Let Loose

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Title: Let Loose
Requested? Yes.
Plot: Imagine being shy and reserved, but Josh always manages to pull you out of it and helps you let loose, and one day everyone figures it out.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 820


A new day, but same old world. You got ready for work slowly, almost slouching, not really ready to face the world today yet. You were always kinda shy, even back in school, you hung out with only the people you knew for a long time, not really open to new friendships. But when it did happen and you met someone new, you were still reserved and were somewhat of a background person, able to be sitting in a room full of people and yet be alone with your thoughts. And nobody seemed to be able to bring the fun you out and help you let loose. Well, nobody until you met Josh Dun. Somehow, he always managed to put a smile on your face when no one else could, and that was exactly what you needed in your life. One day, Tyler, Jenna, Josh, you and a few more of your friends were on a train, just on a friendly night out, to help you get over your bad mood you have been in all day.

The girls thought it would be a good idea to invite all the boys to come with you, hoping they could help them bring a smile to your face, but everyone so far has failed. And then it was Josh's turn. You were sitting on the train, just staring into one the world passing by as the train sped to it's next stop, when you suddenly looked up to see Josh just standing, on his own on the opposite side of Tyler, who sat between you and Jenna. And then, out of the blue, Josh dabbed, and the sound of your laughter filled the train. Everyone looked over at you, shocked to see someone actually accomplish something they were trying to do all day long. Every time the image of Josh dubbing would replay in your head, you laughed a litle more, and Josh just looked at you with a huge smile on his face.

And the night turned out to be a lot better then you thought it was going to be. Somehow, when you were around Josh he always managed to bring out the real you, not afraid of human interaction, fun to be around and generaly you all had a good time together. And from that night forward, all of your friends were absolutely in love with the idea of you two as a couple. They have never seen anyone make you happier then when you are with Josh or Josh when he is with you. It was just a perfect fit in their eyes and they tried their best to set the two of you up. Always inventing reasons for you two to meet, and leaving the room to 'take care of something' and you two would end up alone in the room, very oblivious to what your friends were trying to do. You were both aware that you had feelings for each other, but for some reason never acted up on them, mostly out of fear not to ruin your friendship. But everyone around you felt like that was a stupid excuse.

''Well, looks like it's just you and me again." Josh laughed as you two were sitting on the couch in Tyler and Jenna's house, as they went over to the kitchen to grab some snacks, but were gone for quite some time, you almost got worried if they perhaps drowned in a pile of chips. But you were too busy laughing at Josh's jokes to give it much more thought. After the laughter died down a little you and Josh exchanged serious glances, both of you screaming your feelings out through your eyes, but your mouth just wouldn't move. Josh was the first one to speak up, and the truth was finally out, both of you admited how you felt about each other and shared a beautiful kiss. Butterflys erupted in your stomach, as you closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of his lips on yours, the soft skin of his palm on you cheek and his upper arm, flexing slightly under your hand, because let's be real, no guy can resist flexing for a girl.

''Finally! I was begining to think you two were gonna die in the friendzone over there." You laughed again as Tyler and Jenna walked out of the kitchen with the awaited snacks. Everyone's secret was out, Josh's, your's, even your friend's, about doing everything they could to get you two together. Well, you were glad it worked, because now you got to be yourself all the time, just the way you wanted for a long time. Finally able to relax knowing you would have Josh by your side, every step of the way to getting over your insecurities and you couldn't ask for anything more. Josh Dun was the best thing that ever happened to you, by a long shot.

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