I Knew I Loved You Then

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Title: I Knew I Loved You Then
Requested? No.
Plot: Imagine Enzo thinking about you and your relationship, until you break his train of thought.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1292


The light coming for the fireplace gave the room a romantic atmosphere. One might think it was the perfect spot for a date. Enzo thought so too. The sound of the fire cracking filled the vampire’s ears as he sat on a chair, a glass of whiskey in his hand. He had just finished the conversation with you which consisted of him asking you to come over, but refusing to tell you what he had in plan to do. And so, as he waited for your arrival, Enzo got lost in his thoughts.

Thoughts about you. You two have been dating for about four years now and he couldn’t be happier. Every time you smiled, he wanted to stop time and just stare at your joyful image for some time. And everytime you cried, it was like knives were being plunged into his stomach and his heart hurt. You were the one to help him rise back to the surface and get rid of the weight that was holding him down at the bottom. He felt finally able to forget about all the bad things that happened to him in his life and be happy. He was grateful to you for that. Enzo’s eyes now stayed locked at one spot on the floor, as he was no longer aware of the reality.

His mind was not in his room anymore and it felt like he wasn’t there also. He was actually at a Mystic Falls ball that took place four years ago. He was in his black suit and blue tie, standing at the bottom of the stairs. He began tapping his foot on the ground as he waited for you to appear. He only agreed to be your date to the ball when everyone else already had someone, because he figured you would be going with someone else, and even though he didn’t really care if he arrived there alone, he could’t say the same for you. He felt bad you were being left out, and offered you two leave together.

Back in reality, Enzo didn’t even feel a small smile tugging on his lips as it was time for his favourite scene. The moment he heard footsteps and looked up from where he was standing to see you looking absoluely breathtaking in a strapless, floor length marine blue dress, the shade remarkably similar to the color of his tie. In that moment he realized something. He was unable to really reach what it was, but every time you were around, he felt different. He would tense up if he heard Damon include you in one of his dangerously reckless plans to get rid of a certain threat to Mystic Falls and all the supernatural beings living there.

Enzo would always get the feeling that he needed to protect you, and take care of your battle wounds. But only when he saw you looking at him from the top of the staircase, not once breaking the gaze as you made your way down did he realize he was in love with you. There was no point in denying it any longer, it was the truth and almost everybody knew what was going on. It felt as if you two were the only ones clueless to the whole situation.

“You look gorgeous Y/N.” He said, his thick accent making your heart flutter, and your brain unable to find words, so you just looked down on the floor, hoping that would hide the smile that was forming on your lips. But Enzo noticed it and couldn’t help, but mirror your smile as he took another few steps towards you. You look back up at his beautiful brown eyes, and thanked him for his compliment.

“You don’t look too bad yourself Lorenzo.” You said, earning a chuckle form him, his glare still fixated at you. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small box and handed it to you. Your eyes grew wide as you didn’t expect him to do something like this. He nodded at you, letting you know it was okay to take the box from his hands and open it. And as you did, you sucked in a sharp breath as you stared at a beautiful silver bracelet, with a little heart charm, rested on a black cusion under the lid.

“Oh my God, it’s beautiful. Thank you, but it’s too much.” You stated as you reached the box back to him. He responded by taking the box into his hands, but removing the bracelet. He took your hand gently and put the bracelet on your wrist. You thanked him again and he nodded, your hand still in his as you two began to walk out of your house. That night was full of Enzo and you dancing, laughing and having a good time together. And then, during one slow song, Enzo decided to make a move. He leaned over and connected his lips to yours.

You felt your knees go weak, and your heart beating fast. That was the night you started dating and you have been the happiest couple ever since. Enzo was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice when you entered the room, so you thought to yourself it was a perfect opportunity to spook him. You stared at him for a while before making a move, admiring his smiling features, after he failed to respond to your greeting. You knew he hated when you scare him while he’s lost in thought, but he was cute when he furrowed his brows and folded his arms on his chest. Nevertheless, he could never stay mad at you. You sneaked up to him and grabbed his shoulders suddenly, causing him to jump slightly.

“Not funny Y/N.” He said as he realized what was going on. However, he couldn’t help but smile as the sound of your laughter filled the room. You placed your arms around his neck as his found their way to your waist. You apologised, and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. You were excited to hear what he had in mind for you two to do tonight, but he was being secretive about it. You kept pushing until he finally gave up and left to the other room.

“Hey, Y/N, could you come in here and help me for a second?” You heard him say, and as you entered the other room you gasped, seeing a large heart made out of rose petals and Enzo in the middle of it, on one knee, with a box in his hand. You smiled, also remembering that time he got you the bracelet, and intently listened to him tell you how much he loves you and how happy you make him. Tears formed in your eyes and threatened to spill, but you didn’t care. You just let them flow down your cheeks.

“I knew I loved you then, when I saw you at the top of that starecase, and I still love you, more then I ever loved anyone. So I was wondering would you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?” He asked you. You were so speechless that you just nodded, whispering Yes as loud as your lungs allowed you to at the moment. Enzo got up from his place on the ground and walked over to you, putting the ring on your finger. You hugged him tightly, wide smiles on both of your faces.

“I love you, future Mrs St. John.” He said, kissing your forehead. You closed your eyes and enjoyed his touch.

I love you too Mr St. John.” You responded, still shocked you were really Enzo’s fiancée. It was an end to a boyfriend/girlfriend chapter, and a new beginning, with the love of your life.

That smile though 😍😍
I hope you guys like these. Let me know in the comments. More fandoms to come. ❤

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