The Big News

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Title: The Big News
Requested? No.
Plot: Imagine skyping with Josh while he's on tour and you have some exciting news for him.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1312


Another day had passed and you still didn't feel like getting out of bed. Not because you were lazy, but because you were missing a special someone who was not there at the moment. You missed your boyfriend Josh Dun. When you met him, you didn't really think something would happen between you two, because you felt like he would never date a fan. And so you kept your feelings hidden from him, knowing how many other girls from the clique loved him too.

So you just settled on being friends with Josh and Tyler and over time started hanging out with them constantly. It was Tyler, Jenna, Josh and you. You felt like it was your little group of people where you can be yourself and not be afraid someone is going to find you awkward or anything like that. Let's just say this poisonous society didn't do well helping you with your social skills. And yet, sometimes, you couldn't help but feel like you were on a double date. So you made up your mind and decided to tell Josh how you really felt about him. And before anyone gets the idea it was smooth sailing, because he felt something for you too, it didn't go exactly like that.

The situation was a little awkward after that, but Josh was sweet about it and didn't want the fact he didn't feel something for you right now to ruin your friendship. And in time, you felt the awkward die down, and you were finally able to completely relax around Josh again. Soon, you actually found yourself taking interest in other guys too. And it wasn't long before you started seeing this one cute guy, so you wanted to share that with Tyler, Jenna and Josh, to hear their opinion. And for some reason, at the moment unknown to him, Josh felt a little bit different while you were talking about that guy. Later, after he talked to Tyler, he realized he was now catching feelings for you. It took you starting to date someone else for him to realize that.

He, of course, decided to keep his feelings to himself, not wanting to ruin your relationship, but it was getting harder and harder for him every time he saw you with him. Until one day when he was getting ready for bed and heard loud knocking on his door. It was you, blood flowing down your lower lip and Josh immediately knew what happened. Let's just say your boyfriend, well ex boyfriend looked a lot worse than what he had done to you. Josh asked you how did it get to that, and you told him it happened because he figured out you were still not over him, that you were still madly in love with Josh, and that he was only your cover up. After cleaning the blood from your lip, Josh admited how he started feeling something for you and you could say the rest is history.

Arriving back to today, that night made you realize that love takes time. You went through your day as usual and were in the kitchen, making dinner when you heard a sound. It was someone calling you on Skype. You immediately knew who it was and quickly put your sandwiches on a plate and rushed over to your laptop. Once you clicked the answer button you were greeted by Josh's smiling face. It was good to see him, at least this way, but you just couldn't wait for him to be back home from tour so you could hug him and kiss him.

"Hey babe, how are you?" He asked, You told him about your day shortly, as you had nothing really interesting happen today, not as interesting as what happened a week ago. You wanted to tell Josh, but had to wait to get results from the doctor. Now you were nervous to tell him, so you asked him about how's tour life so you were able to compose yourself enough to tell him. He talked about the hotel him and Tyler were at now, and the shows, and you were glad in a way that he had so much to tell. But you knew your news was going to top all of his. During one point in his talking he realized you weren't exactly listening, as you ate your sandwiches so he asked if everything was ok. That was your cue.

"Well, you remember how I was feeling sick before you were supposed to go on tour, so we agreed I was not going to come at the moment, but instead when I feel better? So I went to the doctor's and....umm....Josh...I'm pregnant." You finished, and waited for his reaction. He started laughing, as one of his hands went up to wipe his nose a little. He then asked if you were serious and you nodded. You have never seen a bigger smile on his face before, when the news sunk in on him. He immediately rushed over to the room Tyler and Jenna were in and you could hear Jenna's squeal of happiness and Tyler and Josh yelling in the hotel hallway. All of a sudden, the three of them were in the frame and you couldn't help but laugh.

"We are so happy for you, can't wait to see you!" Jenna said and Tyler seconded her opinion, congratulating you. You thanked them and said you would be there in two days. Josh shook his head, saying two days was too long for him, and you were all laughing once again. The four of you chatted for some time and when you felt you were getting sleepy, you decided to call it a day and say goodbye. Two days later, you were on a plain to LA, where Josh and Tyler were set to perform next. You felt some turbulence and soon everyone was aware there was something wrong with the plain. As the turbulence grew stronger, your hand went over to your belly, praying for it to stop.

It was soon obvious that this was gonna have to be a crash landing. Tears streamed down your face as you held one of your hands on your belly and the other one on the seat in front of you. Josh was on the airport, waiting for you, and felt his heart stop as he saw one of the engines on your plane burning and the plane flying unsteady. Fear took over him and for a moment he thought he was going to lose both the woman he loves and his child in one day. You closed your eyes and prayed for the best as you felt the plane touch the gound. Once it stopped, you heard people clapping and cheers erupted in the plane. Thanking God, you looked over at the flight attendant who was showing people out. One by one, the passangers exited the plane, and Josh was nervously waiting for you to appear.

And when you did you ran to each others arms and held on tightly. Finally you were safe, in his arms. On the way to the hotel, he had his hand on your stomach the whole way as he tried to compose himself. Tyler and Jenna were both shocked when they heard what happened, and Jenna hugged you, both of them asking if you were hurt. You assured everyone you were fine, a little shaken by the events, but fine. You couldn't wait to spend time with them, it has been too long for your taste, so you went to your and Josh's room, took a shower to calm down, changed and you four went for a small walk. You knew it was going to be a fun tour, and a fun life, when you have your child with the love of your life.

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