Storm 2

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Title: Storm 2
Requested? Yes.
Plot: The second chapter of the Storm imagine, where it's your 4 year anniversary and Alex decides he is ready to be someone's husband. And the most epic proposal ever is in full effect.
Warnings: Epic proposal ahead!
Word count: 1352


It's an early Sunday morning in Dublin, the sun was shyly showing it's rays through the curtains of the penthause apartment window. I slowly opened my eyes as I stretched my body, one of my hands feel the bed next to me, soon noticing it was empty and that I was alone. I figured Alex had started making breakfast already, so I decided to begin my wake up routine slowly. Suddenly I felt something soft under my fingers, turning my head to look at the mysterious object I have encountered. It turned out being a red rose, with a note attached to it. The note read:"Good morning beautiful! It's a big day today, so dress pretty and meet me at the park. Your secret admirer." I smiled, knowing it was Alex playing tricks on me. I had been thinking about today before I fell asleep last night. Today is four years since Alex and I started our relationship. It felt like it was just yesterday when I first met him, after arriving to the set of Vikings, thinking I was just going to be an extra, and instead getting the big role I play.

Like clockwork, my phone lit up, signaling I had a text. It was the infamous secret admirer, who snuck into my phone last night to change his caller ID to "Secret admirer". For a moment I thought it might not be Alex, but instead one of the boys trying to pull a prank on me and my boyfriend just deciding to go along with it. If that's true, and he plays a prank on me, on our anniversary, he is going to be in so much trouble I swear to God. The text read that, knowing how much girls scramble through their clothes to find something to wear every day, an outfit was waiting for me in the living room, just waiting for me to put it on. I replied asking him how he could possibly know I would like the outfint, and he got back to me saying he was 100% sure I'm gonna love it. Alright, let us see what my little monkey man has in store for me to wear today. I quickly showered and did my make up and hair, walking into the living room with caution, as if I was going to encounter a robber who was going through my stuff at this very moment.

I was greeted instead with a beautiful dress, shoes to match and accessories. It was actually a set I wanted to buy ages ago, but somehow always seemed to forget as I was too busy with work and everything. Now comes the next task, will it all fit me? Like a glove! Everything looked perfect and I was ready for the perfect anniversary celebration. If only I knew what was in store for me. Once I arrived to the park, even as the taxi pulled up, I noticed a lot of people swarming the area around Alex. I soon realized it was almost the whole cast, escorting him. I was confused, wondering why he brought all of them with him, and adding to my confusion was a camera that Marco was holding. An anniversary with the whole cast? Not what I was expecting, but I don't mind. They are my family and I love them, so if he decided they are coming with, fine by me. I gave the money to the taxi driver and exited the vehicle.

The moment one of my feet stepped on the ground, a very familiar song started playing. I looked up at Alex in shock, which was soon replaced with laughter, as some of the cast started dancing and the others walked to a bench, holding mysterious boxes. Alex was playing the role of Bruno Mars for now, pulling his best smug face. "Just the way you are" was the song of choice, and soon, the secret admirer had started singing. I was shocked, not able to move. He was actually singing, no lip-syncing whatsoever. It was all the beautiful voice of the man I love, and it just made my day, we don't need anything else. I tried walking towards him, soon stopped by the guys with the boxes as they poured rose petals to create a road for me, leading up to a heart shape, where my cue was to stand and watch probably. And now I get to feel bad, since all I got Alex is a watch he wanted for his birthday, but I bought him something else instead, wanting to save this for the anniversary.

I took my stand in the heart and continued on watching as they sung and danced around Alex, Marco filming the whole thing. Suddenly I was showered with rose petals and gold and silver confetti. He is trying to ruin my dress and makeup to make me look stupid once he posts this, well, that might be one of the things he wants. Jokes aside, I watched in awe, swaying my body a little to the music, soon having chocolate lollypops and candy given to me, one person at a time, on cue, until I couldn't hold it all anymore and Katheryn approached me, taking some of it , to put in a bag next to the heart shaped on the floor by the petals. It was all fun and games until the real deal started. The lyric were changed in the last minute. And I tried singing the end in my head, only to be shocked when Alex switched the lyrics, the song becoming a little slower, and turning into another song by Bruno.

My hand flew up to cover my mouth as Alex started approaching me slowly, singing the new song's last part, to replace the one he should have been singing. Instead of singing: " 'cause girl you are amazing, just the way you are." my boyfriend of four years was singing:" 'cause it's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do, hey baby, I think I wanna marry you." And continuing on with the rest of the final courus, getting on one knee as he finally stood in the heart shape with me. Tears began to fill up my eyes, escaping them soon after. I'm trying to make sense of the situation, but right now, I forgot about everyone else. I forgot about the huge cast and crew surrounding us. I forgot about Marco filming the whole scene. All I knew right now was that I had the love of my life kneeling in front of me, telling me how much he loves me and that if he is going to be someone's husband, he would only want to be mine. he had his black fedora, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Light of my life, Y/N, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"
The question left his mouth, making my heart want to jump out of my chest. I began whispering yes, while nodding frantically, soon regaining my voice and screaming.
"Yes! Of course I will marry you!"
He beamed at me with his smile, as he slipped the ring on my finger, than standing up to cup my face and connect our lips into a passionate kiss. The crowd cheered and we both laughed, hugging and kissing. I made everyone laugh, with my comment about having to plan a goddamn wedding, now in my busy work schedule, dramaticaly holding my head and stomach, the ring glowing magicaly on my finger.
"Don't worry, your fiance will help you with everything."
Jordan added, Alex nodding soon after, and I knew I could count on all of them to help me, not just Alex, and that made me love them even more.
"It's official guys, this boy is getting married!"
Travis yelled out, every single person on the streets at the time cheering, making both Alex and I blush. I get to spend the rest of my life with my little monkey man, there is absolutely nothing that can be better that this.

 I get to spend the rest of my life with my little monkey man, there is absolutely nothing that can be better that this

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