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Shawn’s POV:

I wake up alone, that’s fine. I look at the clock on the wall, it’s only eight o’clock in the morning. I close my eyes out of boredom. I hear my door open, so I open my eyes, it’s a nurse.

“I’m sorry, I thought you were asleep,” she says quietly.

“No, just bored,” I reply.

“You have your phone?” she asks me.

“No, I have no idea where it is,” I reply. She puts more medicine in the bags, good.

“Where’s the remote for the t.v.?” I ask her. She hands it to me, she then leaves. I channel surf, but find nothing. Annoyed, I turn it off. I close my eyes again and try to fall back asleep. My head kills me, my chest and ribs ache, and my side still hurts, but I’m happy. Derek is alive, I’m alive, and York is dead. We won, and now it’s all over. It feels great. My thoughts slip to York and the entire case.

It’s hard to believe that all of this mess started with a single phone call from the chief, asking to come to the crime scene. After that, everything went downhill. I was stabbed, shot twice, attacked in an alley, and destroyed emotionally, taking everyone down with me. I’m just glad no one else got hurt. I just wonder how York got so messed up. One minute he seemed completely normal, the next he was a maniac. I know people that have been through a lot, and turned out to be the greatest people I know. I can’t he had the capability to do that, to kill innocent kids. If I had to choose between getting killed by York or York killing a kid, I would choose dying. No kid deserves to go like that, not Jake, not Kyle, not Derek, nobody.  I fall back asleep. I wake up to the door opening, but I keep my eyes closed, thinking that it’s just a nurse.

“Shawn?” I was wrong, it’s Jules. I open my eyes, she smiles. She sits on the right side of my bed, making it jolt, ever so slightly. But that small movement sparks a pain in my right side, I grimace at the pain.

“Shawn, what’s wrong?” Jules asks, worry obvious in her voice. I try to relax, but movement sparks another wave of pain. Jules gets up and hurries into the hallway, probably to get a doctor. The pain only gets worse. I hear footsteps hurry around me. I finally give in to the darkness, the pain disappearing. I wake up, I feel a hand in mine, I squeeze it.

“Shawn?” it’s Jules. I open my eyes to look at her. She looks at me with a deep frown.

“What?” I ask her. She sighs.

“Your side is still infected, pretty badly. One of your ribs is also healing, but in the wrong way. So in about an hour, they’re going to re-break your rib, then tomorrow you’ll go into surgery to get all of the infected tissue removed,” she informs me.

“Re-break?” I ask. She nods with a frown. I groan, that won’t be fun.

“You okay now?” she asks me.

“For now,” I reply. She wipes a strand of hair out of my face. Bored, I grab the t.v. remote and channel surf, still nothing, I groan. I frown at my boredom.

“Bored?” she asks me. I nod. She looks through her purse and pulls out my phone, I smile at the entertainment. I play subway surfers to entertain myself. When the doctor comes in I put my phone away.

“Alright, we’re going to re-break one of your ribs-”

“How about no,” I interrupt. The doctor smiles, that sick man.

“I’m sorry, but we have to.” I groan, he chuckles. Two nurses walk into the room, I frown at the inevitable pain.

Juliet’s POV:

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