The Story

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Title: The Story
Requested? No.
Plot: You are an actress on Vikings and dating Alex Høgh Andersen, and your relationship is going pretty well, until the fans get watch the latest Danish project he's in and it seems you two had split. But is it true?
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1597


"I love this story."
Alex said and one half of the crowd laughed at his facial expression as he widened his eyes like the story of how I got on VIkings is the most exciting story in the world, as the other half awwed. I smiled at him and continued.
"Anyway, as I was saying, I was on vacation in Ireland, and walking around one day, I saw that there was an audition taking place in one building I walked by."
But my story really wasn't that interesting. I went on, talking about how, for same strange reason, my gut was telling me I should just give it a shot. And it turned out to be an audition for my favourite tv show Vikings. At the time, I was a little overweight, but I had the feeling I've come to know as a student at college. A couple of times, even though I wasn't spending much time studying, I had a strong feeling that I was still going to pass my exam, and no matter what I did, it wouldn't go away. Sure I was nervous before the exam, but that feeling was what kept me from losing my mind, and in the end it turned out to be true and I would pass my exam.

That same feeling was in my heart as I walked into the room where the auditin was held. I knew that my weight would be a problem, but I went in there with my head held high. To my surprise, not just the director was present, but also a familiar face I've been falling in love with for a really long time. I pointed to Alex sitting next to me as I titled him that. His beautiful smile shined the room and warmed my heart, and I continued talking.
"I was incredibly nervous. I thought I was gonna pass out right than and there, but I tried keeping my cool as much as I could as I was handed the paper for the scene I'm supposed to try and act out. I was shocked to actually be getting the paper, instead of them saying I'm not what they are looking for."
And the scene was that I needed to convince Ivar that he was not a cripple, but a strong and powerful viking. And I did it. I poured all of my emotions into it, everything that was building up over the time I've spent watching him feel bad for himself. I placed my hand on his cheek and recited about how his legs were an advantage and how he just didn't find a way to work around it yet, but that I know he will. That I think he is special and that I love him just the way he is.

My eyes started tearing up a little as I continued to give him he pep talk the scene required, and suddenly, I felt a pair of lips on mine. At first I was shocked, but soon I gave into the kiss. To think that I dreamed about kissing him many times and doubting myself that he would actually care about me at all. The bad image of myslef I allowed the society to put in my head acting up and my belief I don't deserve love acting up again. But now we were here, face to face, lips attached, love filling the air. Once we pulled away, I looked at Alex in disbelief. All my life I've thought no guy was ever going to be taking an interest in me, because of my weight, and I just got spontaneously kissed by the most beautiful man I've ever layed my eyes on. Maybe that was the thing. I was looking for a guy and I found a man. Alex apologised for the kiss, and said he let the moment take over, but I assured him it was fine. My jaw dropped when they said I actually got the part.
"And of course, after a couple months of intense training, I finally fot where I've been trying to be all my life, but I never had enough motivation. And all it took was having the opportunity to do the job that I love and this tall, handsome drink of water. Not too much, huh?"

I joked as the crowd laughed with me, turning into more awwes when Alex leaned over to give me a kiss on the cheek. I know I'm incredibly lucky to have him in my life, and it means all the bullying in school and being rejected by friends and not even looked at by boys was worth it, because I finally realised why it never worked out with anyone else, and they made me the warrior I am today, not just on the show, but in real life too. On the show, I play Ivar's love interest, so Alex and I don't really have to act out our kisses and hugs. The spontanious giggles I let out are 100% natural, as Alex loves to tickle my sides as we are kissing, and they decided to keep them in the show after the final cut. Several fans asked Alexander and Gustaf a question, Katheryn later being asked how I fit in to the cast, and as she was talking about how professional I am and kind and whatnot and I was hardcore blushing, we noticed a man dressed in a fox costume, walking over to us, holding a shield for us to sign. We disredarded it, thinking it was a fan, but he was for some reason let on stage and hugged Katheryn from behind. I was confused to what was going on and Alex and I exchanged glances.

Next thing I know, Alexander Ludwig pulled off the head of the costume to reveal Travis Fimmel. I couldn't believe my eyes, he was really there. I haven't officialy met him, because I joined the cast after his character's on schene death, but I have really grown to love him as a character and an actor. He definitely lighted up Comic-Con, but my favourite part was when he read off Alexander's phone number.
"I didn't want to tell anyone, but the reason why they chose you for the role was because the character was written for you."
Alex surprised me on our way home. I was confused, but he explained he saw the messages I had been sending to him for some time, on Instagram, when I was feeling down or just thinking about him. My face immediately turned blood red, but he kissed it away, saying that was the first step in falling in love with me. I cuddled up to him when he hit me with another shocker. He asked me to be in one of his Danish projects. I swear, this man is spoiling me. He wouldn't take no for an answer, seeing through all my insecurities and in the end I agreed.

"You are seriously gonna go to New York and miss your best friend's wedding?! You are the best man!"
The cameras rolled as Alex and I were arguing. They were following us everywhere, mostly Alex, but me too when I was around. He had just got a chance to meet with Spilberg and see if he would truly be cast in one of his newest movies. On the other hand, on that exact day, his best friend who he knows ever since he was 4 was getting married. I spit lava, he spit flames. I couldn't believe he was going to abandon his best friend in the moment he needs him the most. We argued for a few moments until Alex spit the hottest and most damaging flame at me.
"You don't understand me, you never have and you never will. Dating you was the biggest mistake of my life."
I stopped shouting, my body going numb. That was the worst thing he could have ever said to me. My open palm flew across his face and I walked away, tears streaming down my face. And that was the end, he left to New York and I went to grab a few of my stuff I had at his place in Dublin and got on a plane to Miami, where I had an apartment.

A few weeks passed and neither Alex or I had posted about each other on any social media, and my inbox on Instagram was filled with fan messages about why season 6 of Vikings was cancelled and why Alex and I don't give our relationship another shot. I smiled at all of the fans who actually supported our relationship and decided to finally post. I took a screenshot of my FaceTime with Alex, both of us smiling and posted it. In the caption I wrote that we don't actually have the info about season 6 and that we didn't really break up. I explained it was a part of a project only based on real people, but scripted. Alex and I breaking up was only a part of the fictional project, the lines we said were writted for the project, but the base was real people.
"I'm so happy so many people support us."
I said to Alex as I saw the amount of fans sharing their relief we were still dating in the comments. He smiled and said he was glad they loved me, but no one will ever love me as much as he does. The effect he has on me I swear. My adorable, powerful viking.

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