Why Me

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Gus's POV:

When we enter Derek's hospital room, we see him watching Spongebob. His eyes light up when he sees Shawn. Shawn smiles in return.

"Hi Derek. We have a few more questoins for you," says Juliet. A woman with red hair turns down the volume on the t.v.

"Hey Derek, this is my buddy Gus," Shawn motions to me. I wave, the young boy smiles. Jules and I sit in chairs next to Derek's bed. Shawn sits on the side of the bed.

"Derek, do you know if some one didn't like your parents?" asks Shawn, the boy shakes his head no.

"Did your parents not like some one?" asks Shawn, turning the question around.

"No, why? Did you find my mommy and daddy?" the boy asks. Shawn looks over at Jules. She nods. I frown, knowing what they're deciding.

"Yes, we found your parents-"

"Where are they?" the boy exclaims, bouncing up and down in his bed.

"That's what I'm getting to. Derek, your parents-" Shawn stops, unsure of what to say. He takes a deep breath and continues," Your parents are dead, Derek. I'm sorry." Shawn looks shattered, like he did it himself. The boy screams. He pounds his fists on Shawns chest. Shawn just puts his arms around Derek. The boy doesn't seize his pounding.

"Derek, you need to calm down," says Juliet, standing up. She takes a step towards them. Derek continues pounding his fists on Shawn's chest, he also starts kicking his legs up and down. Shawn doesn't stop him.

"Why? Why me?" screams the young boy. Shawn quickly grabs both of Derek's fists with one hand. The boy quits kicking and struggles with Shawn. He eventually stops, he then begins to cry. Shawn lets go of Derek's hands. Derek puts his little arms around Shawn's neck and cries into Shawn's chest. Shawn closes his eyes and rests his chin on top of Derek's head. The boy cries, and Shawn keeps him close.

"Shh. Everything will be alright," soothes Shawn.

"How do you know?" questions the little boy.

"Believe me, I do," answers Shawn. The boy calms down, but doesn't move. He rests his head on Shawn's Chest. Shawn lefts his head and looks away from us. I can't even imagine how he feels. I hear Shawn take a deep breath. The boy looks up at Shawn, his eyes questioning.

"Have you ever lost someone you love?" asks Derek.

"Yeah, I lost my brother. His name was Jake," replies Shawn, still distant.

"What happened?"

"The same thing that happened to you and Derek."

"Were you hurt too?" asks the young boy. Shawn nods.

"He hit you with a knife too?" My heart breaks, along with everyone else's in the room.

"Yeah, in the same place he got you. I still have the scar," says Shawn.

"Really? Can I see?" Shawn lifts his shirt up just enough for Derek to see the scar. Juliet and I also look. The scar is just below his belly button. The boy looks at it. Shawn then lowers his shirt.

"Derek we have to leave now, but we'll be back," says Shawn. Derek waves to us as we leave. When we get in the blueberry, we're all silent. Juliet sits in the back seat. Shawn rests his forehead on the dash board.

"You alright Shawn?" I ask, he nods.

"You guys want lunch?" I nod. Shawn remains still. He turns his head away from me.

"Let's take it to Psych," I say. When we arrive at our destination, Jules gets out of the car. She asks me what I want then heads inside. I look over at Shawn.

"What's wrong Shawn?"

"I'm just wondering, how much more does Derek have to go through? I- It's my fault," he finishes. My jaw hits the ground. His fault?

"Shawn, how could it possibly be your fault?" I question.

"It's a long story," he sighs. I suddenly piece it all together.

"You think it's your fault, because you haven't caught him yet,"I conclude.

"That's half of it," he replies. What could be the other half? I put it out of my mind foe now.

"You were good with Derek. You alright after that?" I ask, changing the subject, slightly.

"No. I'm far from okay," he breathes.

"Shawn, you were the only thing holding him together. Shawn he likes you, he looks forward to you now. You mean something to him-"

"Mean what Gus?" he shouts angrily. He sighs and says,"I'm sorry Gus. I'm sorry." I put a hand on his back. He turns his head on the dashboard to look at me. His eyes are slightly red on the edges. I sigh.

"You're fine Shawn. And to answer your question, you mean hope to him. You alone make him hope and believe we'll find the man guilty,'' I say.

"Yeah, but what if I don't find the guy? I'll break his heart. I won't mean anything to him. Gus, we have nothing on this guy. There's no evidence, nothing! How are we supposed to find him?" Shawn asks. He closes his eyes and shakes his head.

"Shawn, you'll find him-"

"How do you know?" he questions.

"I just know you will," I answer. Shawn opens his eyes.

"How come every one has faith in me that I'll find the killer?"

"Becuase Shawn, you have more reason and motivation than anyone else." He nods.

"How come you and Jules backed down earlier. Why did you make me ask the questions and tell Derek about his parents. I agree with Derek, 'Why me'?" asks Shawn.

"Shawn, you're good with Derek. And when he had his break down, you held him, you controlled him. You gave him hope. You make him smile. We let you do everything Shawn because he trusts you, and you keep him happy." I finish. Shawn looks at me for a moment before sitting up. He groans and puts his head in his hands. I raise my hand up to his shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just a head ache, probably from hitting my head earlier," he replies.  I pat him on the back before bringing my hand back. Jules returns to her seat in the blueberry. She hands me my sandwhich. She raises an eyebrow amd motions towards Shawn. I put a hand to my head, above my right eye. She gets it, she nods understandingly. Jules gives Shawn his sandwhich. He sits up and takes it.  When we arrive at Psych we eat our sandwhiches. Shawn sets his half-eaten sandwhich dawn and goes up to the clear board. He takes the red marker and draws two little stick people and writes K above one of them and D above the other.

"What are you doing Shawn?" asks Juliet.

"My job, Jules. I'm working on the case," he replies. He draws two more stick people. He writes a TM and TD above the other. Probably meaning, the mom and the dad. He then draws an x by TM, TD, and K. I quickly understand why, because they're dead.

"Alright, so we know it's most likely not the parents. Derek claims he doesn't know anyone who disliked them Tomorrow, we should ask Derek who didn't like Kyle, could be an angry parent, but highly unlikely."

"Who could it be then?" I ask.

"The person we're looking for may never even have had contact with any of them until yesterday. Jules, do you know if there are any other cases like this?" asks Shawn.

"No, but I can look later," she replies.

"Good, let's start there."

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