Blood Run Cold Pt.2

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Title: Blood Run Cold Pt.2
Requested? Yes.
Plot: Imagine Tyler looking after you in the hospital, getting more nervous every day, you even go flat at one point, but he hopes you will wake up.
Warnings: Flat line for some time.
Word count: 1238


Tyler's eyes were glued to a single spot on the floor. His mind was looking back at all of the events that led up to this moment right here. Him siting in a chair next to your hospital bed, every single day for the past three weeks. To say he blamed himself would be an understatement. If he could turn back time, he would have, and erased the words that came out of his mouth and caused you to get so angry at him that you didn't pay attention to the road ahead. He thought about the moment he found out. How he started running, not paying attention to Josh. It reminded him of you not paying attention to him, that same day.

Tears stinging his eyes, he blinked hard to try to stop them from falling, but to no avail. He broke down, taking your hand in his and putting his forehead on the back of your hand. Then he let the tears fall, and begged you to come back to him. He felt this was all his fault, that he was as guilty as he would have been if he was in that car with you and caused the accident. And he talked to you about it, every day, hoping you could hear him, somehow. He suddenly felt a hand on his back and looked up to see Josh standing there with red, puffy eyes. He too felt terrible knowing you were fighting for your life, since he loved you like a sister.

"Come on man, let's go over to your house, you need to take a shower, sleep a little and eat. You haven't done any of that in almost five days." He said, crouching down next to Tyler. No matter how much Tyler wanted to refuse Josh's offer, he knew he had to do it. He knew you would want him to stop punishing himself, but it felt like the hardest thing he ever had to do. It was nighttime when he and Josh started walking over to the house you and Tyler lived in together. He didn't want to take a cab, hoping the cool air would clear his thoughts a little bit.

"I don't know what to do anymore, Josh. I wish she would just wake up. If something happens to her, I'm not going to be able to live with myslef." Tyler said, running his hand over his mouth, completely worn out from waiting for any sign that you were going to come back. Josh tried his best reassuring his best friend that everything was gonna be alright, but he was also losing his belief in that with every passing day. When they arrived at the house, Tyler stopped and just stood at the front door, looking around the house, and how quiet it was with you not there. He could almost see you rushing down the stairs, a wide smile on your face, and your arms out to hug him, like you did every time he came back from a show.

"You head over to the bathroom and I'll make us something to eat, and after that we'll sleep for a while, sounds good?" Josh asked and earned a nod from Tyler, before making his way towards the kitchen. Only to find himself in an emotional battle of his own. You were in every pore of the kitchen, there has not been a spot in that room that was not touched by your hand, weather it was cooking or cleaning it. He didn't want to have the girl he loves like a sister get taken away from this world, from Tyler, from him. You were their voice of reason, and #1 fan. Trying his best to block out all the memories of you three hanging out there and messing around, he began making some grilled cheese sandwiches for him and Tyler.

On the other side, Tyler turned on the water in the shower. He closed his eyes, letting the warm water flow down his body, and he sighed. feeling somewhat relaxed in that moment. Once he was done with his shower he dried himself off and got some clean clothes on. He avoided looking in the mirror, in fear of seeing Blurryface. Somehow both men managed to get food into their mouths and swallow, despite the lumps in their throats. And finally, after getting some sleep it was time to head back to the hospital. None of them were prepared for what they would find when they got there. Nurses running and pushing a defibrillator. Josh tilted his to his right to see which room they were running into, and it turned out to be your room.

"Let me in, that's my girlfriend, I have to be there for her!" Tyler yelled, as he was being pushed back by the male nurse, and held back by Josh. The last thing Tyler saw, before the doors closed, was the flat line on the monitor that was connected to you by numerous tubes and wires. He put his head in his hands as he slid down the wall to the floor. It felt like forever, until the sounds in the room died down. Tyler got up from his place on the floor and took a few steps towards the door, only to be met with the doctor coming out. Josh rushed over from the wall he was leaning on, opposite from the wall Tyler was against.

"We tried everything we could." The doctor began and Tyler was begining to fear wat his next words might be. But he closed his eyes and sighed once he heard you were alright. He and Josh hugged, relieved the terror was over. The nurses let both of them enter and see you. They spent some time talking to you, telling you about how much they missed you. Sometime later, Josh fell asleep on the couch in your hospital room, but Tyler stayed up. Tracing his thumb over your forehead, as his other hand held yours firmly. He kept telling you how sorry he was, and how he didn't mean what he said. He told you how you were the one he loved, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. Soon, he too felt sleep overpowering him and he leaned his head on the edge of your bed and closed his eyes.

"Tyler? Josh? What am I doing here?" He was woken up by the sound of your voice. It took both of you a second or two to adjust to what you were seeing and hearing. You remembered how you got here, and Tyler realized you finally opened your eyes. He began, once again, telling you how sorry he was, but you told him that you heard everything he said to you, and Josh. In fact you felt like you should be sorry, to him and to yourself, for thinking you were not good enough for him, but he shut you up with a kiss. That was all you needed to feel really alive again. As he pulled away from the kiss, his forehead rested on yours and he whispered sweet nothings into your ear as you fell asleep, knowing how much you need to rest. He couldn't wait to take you home and never let you go again. You were and always will be the only woman he ever wanted.

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