Easy to Relate to

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Shawn's POV:

Derek leads me down the hallway. Near the end he opens the door to his bedroom. It's white with a wood floor. He has a few toys in his room.

"Claire said she will redo my room when the mess is over," he tells me, I nod. I sit on his bed. The covers have an american flag pattern. He digs in his closet and comes out with an Optimus Prime action figure.

"Calling all autobots," I say with my best Optimus Prime voice. His face lights up.

"I have a question," says Derek.

"Ask," I reply.

"Will the man ever leave us alone? He is hurting you, a long time after he did the first time. Will he do the same thing to me?" he asks. I frown.

"I don't know," I reply honestly. He sits next to me on the bed, he hands me his toy.

"I don't have anyone to play with any more," he says with a puppy face.

"I know what it's like. Gus was gone, he was somewhere east. I had no one to talk to or anything. It felt like it was me against the world," I tell him.

"Yeah. Since I'm here with my aunt, I have to go to a new school. I don''t know anybody," he replies.

"I saw some other kids down the street," I say. He nods.

"Did more kids get hurt?" he asks me suddenly. "I heard my aunt talking about it." I sigh.

"Yeah. They're identical twins, Samuel and Jason. They are seven and they both survived," I tell him.

"Who saved them?" he asks.

"The cops," I reply.

"Did you save them?" I give in and nod. He scoots closer to me. "The other night, when you were in here, you asked me if he said anything. He-he said that he was going to kill you." I put an arm around him. He leans against me, I hold in a yell, because it's my right side.

"We're going, Shawn," Jules says as she enters the room. Derek frowns. We both hop up and head to the living room. As Jules and Claire talk, I lose myself in thought. I'm quickly shaken from them. A man comes up to the window. He has a ski mask and is wearing all black clothes. Is it my imagination? Is it from sleep deprivation? Derek screams and points to the window. The man quickly takes off. Jules looks out the door, but he is gone. Jules comes back in with a frown. Derek wraps his arms around me. One of his arms land on where I was shot. I let out a yelp, but quickly catch myself. He starts to back away, but I put an arm around him, keeping him there.

"Sorry," he whispers. I just nod. I let him go and we leave. We then head to the SBPD.

"Did he say anything?" Jules asks me.

"He told me how lonely he was," I reply.

"Lonely?" she sounds surprised.

"Yeah. He has to go to a new school and he no longer has his brother. I know-"

"But you had your parents, and you were going to go to a new school anyways."

"You don't get it though. Everyone is trying to keep themselves together, so you have to keep yourself together."

"What do you mean?" she asks me.

"My dad was, well, himself. He fell apart, but wouldn't let it show. My mom completely fell apart. I had no one. My dad was still stubborn and my mom was trying to keep herself together. Gus was somewhere east. I had no one that would listen to me. After my parents mourned over my brother, they went numb, but I never did. I never got that pleasure, there was always that constant emptiness and pain. His room has never been opened since the incident, my dad locked it, hoping to move on quicker." I see Jules wipe away a tear.

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