Blood Run Cold

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Title: Blood Run Cold
Requested? No.
Plot: Imagine you and Tyler got together a while after he divorced Jenna, and during one fight he mentions her and you feel like he will never love you the way he loved her, and you storm out of the house, getting into your car and crashing, Tyler gets the call from the hospital
Warnings: Car accident
Word count: 1140


"Jenna would have understood!" Tyler snapped at you and immediately regretted his words. He knew you were self-conscious about any woman, let alone his ex wife. But considering you two have been fighting a lot recently, over little, petty things, both of you in need of sleep and overwhelmed by all of your daily chores, him with his music and you with your own job and the house you two lived in, that felt like the right thing to say, according to his brain. Tyler saw something snap inside you, but not in an angry way. You just froze upon hearing him say that, a lump forming in your throat. That was the last thing you ever wanted to hear from him.

"Y/N....I didn't-" He tried speaking again, but you cut him off, raising your index finger, and he went silent. You never told him, but you secretly hoped he would notice that you felt like you were the guilty one for the fact he and Jenna didn't get back together. They did divorce, but you never know if someone just needs time away from the person they love in order to realize they want them back. You felt that Tyler would have definitely gotten back together with Jenna if you didn't appear in his life. Every time he would say 'I love you' you felt as if he was talking to her and not you, and it hurt. There have been so many times that you have thought about just walking away from everything, or even calling her yourself and telling her she is, and always will be the one for Tyler.

"In that case, why don't you just go to her? I'll leave, so you can call her and I wish you all the best in your future. I can't do this anymore Tyler, all this fighting, I can't. We were never meant to be." You say and turn quickly, running out the door, and ignoring the love of your life calling out your name from behind you. You slid into your car and started the engine. Tyler caught up to you and tried opening the door of your car, but realizing you locked yourself in. Then he started banging on your window, pleading for you to just listen to him. But your mind was curently blurred by his sentence playing on repeat. And all the demons of your past self came to haunt you.

You didn't know where you were going, but you just wanted to be far away from Tyler in this moment. You thought of your life with him from the moment you met him. He was already divorced, so you weren't the one who ruined their marrige, it was something between them. And yet you still held back, only offering to be his shoulder to cry on, knowing it was too soon for you to even consider telling him how you felt. You thought about the day you accidentally glanced over to your friends phone and noticed two guys on her lock screen. When you asked her about it she told you they were this band called Twenty One Pilots, and how much she loved them. You remembered the first time you listened to one of their songs, and when you started learning facts about them.

Tears flowed down your cheeks, and your vision was slightly blurry as you couldn't control the tears anymore. All the times you danced around your room, listening to their songs on full volume. All those nights you dreamed about going to their concert, dreamed about meeting them. It was a distant memory. You let the demons take posession of your heart too much. Then, Tyler's image appeared before your eyes. The time you met him. And the way he looked at you, and how your heart was beating so fast that you felt it was going to jump out of your chest. But you wouldn't care, because it was his anyway.

And the next thing you know, you feel as if you were no longer obligated to respect the laws of gravity as seconds of you getting lifted off of your seat as the car was rolling over, felt like hours to you. Tires screeching, glass breaking, metal crushing, all these sounds mixed into one. You were no loger sure if tears were falling down your face, as the car flipped numerous times, or was it the blood coming from your temple. And then, everyting stopped, and faded to blackness. Tyler was back home, trying to call you, his worry growing with every passing minute. He even forgot he had a show that night, so Josh had to come over to see him, knowing there must be something deeply wrong with his best friend, otherwise he would have never forgotten a show.

"You okay man?" He asked Tyler and put his hand on his shoulder. Tyler replied by shaking his head, and then tried calling you once again. Josh offered they cancel the show, but Tyler didn't want to disappoint their fans, so the two of them made their way to the show. After the show was over, Tyler and Josh were in the dressing room. Tyler finished his latest voice mail, begging you to call him, that he would explain everything. He ended with telling you how much he loved you and lowered his hand, with his phone in it, to his side. He looked over at Josh fixing his hair and then something else caught his eye. He saw his own reflection in the mirror Josh was looking at.

He turned completely towards the mirror and just stood there, looking at himself. As he got somewhat lost in thought, he almost missed his phone ringing. Once he saw your caller ID his eyes widened and he felt as if his heart was going to jump out of his chest. He quickly answered it, but instead of hearing the voice he loved so much, he was met with a low, raspy male voice. The person said he was a nurse at a hospital, close to the venue where they had just performed. The next thing he said made Tyler's blood run cold and his heart sink to his feet. Josh frowned, noticing his friend's reaction and asked him what was going on.

"Y/N got in a car accident, she's fighting for her life. It's all my fault." Tyler stated tears froming in his eyes. Josh tried hugging his friend, but Tyler shook him off and started running out of the venue. Josh followed him, worried he might do something stupid on his way, like run through a red light on the traffic light. He knew that all Tyler had his mind on now was getting to you, and nothing was going to stop him. Nothing at all.

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