I walk in together.

"Shawn, we just want you to see if he is alright then bring him out of his room," the chief tells me. I nod. The chief leads to me to his bedroom door and I knock.

"Stay out!" shouts Derek.

"Derek, it's Shawn. Can I come in?"

"No one else."

"No one else, I promise," I return. The door slowly opens. I walk in and the door is shut behind me. Derek quickly walks over to his bed and sits on it, looking away from me.

"Derek, are you okay? Are you hurt?" I ask approaching him. "Derek, just let me help you, I just want to know if you are okay." He looks at me with a frown. His face has tear streaks on it, along with more tears. He sticks his right arm out, there is blood on it. I gently grab his arm. Close to his shoulder there is a medium-sized wound.

"What happened?" I ask.

"He threw a rock through the window, it hit my arm. He left a note for you." He points to his night stand. There is a piece of paper with my name on it.

"Are you hurt any where else?" I question. He shakes his head. "Did he say anything?"

He nods, he won't say. I put the note in my back pocket.

"Did he touch anything?" Derek shakes his head. I get close to him and whisper,"I am sorry I let this happen to you. This is all my fault. I am so sorry."

"It's not your fault Shawn," he whispers. He smiles, and I can't help but to smile too.

"Let's go get you fixed up. Want me to carry you again?" He nods with a goofy smile. He stands on his bed and leaps into my arm. He wraps his arms and legs around me for dear life. I open the door and walk out. Derek shrinks into me, afraid of all the commotion. I want to take it all away, but I don't know how. When I walk outside, Claire smiles in relief. I look around. A figure on my right catches my attention, he has a gun. I shift Derek to my left side. The sound of a single gun shot rings out. I shift even more to protect Derek. I feel a sudden pain in my right side. I cry out and fall to one knee. But I force myself up and set Derek on the ambulance. I feel a hand on my shoulder, it spends me around. Jules looks at me worried.

"Were you hit?" she asks. I nod. "How bad is it?" I shrug and wince at the pain. "Where were you hit?" I point to my right side. The chief is suddenly behind Jules and Claire is next to Derek. I sit on the opposite end of the back of the ambulance.

"What happened?" questions the chief.

"He was hit," announces Jules. I left the side of my shirt up. Sure enough, there is a bullet in my side. They both gasp. It is probably the same type of bullet from the first time he shot me.

"Shawn! Are you okay?" questions Derek. I smile wearily.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me," I reply. He smiles then returns his attention to his aunt.

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