Guardian Angel

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Shawn’s POV:

Jake’s cries for help echo in my head. The scene plays over in my head on repeat. I let him die, I can never forgive myself for that. When I finally wake from my repeating nightmare, Jules is still asleep. I let her sleep, she’s taken care of me, the least that I can do is let her sleep. I look over at the clock on the stove, it’s nine-thirty. The soreness of my muscles suddenly sets in. My head starts to pound and my side aches, along with my chest. I rest back in my chair, keeping the pain to myself. I close my eyes to try to minimize the pain. I hear Jules shift on the couch, I then hear her get up. She rests a hand  on my shoulder. I open my eyes and look up at her.

“Oh, I thought you were asleep,” she tells me.

“Nope,” I reply.

“You feeling alright?” she asks me. I wonder if I should tell the truth. She must see me contemplating the thought because she says,”I want the truth.”

“My head, side, and chest hurt,” I answer honestly. She goes into the kitchen then returns with a pill and a water bottle. I take the pill and give the water bottle back to her.

“You want to go see your mom and dad today?” she asks me.

“Sure,” I reply. I sit up in my chair, causing more pain than I expected. I groan as quietly as I can manage. Jules comes over to help me, but I put a hand out. I can do it my damn self. I finally get myself situated. I smile at my achievement.

“Proud of yourself?” she asks me. I nod. She hands me the t.v. remote, I find South Park and watch it. Jules frowns at my choice. I give the remote back to her. “We can watch this,” she replies.

“You can see if there is anything better on,” I say. She smiles and channel surfs, and lands on Supernatural, I don’t protest. Jules fixes herself something in the kitchen. When she comes back she rests a bowl of Lucky Charms in my hands. I smile at my breakfast, memories of my childhood flashing in my mind. I dig into my cereal. When I finish Jules takes my bowl. I hate being treated like a kid. Painful injuries or no painful injuries, I can do it. I continue watching the show. I start to feel nauseous, but I try to ignore it. It eventually becomes too much and I go to the bathroom. I puke out my lucky charms and pineapples, it’s not pretty. I hear Jules walk into the bathroom. I throw up again, she kneels next to me, resting a hand on my back. When I’m finally down, I flush the toilet and rest my head on the cover. Jules rubs my back, and I sit there, starting to doze off.

“You alright?” she asks me. I nod. “Do you still want to go to your dad’s house?” I shake my head. She sighs and rests her head on my back. I close my eyes as another wave of nausea hits me. I lift the lid and throw up again. Jules sighs and sits up. When I’m done I decide to get up. Jules comes to help me, but once again, I stick my hand out because I don’t want her help. I put my hands on the toilet lid and push myself up. It hurts my ribs, but oh well. I finally get on my feet. I wobble into the bedroom and collapse on the bed. Jules lies next to me. Her phone suddenly rings.

“O’Hara,” she answers. She frowns. “Alright,” she then hangs up. I raise an eyebrow. She frowns. “Tomorrow I have to go into work to do paperwork on a robbery case and finish the ones on York’s funeral that’s tomorrow,” she informs me. I just nod. An idea suddenly hits me, but I keep it to myself. Jules would never approve. I fall asleep on the bed. When I wake up it is seven at night, but I’m still tired. I sit up then walk into the living room. We don’t do much. Jules eats her super and I watch some more Supernatural. At nine we go to bed. I fall asleep quickly.

When I wake up I’m in the hospital. I look to my right to see Jules.

“Good, you’re awake,” she says.

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