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Shawn's POV:

I decide to go to my dad's house, Jules decides to go with me, Gus even tags along. It's only two in the evening and I'm already tired, but I want the day to go by slowly. Jules stops the car and we get out. What if this is the last time I get to see him? I don't want to mess it up.

"Hi Goose!" my mom greets me with a hug. I hug her back, happy to see her. "We're just getting ready to have lunch." I nod. I raise an eyebrow at Jules and Gus, both nodding, in approvement to the lunch.

"Hello Shawn, want lunch?" my dad asks without turning around.

"Yes, yes we do," I answer. He turns around with hamburgers and hot dogs. We sit down and dig in.

"Anything new on that case of yours?"

"No not really," I reply.

"What is it Shawn?" my mom asks me.

"He announced that he is going to kill the only two people who have survived his stabbings." My mom looks at me with a deep and sad frown.

"Only two?"

"Yeah it's Derek and-"

"And you," my dad finishes. I nod. I nibble on my hamburger, suddenly not hungry.

"And what are you going to do about it?" my dad questions.

"Like what? Have McNab stand at my door only to get knocked out or killed, no thank you," I reply. My dad stops eating and sets his silverware down, causing several clatters.

"Is it because you think you owe it to your brother?"

"No, it's not," I reply.

"Then why?" he questions me even more.

"Because this man is after me, and he'll kill anyone in his path. I don't want to hurt anyone," I say back harshly.

"You didn't seem to care about anyone but yourself when your brother was killed," He mocks. My mouth falls open.

"Are you saying it's my fault?" I ask.

"Maybe, maybe not. You'll just deny it anyways-"

"Henry! How dare you blame our son for this!" my mom exclaims.

"Then who is there to blame? He was the one here with him," he argues.

"He was five," my mom replies.

"What could I have done?" I question.

"Oh I don't know, maybe not let him open the door!" he exclaims.

"I tried," I say quieter. He's right, it is my fault.

"Or maybe open the door yourself!" my dad shouts. "My only son was killed!" My hands fall to the table. My mouth gapes open in surprise. My heart cracks.

"Henry!" my mom exclaims.

"You're no son of mine. My son would be smarter than that. To be honest, I wonder would it would be like if he was alive. I would have a son to be proud of. Sometimes, I wish that you would have been the one to answer the door!" he yells. My heart is completely torn apart.

"Henry!" my mom repeats louder, tears escaping her eyes. I don't say a word. I just stand up and walk out the door. I hear Jules and Gus telling me to stop, oh well. I'll just leave. It's raining heavily. The rain immediately soaks through my clothes. It's alright, I like the cold chill it leaves on my skin. I try to focus on the cold instead of my messed up head. I walk to the old park about fifteen minutes from my dad's house.

There I find a bench and sit on it. My side sparks in pain, but I try my best to ignore it. I decide to try to wrap my head around the twisted events. My dad must really hate me, bet he can't wait for the finale to end, so he doesn't have to deal with me anymore. Why does he hate me so much? Is it because I didn't follow in his foot prints? Probably. I never really let his words cut too deep. But this time, he did it. He has officially destroyed me, I hope he's happy now. He'll probably be even more happy after this guy kills me. He claimed I'm not his son and pretty much said that he wished that I was dead. His wish will soon be granted. The rain pours even harder. I tilt my head up and let the rain land on my face. It's cold chill feels great.


Juliet's POV:

Shawn gets up and leaves the house, not that I can blame him. I would have done the same thing, but with tears. Shawn looked almost emotionless, but I could see hurt in his eyes. Maddie sits next to me crying and Gus sits across from me with wide eyes. Henry got up and went into the living room.

"I'll go check on Shawn," I say while I get up. When I get outside, there is no trace of him. I hear footsteps behind me, it's Maddie.

"He'll probably be at a park not to far from here. He went there often as a kid." She then points to the park and hands me an umbrella. As I walk alone, I take in the dreary mood of the storm, it matches the day so far. I decide to think about the earlier event. Why would Henry say such things? That was just cruel and mean. It might not have been as bad if Shawn wasn't going through a hard time, but he is. He said that he lost his only son, disowning Shawn. He then said that he wished Shawn would have opened the door, wanting him dead. A single tear rolls down my cheek. I could see the hurt in Shawn's eyes as his dad's words kept cutting through him, the final one made him wince.

As I near the park I see Shawn sitting alone, soaked. But he looks content, almost peaceful, but I know he's not. I sit on the bench and he opens his eyes and looks at me. I put the umbrella over him, but he's already soaked. His eyes are slightly red, I frown.

"You okay?" I ask him.

"No," his voice breaks. "My father disowned me and told me that he wished I was dead." He rests his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry he said that."

"It's not your fault Jules," he replies.

"Your mom is upset." He sighs. "You ready to go?" I ask. I feel him nod on my shoulder. He sits up and winces, grabbing his side. I then help him up from the bench. I guess I pull to hard, because Shawn yelps and almost face plants, but I catch him. We then walk back to his dad's to get in the car and go home. The umbrella isn't big enough for the both of us. Shawn lets me use it. I want him to have it, but there's no use in trying, he'll just refuse. When we arrive, I notice that Gus's car is gone. Maddie walks outside and raps Shawn in a hug before he can protest. He hugs her back.

"I'm so sorry Goose," she says.

"Mom, it's okay-"

"No, it's not okay, he shouldn't have said those things," she argues. Shawn just sighs.

"You're soaked Goose!" she exclaims he only nods. "You have to be cold, you're shivering! Come inside-" Shawn quickly shakes his head. She nods, understanding. He then says goodbye and gets in the car. We then leave Henry's house. While I drive, I notice that Shawn is shivering in the seat next to me. At a stop sign, I take off my jacket and hand it to Shawn. He immediately takes it and uses it as a blanket. When we get home, we hurry inside, trying not to get anymore wet. Shawn goes and changes into a t-shirt and sweat pants. I do the same. I get in the living room before he does. When he comes out, he sits next to me on the couch. He is still shivering. I grab a blanket and put it over the both of us. He leans into me, resting his head on my shoulder.



"Do you think that Jake's death was my fault?" he asks me. My heart cracks.

"Shawn, what could you have done?" I question.

"I should have tried harder to not let him open the door. Maybe he would have left, or things would have been different."

"Shawn! That man was on a mission. He would have kicked the door in or came through the window. It wouldn't have changed a thing," I argue.

"Maybe he would be alive right now."

"And there's the chance that he wouldn't be. Shawn, he's dead. There's nothing you can do to change that," I finish. "Also, your dad shouldn't have said it was your fault. It wasn't. He also should have never said those other things either." He just nods. He finally falls asleep.

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