I Believe In You

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Title: I Believe In You
Requested? No.
Plot: Imagine Josh getting insecure about what the fans are gonna think about the new 21 pilots album, and you help him cheer up.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1072


Josh was walking in circles over the living room of the apartment he shared with you. The video for Heavydirtysoul had come out a few days ago and a lot of people felt it was the end of the Blurryface era and that they now had new things in store for the fans. And they did, a lot of things, but they were still wondering if the fans are going to like it. You and Josh had been dating for a really long time now, four years to be exact, engaged for one year, and you were always there for each other and had each other's backs.

You met one day when Tyler and Josh were at the restaurant you work in for a quick lunch. Your friend didn't know exactly who they were as they were not as popular as they are now and so she willingly let you be the one to tend to their table. You were so excited as you made your way towards their table. But somehow, you managed to stay calm as you were taking their order, and put on your best smile. Once you brought them their order, you asked them if they could give you their autographs. Tyler smiled awkwardly and wrote his name down, passing the paper over to Josh and, after he signed his name aswell, he handed the paper over to you and you took it once you put their orders in front of them.

"Thank you guys so much, it means a lot." You said and started walking away, but as soon as you entered the kithen, your boss started yelling at you for "waisting your time" instead of taking care of other tables. You could have sworn the whole restaurant shook from how loud he was. You could never understand why your boss was so mean to you, but your coworker did say she thinks it's because he wants you. It was creepy, but you brushed it off, thinking it was probably wrong. But the verbal abuse got even worse after you refused his offer to go out for a drink. You decided you were not gonna take it anymore. You stayed and put up with his behavior all this time because you needed money, but enough is enough. No money is worth this amount of verbal abuse.

You took off your apron and threw it in his face, yelling out that you quit and stormed out the restaurant, not even bothering to look over at all the guests staring at you. As you walked, you took out the piece of paper with Tyler's and Josh's signature on it and couldn't help but smile. That was the best part of your month to say the least. Suddenly you heard your name being called out, and saw Josh jogging over to you. You thought about how he knew your name, but then you looked down on your chest and saw your name tag was still attached to your shirt. He asked you if you were ok and you tried telling him lies, to try and seem fine, but it was almost like he could see right through your facade.

"I know you just stormed out of the restaurant, but if you want, you can come back with me, and just hang out with Tyler and I. See how they like it serving you." Josh's warm smile caused you to mirror it. After giving it some thought, you agreed and walked back to the restaurant with Josh. And soon, you and Josh were always together, and one thing led to another and you started dating. That was five years ago, but it still felt like it was just yesterday to you. As you opened the door to the apartment, you noticed your boyfriend pacing around the room. After you set the grocery bags down and approached him, you asked what was wrong. Josh replied that he was worried about how the fans were gonna react to the new stuff they have been working on.

"Babe, relax. Everything is gonna be alright. I believe in you, and if they don't like it, that means they are not true fans, and you don't need the fake ones." You smiled and continued on telling Josh about how much you love him and how much you believe in him and how proud you are of the both of them. Your hands went up to cup his face as his lips curved into a small smile. The more you talked, the more relaxed Josh got. He knew you meant every single word, from believing in him, to him being the best thing that ever happened to you, I'm guessing you can tell you are basically pouring your heart out to Josh.

"Every single person I met from the clique has been an absolute sweetheart, so I'm sure there will be people who will love your new songs. You are the love of my life, Josh. So I know you think that is why I'm saying all of this, but it's not. You and Tyler are both incredibly talented and hard working, and you deserve all of the fame and love from fans." As you were coming towards the end of your speech, you felt Josh's strong arms wrap around you as he burried his head into the crook of your neck, leaving a kiss or two on your collarbone. You stood there for a while, in each others arms, and once everything you said sunk in with Josh, you went to the kitchen to make popcorn for the movie night.

"Which one are we watching again?" You heard Josh yell from the living room. You yelled back the name of the movie and went back to shaking the pot, as the cracking sounds of the popcorn filled your ears. It was so loud, no wonder you couldn't hear Josh walk into the kitchen and make his way up to you, hugging you from behind. You jumped slightly apon feeling his arms around your waist, but chuckled once you saw it was him. He thanked you for always helping him when he's feeling down, and being able to keep him grounded. You joked around, saying it was the duty of the future wife, earning a laugh from Josh his chest vibrating against your back. You were his and he was yours, and that was the best part.

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