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Shawn's POV:

I fall asleep next to Jules. I wished not to have a nightmare. My wish does not come true. I'm suddenly sitting next to Jake. I look at my reflection on the television. I'm five and Jake is seven. I already know how this all ends. As I predict, there's a knock at the door. This time I grab Jake by the arm and tell him not to answer it, warning him that it could be a stranger. He pasues for a moment, but five seconds later he just brushes my hand off, telling me I'm a worry-wart. I already know what's coming, but it still horrifies me. My brother opens the door, I stand behind him. I try to take a peek at the man to see if I know him. To my suprise, he's a teenager. But I have never seen him before. He's about eighteen, he is wearing a black sweat shirt and black sweat pants. His face doesn't change, no matter how many times I have this nightmare. He then pulls out a knife and stabs Jake. Jake cries out in pain. His blood spatters on me, on my face. He turns and looks at me, his eyes wide. He mouths 'help'. I scream and run into the kitchen, planning to escape through the garage door.

The man takes a swing at me with his knife, he slices my back. My back stings and I put my hand were he got me. When I bring it back, it's covered in blood. He then jumps in front me, cutting me off from my escape route. I then turn and run back into the living room. The man then grabs me by the back of my shirt and spins me around. He is close to me, I can smell smoke. I look up at him, he has dark brown hair and dark blue eyes. He also has something above his right eye. Suddenly, he stabs me. I feel an intense pain in my abdomen. I scream in pain, then fall to my knees. The man then goes into the garage. I hear shuffling and the zipping of a bag. I then see him walk in front of the window. He now has on a blue and white stripped polo and khaki shorts. But it's him, I can tell by his face. He is carrying a black duffle bag in one of his hands. As he walks, he smiles, like the monster that he is. I randomly notice that the front door is closed.

I look over at Jake. I have never felt so alone. I then crawl over to him, every single movement hurts, but I fight. I then pull myself one last time, to where my head is on his chest. He puts a hand on my head and says,"Shawn. I-I. Shawn..." he breathes. I feel his heart beat, and then, it stops. His chest no longer rises. His heart no longer keeps a rythym in his chest. My name was his last word. I then cry. I cry from the pain, from the loss of my brother, from the loss of my best friend. I cry until everything goes fuzzy.

Usually everything goes black and I wake-up, but not this time. This time the fuzziness goes away. I stop crying. I hear a thumping and my head rises and falls. I look at Jake, he's awake.

"Shawn. Shawn, why didn't you help me? Why did you let me open the door?" he asks.

"I-I don't know," I stammer. What's happening? Jake takes a bloody hand and stretches it out towards me. I fall backwards and keep going back until I feel a leg in my back. I look up, it's the man. I then crawl until my back is against the wall.

"Oh Shawn, why didn't you stop me? Why didn't you open the door?" asks the man. I scream for help. But the man walks closer. Jake drags himself closer to me. I scream and kick at them. Jake grabs my leg and says,"Stop him Shawn, before he kills another little boy. Stop him. If you don't, more little boys will die, and it will all be your fault!"I keep kicking. The man laughs at my efforts. I then stop kicking as I let Jake's words sink in. Him must be the man. Suddenly Jake launches himself on top of me and grabs my wrists. I scream in fear, but no one comes to my rescue. The man and Jake suddenly shout simotaneusly," Shawn, Shawn. Shawn. Shawn. Shawn!"

"Shawn!" I hear Juliet's voice. Her beautiful voice has never been so beautiful. She wakes me from nightmare, calling my name and shaking me.

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