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Every morning we wake up, and another stressful day begins. So many things in our minds, weighing us down and draining our energy. Occasionally, we find ourselves in a situation that we have no idea how to get out off, and the feeling of dread starts spreading through us, overpowering us, making our senses go numb, and we wonder what the point of life is. Is this what we are supposed to expect of our lives every day? We forget our good days, we forget how much power we actually have once we start struggling with one of our demons, that we think is unbeatable.

All hope is lost, dreams are crushed, the faith we had in ourselves slowly draining. And when we close our eyes, ready to accept our faith, we hear a voice, really faint at first, but growing louder by the minute. We frown, wondering where that voice is coming from. It appears to have an Irish accent, and it's trying to say something to us. We squint our eyes and focus on this voice.
"Positive mental attitude."
It says. And we wonder what could this man mean by that.
"Positive mental attitude."
The male voice repeats, the Irish in his voice soothing our ears, and visions of once green hair start appearing in front of our eyes.

We smirk, remembering those times, but we also agree that the natural brown looks good too. "Positive mental attitude." Once again, the voice repeats those three words and we realise it appears that the man saying this is in front of us. We open our eyes, only to meet two blue orbs, a gentle smile on his face, and his hand held out towards us. And we finally figured out. We find the power we already have inside us and a genuine smile spreads across our face. We reach our hand out and grab the helping hand of Seán William McLoughlin. His videos bring a smile to our face, make us laugh and bring us joy. It helps us extract our inner power, our inner Boss.

And we now realise that this problem we are facing is not our final, unbeatable boss fight. In fact we are it's unbeatable boss. It's just that even the strongest people come across something they think is too much for them, and feel like they should give up. And just repeating three words in our heads a few times helps us and our power bar starts filling up for our special combo move. And one person has started it all. One person who believes in us and knows that we can do it. Jacksepticeye.

And Sam of course, who's watching over us and reporting back to Jack. And as we use that special combo move, and free ourselves at least for the time being, we don't just take that for granted, oh no. We go out there, and we find someone else, someone who is suffering like we were not long ago. And now we assume the role that our great Boss started. We spread his words to the others who need it. And we form this amazing community of people, who don't get treated like just numbers, or fans. We are a family, a helping hand to one another, and possibly a tiny, but meaningful light in someone's darkness.

And there are so many of us, that those tiny lights create a huge beam of sunlight and support. And it's all thanks to one hard working guy and his Positive Mental Attitude. Keep up the amazing work Jack, and remember that we all love you, and are proud of you! It's not easy keeping such a big community straight and focused, but we appreciate all that you do, and are grateful that you can sit down and just talk to us, tell us about something you are really excited about, and the countless plans you have in that creative head of yours. I, no, We hope all of your plans go flawlessly! High fives all around! ♡♡♡

 I, no, We hope all of your plans go flawlessly! High fives all around! ♡♡♡

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