Can't You See It?

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Title: Can't You See It?
Requested? Yes.
Plot: Imagine being friends with Tyler and Josh in high school, having a crush on Tyler and not knowing he feels the same, but he suspects something is going on between you and Josh.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 715


The light breeze was hitting your face as your hair brushed the side of your face lightly as you stood on the soccer field with your best friend Tyler. The two of you had just finished your classes for the day and were waiting for Josh, so you can all walk home together. You were telling Tyler about how you had done the impossible and actually slipped on a banana peel today. Tyler laughed and his right hand went up to hit his chest. You joined in on the laughing too, as you tried to compose yourself enough to tell him everything.

Soon Josh joined the two of you and you told him the same story, playfully punching him when he made a comment how you were the clumsiest person he ever met in his life. But unaware of you and Josh, Tyler's smile died down when he saw you and Josh together. He didn't want to admit it, but he was jealous. He has a crush on you for a really long time now and yet, he didn't tell you. Both because he was shy and had no idea how to approach the situation, and also because he felt like there was something going on between you and Josh.

Was it just his mind taking things out of prospective or not, he could have sworn you laughed more when you were around Josh. And so, whenever you three were out together, Tyler would distance himself from the two of you, observing your behavior and Josh's too. Was he too touchy? Did he flirt? Did you flirt back? His mind was filled with so many questions, and he didn't know how to suppress them, they just kept flooding his mind. And later on, the distance and boundaries he built around himself when you were out, started to make their way into every other time he was around you. Even when the two of you were alone. You could still feel like Tyler was not the same anymore.

"Are you gonna tell me what is wrong with you? You seem so distant lately and it's bugging me so much. What's going on Tyler?" You asked him one day, while the two of you were alone, playing video games. Josh had to go visit his cousins, so he wasn't there with you, but that didn't matter to Tyler anymore. He was convinced you had something going on between you and it was eating him alive. In that moment he actually regretted asking you over. When he refused to tell you anything, you just kept pushing and pushing until he finally snapped.

"It's because I'm in love with you! Can't you see it? I've been in love with you for so long, but all you ever see is Josh. If you two are together, then don't flaunt it in front of my face, it's eating me alive!" He said, not even bothering to take a breath between sentences. You had to admit you were a little shocked at his outburst. Tyler always looked like the good kid from across the street, always happy to help and it was like nothing ever bothered him. And now you saw a different side to him, and you were kinda glad he was finally able to get mad and tell you what was on his mind after you tried every way you could think of to get him to do that for two weeks now.

"Tyler...Oh no, no we are not together, there is nothing going on between Josh and I. How can it when I'm in love with you." You said and Tyler's eyes grew wide. You got closer to him and placed your palm on his cheek, looking deep into his eyes. You told him how you were in love with him for a long time as well. And that you were too afraid to tell him anything because you thought he didn't feel the same way about you. Tyler's hand went up to cup yours as he apologized for lashing out at you and you just smiled and nodded, as you two were closing the gap between your lips and finally connecting them into a passionate kiss. You were more then excited to see what the future holds for you and Tyler.

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