I'm Losing My Mind

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Title: I'm Losing My Mind
Requested? No.
Plot: Imagine yelling at Dean for putting himself in danger and almost getting killed and pointing out all the danger in your relationship, he thinks you want to leave him, but you calm him down.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1124


This is the last straw! You had enough. You can't take any more, you refuse to take any more. You knew it would be difficult dating Dean, but you hoped things would work out somehow. You thought you were strong enough to get through patching up his wounds, and Sam's, almost every night. But now, looking at the cut on his arm that you were going over with a piece of cotton wool dipped in warm water and a little bit of alcohol, making sure it doesn't get infected, you were on the edge of just getting up and walking away from everything. Sam was sitting on the bed behind you, you had just finished cleaning the wound on his leg and wrapping it up in a bandage.

Both men looked at you with guilt in their eyes. You always took care of them, ever since you were little, but never told them not to go on a hunt. You tried, but a lump in your throat would stop you from doing so. Instead, you just wished them luck and begged them to take care of themselves. Never asking for anything in return other then that. The scene of the two od them storming into your house, in torn clothes, covered in blood repeated in your mind. Once you finished wrapping Dean's arm up, you gathered all the stuff you used and rushed to put everything away. Not because you were a germaphobe, but because you knew you won't be able to hold your tears back anymore.

"Babe... I'm sorry." You heard Dean say behind you as you were putting away he rubbing alcohol, and emtying out the water from the washbowl. He was leaning against the door frame, waiting for you to turn around and face him so he could see for himself how much you were hurt this time. His words cut through you. Somehow, you couldn't help but laugh. An apology was supposed to patch up the stinging in your heart every single time? No, not this time. This time you were furious.

"Sorry? Really? You could have gotten killed. Every single time I worry, what if you don't come home? Or how about this, what if you poked an eye out, huh? What if Sam lost a leg or something? I can't take this anymore Dean, I'm losing my mind." You weren't even stopping to breathe for long between sentences. Tears flowed down your cheeks, only to be wiped away by your hand, aggressively. Dean just stood at the door, looking at you with his beautiful hazel eyes, His jaw clenching as he tried to swallow the lump in his throat.

He understood how angry you were, and he knew you were right. To him, you were always right. That theory was proven right countless times. He felt tears stinging his eyes, he felt this was going to be that moment. The moment you were going to break up with him and just walk away, sick and tired of all of his hunts and dangerous situations. And Sam felt guilty as well, listening to you yelling at his brother. He felt like he would have been one of the reasons you would walk out on Dean. And him too. He loved you like a sister, and never wanted his older brother to be with anyone else.

"This is what my life has come to now? Worrying if you two are going to come back alive, taking care of your wounds, and looking out the window every time I wake up in the middle of the night, to make sure nobody is out to kill you, or me." You felt your breathing getting calmer as you were letting out all your frustrations. You stopped, eyes glued to the ground. Then you looked up at Dean and the look on his face was enough to make you understand what he was feeling. And in that moment, you felt your heart sink. You felt like you went too far with this one.

"So, are you just gonna break up with me?" He asked, his voice trembling a little. He feared losing you. Just the thought of not waking up next to you every morning drove him all the way to insanity. You were the one he wanted to marry, to have children with. No matter the danger, he wanted to have a family with you and in this moment right now, all of those images of you holding your newborn in your hands, singing softly as the little one slowly closes it's eyes and flows away into the land of dreams started slowly fading away from his mind, as he prepared himself for what he thought was going to come. He was taken aback as you smiled and approached him, lifting up your hand to cup his cheek. He leaned into your touch. You felt him slightly shiver against your palm.

"No, of course not. I love you Dean, I could never leave you. I guess I just needed to let some of my frustrations out in order to get my mind back on track. I'm sorry I took it all out on you, but I need you to know that, no matter what, I will never leave you. Never." Upon hearing your words, Dean could finally let out a sigh of relief. Hearing your relationship was safe, and he wouldn't have to watch his brother broken down, Sam leaned his head back on the headboard, closing his eyes, he too sighing, glad you stayed the strong woman you always were, ready to conquer everything life throws in front of you.

"Thank God, I wouldn't be able to imagine my life without you. I promise, from now on, we will take better care of ourselves, Sam and I both." He said, and you giggled slightly. You knew it was the truth, he could never lie to you. You kissed Dean on the lips and pulled him into a tight hug. He whispered how much he loved you in your hair and you placed a kiss on his neck, and that was all he needed to know you were still his, and will continue to be. Later, getting back in the room you gave Sam a kiss on the cheek and hugged him too. Then you went over to the kitchen and started making popcorn.

"I got the popcorn, you two pick the movie. And no bickering, otherwise, no popcorn for either one of you." You said, earning a laugh from the two Winchesters. They were both happy to have you in their lives, and were ready to do anything to make sure you stay there. No matter what, family always comes first.

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