Derek and the Blue mini-van

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Shawn's POV:

Juliet and I ride in her car to the hospital to question the younger brother, Derek. I had to choose between him and returning to my hellish nightmare. While in the car, I accidently doze off once more. Memories flash before my eyes again. Nothing but the most painful memories, the ones no one knows of. Well, alomst no one. I see the horrible day flash in my mind, I turn away from the flash, trying to escape it.

A hand suddenly grabs my own hand, and I wake up. I shake my head, to try to get rid of the unwanted memories. I rest my head against the window and look out the windshield. Traffic, as far as the eye can see.

"You okay?" Jules's voice startles me and I jump. A small giggle escapes her, making me smile. The feeling is so foreign after the events so far today.

"Yeah, sure," I keep my smile, to hide the pain of the memories.

"You were saying Jake again," she informs me.

Instead of responding, like I should, I turn and look out the window. I see glimpses of the ocean between cars. Jake, oh how I miss him. I wish he could see me now. I wish he was here, as a person to talk to. Or just here! But he's not, and he never will be. I feel Jules squeeze my hand. For comfort or to get my attention, I dont know nor do I care. Traffic moves slowly, which I don't like, because it gives me time to think. I don't want to think about anything. So I try to keep my mind empty, but am unsuccessful. We finally pull in to the hospital. I open my door and get out quickly. I shut the door and we make our way in. We get into an elevator, Jules pushes a button and we rise with the elevator.

"Be sensitive," Jules instructs. I nod and wait for the elevator to stop. The elevator door opens and we step out. Jules leads the way. When we get there the door is open. Jules knocks on the door frame. We are welcomed in by a woman with red hair. The fact crosses my mind that both boys have brown hair.

"Hi, I'm Derek's aunt." The woman says with a small high-pitched voice. She is short and thin, with her red, short, curly hair a mess on the top of her head.

"Hello, I'm Detective Juliet O'Hara. This is Shawn Spencer, he works with the SBPD," Jules introduces. I wave at my name, the woman smiles in response. 

"My name is Claire. I am here as his guardian."

"Where's his parents?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. I've tried calling them, but they haven't answered," her blue eyes are red on the edges. The poor woman has to do this on her own.

"Is it okay if we ask Derek a few questions?" Jules asks. I turn my attention to the boy. He is thin with short brown hair and bright blue eyes. His pale skin is even paler from blood loss. Jules heads towards the boy, so Claire must have said yes.

"Hi Derek. I'm Juliet and this is Shawn," Juliet repeats. The boy turns his gaze to me.

"You're shawn?" Derek's eyes grow wide.

"Um, yes. Why?" I ask, wondering why it matters.

"The man left a note in my drawer, and he told me to tell you that you have to be the one to read it," his weak young voice tells me.

Juliet's POV:

The boy must have been dreaming about the note, but I write it down anyways, just in case. And why would the note be for Shawn anyways?

"Okay, thanks Derek. But now, we have a few questions for you," I reply.

"Did you see what he looked like?" Shawn asks.

"No. He had a black shirt with black pants. He wore a mask over his face."

"Did you see the color of his skin?" I ask the young boy.

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