That Band Sucks

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Title: That Band Sucks
Requested? Yes.
Plot: Imagine going to the mall wearing TØP merch and somebody nudging you and telling you that band sucks, only to your surprise, it turns out to be that band.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 813


"Get me out of here, I think I'm gonna buy it all!" You said to your best friend when you stood in front of the Twenty One Pilots section of the band merch store. You had already bought a hat and a shirt, but your eyes caught some nice wristbands and even better shirts. You fought the urge to buy every item they had as your friend laughed it off, not really thinking you could like a band that much. Oh, if she only knew.

You were never a really social person, and that has not changed, but thanks to the music of Twenty One Pilots and their inspiration and promise it's worth it to stay alive and fight with your fears and insecurities gave you the strenght to walk into public places. You loved how they couldn't be given a label, and that meant their fans couldn't be labeled either. Their music had meaning and it was different then other bands and artists. Well, sure, other artist did have songs with meaning, but sometimes can easily give in and write meaningless stuff.

You were happy when you got some of your friends to like Twenty One Pilots. It gave you more things to talk about with your friends, and also, your favourite artists were getting the credit they deserve by more people. The first time you ever listened to them, you thought they were like any other band and that their songs probably sound alike. But once you heard some other songs, you realized that was not true and began to love them. You hated the fact how society loved to label people by what they wear and how they behave.

Even though you still felt a little anxious you walked into the mall with your friend. She managed to get you out of the band merch shop once she realized you were not joking about wanting to buy every single item. You were wearing their hat and shirt, not shy to let people know you like them. After some time, you felt someone nudge you with their elbow, whispering how that band sucked. You were ready to make this person eat ther words and turned around, lifting your index finger in the air to prove your points.

But then you realized who had said those words. It was none other than Josh Dun himself, smiling down at you, with Tyler laughing behind him at your reaction. You couldn't believe your eyes, was this really happening? You lower your finger and apologised, saying you thought it was someone else. You felt the heat hit your cheeks and you knew they were turning red. Josh chuckled and said it was fine, and that he didn't mean to frighten you, since you jumped slightly once he nudged you, not expecting the contact.

"It's fine, really. Umm, could I get a picture with you guys and could you sign my shirt and notebook? It would mean a lot to me." You asked with an awkward smile. They both nodded and signed your white shirt with their logo on it and your notebook. Your friend took a few pictures of you three and you thanked them. Josh opened his mouth to say something, but before he could say anything, all of you noticed more fans arriving to take pictures with them and actually meet them in person.

So, what else could you do than wave goodbye and make your way through the mall with your friend. You felt happy to have met them without any other fans bugging you, but you wished you could have heard what Josh wanted to say before the others arrived. But there was nothing you could do about it now. Or so you thought? Upon leaving the mall, on your way you noticed the boys were still there, hanging out with fans. Once he noticed you, Josh got up from where he was sitting and came up to you.

"Hey, umm... I didn't get the chance before, but I'm happy I saw you again. I, uhh, wanted to ask you if you wanted to grab a coffee with me some time?" You couldn't believe this was happening to you. Josh freaking Dun was asking you out! You blushed again, earning a chuckle from him. Once you realized it was not a dream and he was really asking you out, you nodded, smiling. You told Josh your number and he said he would call you. But, you weren't really sure if he was going to do that.

You didn't know what it was, but something was telling you that wasn't going to happen. And you were shocked to say the least when he did call and the two of you went out together. Realizing you had so much in common, you soon started dating and the rest, you could say, was history...

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