Are You Kidding Me?

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Title: Are You Kidding Me?
Requested? Yes.
Plot: Playing the adult version of Gyda, and everyone ships you with Alexander, sad that you were not actually together, until Alex, Jordan and Marco let it slip that you two are actually living together.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1265


"Oh God, I've never been so nervous in my entire life."
You say, thinking out loud, as your eyes scan the large crowd waiting for you and the rest of the cast to proceed to the panel and break the ice, opening the fourth day of the event. They couldn't see you yet, and in this moment right now, you just wanted to run away. When you were in school, you always dreamed of becoming an actress. So many of your friends laughed at you, saying that you will probably fail, and your family and teachers weren't as helpful either. Their advice were filled with their own opinions on the whole idea of dreaming so high. Being born in a small town, where all the people know each other, kinda meant they all think with limits placing their dreams in boxes and storing them in the corner of their minds, like they never existed.

Every time you mentioned this to anyone in your surroundings, they would start their lecture, about how not a lot of actors from your area aren't that successful and all the things they told you, when translated into what they actually wanted to say, always meant that they think that you should stop trying and just finish school so that you could get a job and get married and start a family. And in a way you did agree, you went to college, you studied and you managed to find a job in your study area. But somewhere deep down, you always thought that in the end, something was gonna happen and that you are gonna make your dreams come true. You had that feeling that some day, someone was gonna walk up to you and tell you that you are perfect for their project. But at that moment you were too busy with the burden your life put on you, and you did the same as many others, put your dreams in a box, but your box was open, and not hidden.

And exactly what you thought would happen, did happen. You were walking back to work, with a croissant and coffe in your hands, your bag hanging from your elbow when you were approached by a young man.
"You! You are perfect!"
He exclaimed, positioning his fingers in a square and holding it up to your face. You thought he was joking, or perhaps trying to trick you, but in the next moment, another man walked up to you, and you realised you know him from somewhere. He introduced himself as George Blagden, and confirmed that they were filming a tv show and that they all saw you in the bakery and thought you would be perfect for playing the adult version of a character in their show. Suddenly it clicked in your mind, it was a show you actually liked when you watched it. Being a picky person when it comes to the stuff that you watch, that was one of the tv shows that got you interested in watching tv. Of course you agreed to try out for the part, and actually got the role, soon realising that the cast was filled with amazing people who were a lot different that the people you were used to knowing. And since then, your career took off.

"You'll be fine, babe. I'll be next to you every step of the way."
Your boyfriend and collegue on the show, Alexander Ludwig said as he wrapped his arms around you and resting his head on your shoulder. That small gesture made your heart flutter and you were more comfortable with everything. He gave you a few kisses on your cheek and you turned your head, so one of those kisses ended up on your lips. Both of you smiled into the kiss and you truly felt that if he was next to you, you would walk to that panel proudly. Not a single soul other than your family and the cast knew that the two of you were in a relationship, but it felt weird to you, because you were playing his sister on the show. Nevertheless, the fans of the show keep shipping you with Alexander, going as far as merging your names into one and constantly posting edits and tweets. You loved scrolling through the things they wrote and smiled, wishing you could tell them, but you were also lead by the motto that the less people know how happy you are, you'll be happy longer. And you were happy, very happy. It felt like another one of your dreams came true.

"Here goes nothing."
You smiled nervously and intertwined your fingers with Alexander's, the only way you would be able to go out there and keep a little bit of calm. Alex, Marco and Jordan were walking behind you, enjoying the attention they were getting from the crowd. You shook your head at them, your older brothers. In fact the whole cast was your family in a way, but the four main "Ragnarssons" were the closest to you. They were the first people you told that you and Alexander were living together. But you were so used to their mischief that you overlooked the possibility of them letting it out that you who were together. And it came back to hit you on the head, when they started joking around about how you were all really close, and Marco winked at the crowd, saying that the two of you were the closest, and Alex started, with Jordan finishing the sentance about how can you not be close, after all you were living together. Alexander and you first looked at each other and than at the crowd that started going crazy, their ship finally coming true.

Alexander was annoyed and couldn't believe they let it slip that you were together just when the panel was coming to an end and he looked down at his hands on the desk, sighing, and after a few minutes when the crowd begged they stay a little while longer on the panel so that they could ask questions about you two, and being shockingly granted several minutes, he lowered his head onto the table, slightly bumping it on the surfice. At first you were slightly embarassed with answering the questions, but soon enough, you got more used to the fact that people loved you as a couple and that there was little to no hate comments being sent your way.

"Let's not even start on Alexander Ludwig pet peeves."
You joked when they asked you about if there were certain things you found annoying about living with him, quickly changing your answer, stating how he was a delight to live with, and that you wouldn't change a thing. Alexander confirmed he felt the same way and placed a kiss on your temple as the whole crowd awwed. That night, your instagram was going crazy, filled with photos of you two fans tagged you in, and countless more edits, only this time of them being so happy that you were together.
"Come here and let's get some sleep. We have an early day tomorrow."
You heard Alexander call from the bed and you locked your phone, standing up from the sofa and walking over to him, jumping into the bed next to him and cuddling up to his bare chest, with his arms wrapped around you. Tons of work awaited you the next day, but you didn't mind. What mattered now was this moment, falling asleep in the arms of the man you love.

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