You Don't Want Me To Get Angry

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Title: You Don't Want Me To Get Angry
Requested? No.
Plot: A king captured you and is doing his best to make you weak, so you would be even more of a leverage to make sure Ivar doesn't kill any more of his men, but your husband is not taking it so nicely.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1492


You struggled to open your eyes, your head pounding like it was trying to detach from your body to escape the pain it was under. The last time you ate properly was around five days ago, and if it wasn't for a miniscule piece of bread and half a cup of water you were given each day, you would have surely died. Your foggy mind knew what was going on and why you were there, but due to how tired you were, falling in and out of consciousness, you couldn't get all of your thoughts rounded in one, so every time you were awake, you thought about one of the events that led up to your current state. You have been in this dungeon for around a week, and you were starting to think he was not coming. He was just gonna leave you to die.

You had met the youngest Ragnarsson, Ivar, when you stumbled upon Kattegat one rainy day. You were left in the woods by the man you were supposed to marry as soon as he heard the roar of a bear. You ran as fast as you could and you looked back to notice a large brown bear chasing you. You thanked the Gods once you noticed a settlement and you didn't think twice before you ran straight through the gates and into someone, knocking them down from a log they were sitting on. You look down and your eyes meet a pair of icy blues of the man you were on top of. Coming to your senses, as the roar of the bear stil rang through your ears as clear as day, you jumped up and closed the door, soon being assisted by the man with icy blue eyes. You noticed he was sitting with his back against the door, instead of standing up, but you noticed soon enough who you were dealing with.

Someone even more terrifying than that bear, the son of Ragnar Lothbrook, Ivar. You had heard a lot about him through others, but never once saw him in person. He looked more shocked about everything than scared. Compared to the poor excuse of a man that left you for dead to save himself. After you heard the bear was running in the opposite direction, after something else that caught its attention, you let out a sigh of relief. You thanked Ivar for his help and opened the door to peek your head out.
"What are you doing?"
He asked, confused. You explained how you couldn't just stay here, now knowing the place and the people. He replied telling you not to be stupid and to follow him into the great hall. You listened to him and soon you two were sitting in front of the fire, both of you still in your wet clothes, while the slaves found some dry clothes for you to change into. After that you two drank ale and talked.

You left the next day to see your parents and tell them what happened, but you knew you would be coming back. And you did, Ivar and you soon falling for each other, meeting in the woods before telling both your parents you were in love. Queen Aslaug didn't really like you, and no matter how much you tried, you never seemed to be good enough for her son. Your parents took a liking in Ivar, after he had convinced them he would protect you no matter the cost, but your mother still told you to be safe. Your love growing each day, soon enough Ivar and you were married, and you loved him not even caring about what anyone said. You were always there when he felt bad, due to not being able to walk, and not being able to please a woman, or so he tought. With you it went just fine, and that's one of the reasons he knew you were the one. But right now you didn't know what was keeping him so long. Did he not want to save you?

Unknown to you, he was holding back his urge to just slaughter everyone to get to you, but knew his brothers were right when they said just what he thought, that there was a lot to do before going there. To check the area, and see how many guards they have and so on. And not to mention they didn't know where the king had hidden you. Soon enough he couldn't take it anymore and got into his carriage that Floki had made for him and with a few vikings at his side, he rushed to the castle.
"Y-your useless God won't h-help you when m-my husband arrives."
You managed to say, but the king just laughed at your face.
"Are you sure? He has not come yet, could it be he forgot?"
The king teased you, and you couldn't help but feel a little sting in your heart. You never wanted to doubt Ivar, but in this moment you didn't know what to think. Until you heard the words from a guards mouth, immediately cursing yourself for even taking a second to think he would not be coming for you.

"My king, the heathens are here."
The king smirked at you and you leaned against a rock in the center of your cell to be able to notice your husband if he enters the room himself.
"Welcome Ivar, if you would please come in-"
The king started, but was cut off by Ivar.
"I came to get my wife."
Was all he said, not moving an inch. After the king tried once again to invite him in and try to negotiate something in return for letting you go, Ivar smirked, sliding his tongue to poke his right cheek. Annoyance was filing his blue eyes, as he once again refused.
"I don't think you understand me. I said I came here to get my wife. No negotiation, just get me my wife. You don't want me to get angry."
Annoyance soon switched to rage as he tilted his head to the side. The king knew he had a limited amount of time, and so he tried another tactic, letting Ivar find you on his own, and hoping to get to talk to him on the way. But all Ivar could see was you. Once he entered the dungeon area, he noticed fragile frame and felt the urge to kill everyone immediately, but the look in your eyes, begging for him to be by your side was pulling him stronger and soon enough, he was in front of your cell.
"I have an entire army coming to destroy every single soul in your kingdom, I sent one of my vikings to get them, so if you don't want to die today you will let me inside and let me get my wife out."
Ivar gestured to the two big men at the door who were gonna be carrying you out.

Having no other choice, fear filling his heart at the mere sight of Ivar's eyes, the king ordered they let Ivar into your cell. He crawled to you and rested his arm on the rock, looking at your tired face trying to muster a smile. You heart filling with joy as you stared at the man you loved, knowing you will never doubt him again, not even for a second. His eyes scanned every inch of you, to see how much damage they caused you, his heart breaking at the sight of your blood covered clothes and messy hair.

 His eyes scanned every inch of you, to see how much damage they caused you, his heart breaking at the sight of your blood covered clothes and messy hair

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"I will never let anyone do this to you again, my love. Or anything. Nobody is going to hurt you ever again. I am going to make sure of it."
He said, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead, his lips being the thing you needed and craved all this time. You calmed down, not needing to be on high alert anymore. Ivar motioned for one of the two vikings with him to take you in his arms and out of the castle, while the other one held down the king in his chair.
"This is for hurting my wife."
Ivar said before he thrusted a knife directly into the kings heart, hurting him right where he was hurting by being depraved of you for so long. He stayed by your side as you were recovering, and kept repeating how much he loved you and how much you mean to him.
"You are my reason to live, I don't know what I would do without you Y/N."
He frowned, but smirked as you tried to reply with your voice low and groggy.
"I love you s-so much Ivar, y-you are my life."
He knew you meant what you said and lied next to you, wrapping his arm around you, whispering in your ear to get some rest, as he stared at you with adoring eyes.

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